Avoid This Mistake When Uploading AI Coloring Books to Amazon KDP

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Avoid This Mistake When Uploading AI Coloring Books to Amazon KDP

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the New Guidelines for AI Books
  3. My Experience with AI Coloring Books
  4. The Success of AI Coloring Books
  5. Creating an AI Coloring Book under the New Guidelines
  6. Visible Differences in AI-Generated Books
  7. Selecting AI-Generated Images
  8. Disclosing the Use of AI in Book Creation
  9. Amazon's Approach to AI Content
  10. Ranking AI Books under the New Guidelines
  11. Uploading AI Books to Amazon: Tips and Best Practices
  12. Conclusion

Understanding the New Guidelines for AI Books

In this article, we will explore the new guidelines set by Amazon for AI books. If You're not familiar with these guidelines, it is recommended to first watch a previous video which provides an overview. The video link can be found in the description.

My Experience with AI Coloring Books

In a previous video, I discussed one of my successful AI coloring book brands called DND Press. In this article, I will provide an update on my experience with AI coloring books under the new guidelines.

The Success of AI Coloring Books

AI coloring books have proven to be quite successful when done properly. For instance, my large print owl coloring book has received 17 reviews with an average rating of four and a half stars. Similarly, my large print cat coloring book has received 13 reviews with the same rating. Even my large print dog coloring book has received a five-star review. This showcases the potential of AI coloring books in terms of sales and customer satisfaction.

Creating an AI Coloring Book under the New Guidelines

Using one of my AI coloring book brands, DND Coloring Press, as an example, I will Show you the process of creating an AI coloring book under the new guidelines. We will specifically look at a recently added large print Turtle coloring book created under the new AI guidelines. By examining this book, we can determine if any visible differences can be observed.

Visible Differences in AI-Generated Books

Upon initial observation, there are no visible indicators that this book has been created by AI. The title, subtitle, description, and product details do not mention the use of AI. However, upon scrolling through the book's content, it becomes clear that AI-generated images have been selected. In this case, I opted for AI-generated images with minimal editing.

Selecting AI-Generated Images

When creating an AI coloring book, the choice of AI-generated images plays a crucial role. In this section, I will discuss the process of selecting appropriate AI-generated images and the tools I have used, such as mid-Journey. It is important to make informed decisions when it comes to image selection to ensure the overall quality and appeal of the coloring book.

Disclosing the Use of AI in Book Creation

According to conversations with the Amazon customer service team, authors are responsible for being honest and transparent about their use of AI-generated content. While it is not necessary to disclose the use of AI in book descriptions, it is crucial to do so if AI is used in creating book covers. Amazon's approach revolves around collecting information rather than banning AI content, making it vital for authors to adhere to disclosure guidelines.

Amazon's Approach to AI Content

Amazon's Current stance on AI content is focused on gathering information rather than outright banning or prohibiting it. This approach can be seen as a positive step in the right direction, as it allows authors to Continue creating AI books while providing valuable insights to Amazon. By collecting information about the use of artificial intelligence, Amazon aims to Shape future guidelines and policies in a fair and balanced manner.

Ranking AI Books under the New Guidelines

A common concern among authors of AI coloring books is whether their books will rank well under the new guidelines. To address these concerns, I will provide evidence that these new guidelines have no negative impact on book rankings. By examining the keyword "large print Turtle coloring book," we can see that my book, created and uploaded under the new guidelines, holds the top position on the first page of search results. This demonstration should alleviate any worries about the ranking potential of AI books.

Uploading AI Books to Amazon: Tips and Best Practices

For those considering uploading AI books to Amazon, it is essential to follow certain tips and best practices to ensure success and compliance with content guidelines. This section will cover topics such as avoiding copyright and trademarked books, not directly uploading images from mid-journey, upscaling images to improve resolution, dealing with grayscale images, and using tools like Canva AI to fix coloring pages with anomalies. Additionally, I will introduce the Website tinai.com as a resource for conducting reverse image searches to ensure image safety and Originality.


In conclusion, the new guidelines for AI books provide authors with the opportunity to Create successful and compliant AI coloring book brands. By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, authors can confidently navigate the world of AI book creation on Amazon. While further updates to the AI guidelines may occur, it is crucial to stay informed and continue providing valuable AI-generated content to readers.


  1. Amazon's new guidelines for AI books
  2. Success stories of AI coloring book brands
  3. Selecting and using AI-generated images in coloring books
  4. Disclosing the use of AI in book creation
  5. Ranking AI books under the new guidelines
  6. Best practices for uploading AI books to Amazon


Q: Do I need to disclose if I use AI to create my book's description?
A: According to Amazon, it is not necessary to disclose the use of AI in book descriptions. However, if AI is used in creating book covers, it should be disclosed.

Q: Will AI coloring books rank well under the new guidelines?
A: Yes, AI coloring books have the potential to rank well under the new guidelines. By following best practices and optimizing keywords, AI books can achieve favorable search result positions.

Q: How can I ensure the safety and originality of AI-generated images?
A: You can use the website tinai.com to conduct reverse image searches and ensure the images you use are safe and original.

Q: Are there any specific tools or techniques for fixing AI-generated coloring pages?
A: Yes, tools like Canva AI can help in fixing coloring pages with anomalies such as three legs or arms. Additionally, upscaling images can improve resolution and prevent blurry images.

Q: Should I be cautious about creating AI coloring books, or should I wait for further guidelines?
A: While it is understandable to be cautious, the new guidelines provide authors with the opportunity to create successful AI coloring books. By following best practices and adhering to content guidelines, authors can confidently proceed with creating AI books.

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