Automate tasks in AutoCAD with Chat GPT

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Automate tasks in AutoCAD with Chat GPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Parallelogram Using Lisp Routine
    • Prompting User for Three Points
    • Generating the Lisp Code
    • Saving and Testing the Lisp Routine
    • Repeating the Command and Creating Multiple Parallelograms
    • Advanced Use Cases for Lisp Routines
  3. Automating Drawing Audit, Purge, and Save
    • Understanding Macros in AutoCAD
    • Using Chat GPT to Create an AutoCAD Macro
    • Modifying and Integrating the Macro in AutoCAD
    • Testing and Refining the Macro
    • Automating Multiple Tasks with a Single Command
  4. Creating a Custom Line Type
    • Understanding Line Type Codes in AutoCAD
    • Generating the Line Type Code using Chat GPT
    • Saving and Loading the Line Type in AutoCAD
    • Applying and Scaling the Custom Line Type
    • Iterating and Refining the Custom Line Type

Using Chat GPT to Enhance AutoCAD Workflow

AutoCAD is a powerful design and drafting software that allows users to create technical drawings and 3D models. However, mastering AutoCAD and its various features can be time-consuming and complex. Luckily, with advancements in artificial intelligence, tools like Chat GPT can assist users in simplifying their AutoCAD workflow and achieving remarkable results even without comprehensive knowledge of programming languages like AutoLISP and complex commands like macros and line type codes.

Creating a Parallelogram Using Lisp Routine

Prompting User for Three Points

To begin, let's explore how Chat GPT can help us create a three-point parallelogram using an AutoLISP routine. The first step is to prompt the user to provide the coordinates for the three points, allowing AutoCAD to calculate and plot the fourth point automatically.

Generating the Lisp Code

With Chat GPT, You can generate the AutoLISP code required to create the parallelogram. Simply describe the desired prompt and actions in plain text, and Chat GPT will produce the corresponding code. Once generated, the code can be saved as an LSP file.

Saving and Testing the Lisp Routine

After saving the LSP file, load it into AutoCAD and test the command. By entering the appropriate command, users can create a three-point parallelogram directly in the software. The command can be repeated multiple times to create additional parallelograms.

Advanced Use Cases for Lisp Routines

AutoLISP routines offer vast potential for automation and customization in AutoCAD. With Chat GPT, users can explore advanced use cases, such as developing commands to generate elevation views of stairs or automating complex design processes.

Automating Drawing Audit, Purge, and Save

Understanding Macros in AutoCAD

Macros in AutoCAD allow users to automate a series of commands, enabling efficient execution of repetitive tasks. However, writing macros can be challenging for beginners. Chat GPT comes to the rescue by generating the necessary code for a macro that audits the drawing, purges unnecessary elements, saves the file, and closes it.

Using Chat GPT to Create an AutoCAD Macro

By describing the desired actions to Chat GPT, users can obtain the macro code. Although some tweaks and testing may be required to eliminate Prompts, Chat GPT can assist in generating a functional macro for AutoCAD.

Modifying and Integrating the Macro in AutoCAD

Once the macro code is obtained, it can be added to the AutoCAD user interface and associated with a custom command. Users have the flexibility to rename the command, add an icon, and position it in a convenient location within the interface.

Testing and Refining the Macro

The macro may require some iterations and refinements to ensure its smooth execution. By testing the macro and addressing prompts or other issues that may arise, users can fine-tune it to their specific needs and preferences.

Automating Multiple Tasks with a Single Command

With the customized macro in place, users can execute multiple tasks, such as auditing the drawing, purging unnecessary elements, saving the file, and closing it—simply by running a single command. This automation significantly improves workflow efficiency and eliminates the need for manual execution of individual commands.

Creating a Custom Line Type

Understanding Line Type Codes in AutoCAD

AutoCAD offers a range of line types for various applications. However, users may require custom line types that are not readily available. Line type codes allow users to create their customized line types. With Chat GPT, users can generate the code for a line type that represents a gas pipeline.

Generating the Line Type Code using Chat GPT

By describing the desired structure of the line type, including the length of the line segment, gap size, and any accompanying text, Chat GPT can provide the necessary line type code. After generating the code, users can save it as a LIN file for integration into AutoCAD.

Saving and Loading the Line Type in AutoCAD

To incorporate the custom line type into AutoCAD, users need to load the corresponding LIN file into the software. Once loaded, the line type becomes available for application on any desired object in the drawing.

Applying and Scaling the Custom Line Type

Users can Apply the custom line type to lines or other objects in the drawing. Additionally, AutoCAD allows scaling of line types, allowing control over their appearance in relation to the overall drawing.

Iterating and Refining the Custom Line Type

While the initial line type code generated by Chat GPT may require some refinement or adjustments, users can iterate the process, improving the accuracy and appearance of the line type until it meets their specific requirements.

By leveraging the power of Chat GPT, AutoCAD users can streamline their workflow, automate repetitive tasks, and create custom elements with ease and efficiency. Embrace the possibilities offered by AI to enhance your AutoCAD experience and unlock new levels of productivity.


Q: Can I use Chat GPT to create complex AutoCAD macros? A: Yes, Chat GPT can assist in generating the code for complex AutoCAD macros, allowing users to automate multiple tasks with a single command.

Q: How can I customize line types in AutoCAD? A: With the help of Chat GPT, you can generate line type codes that represent custom line types. These can be loaded into AutoCAD and applied to objects as desired.

Q: Can I modify the Lisp code generated by Chat GPT for the three-point parallelogram? A: Absolutely! The Lisp code provided by Chat GPT serves as a starting point. Users can tweak and enhance the code to suit their specific requirements.

Q: Does Chat GPT eliminate the need to learn programming languages like AutoLISP? A: While Chat GPT can simplify the process of generating code, learning AutoLISP or other programming languages can still provide deeper insights and more extensive customization options.

Q: Can Chat GPT generate code for other AutoCAD elements and functions? A: Yes, Chat GPT can assist in generating code for various AutoCAD elements and functions, enabling users to automate tasks, create custom objects, and enhance their overall workflow.

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