Boost Your Coding Experience with ChatGPT in VS Code

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Boost Your Coding Experience with ChatGPT in VS Code

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Installing the Chat GPT Extension in VS Code
  3. Creating an Open API Account
  4. Generating API Keys
  5. Accessing Questions and Doubts in VS Code
  6. Exploring the Code GPT Features
  7. Getting Detailed Explanations for Code Snippets
  8. Asking Questions and Seeking Clarifications
  9. Conclusion

How to Use Chat GPT in VS Code


In this tutorial, I will guide You through the process of using Chat GPT in your VS Code editor. Chat GPT is a powerful extension that allows you to access questions and answers directly within VS Code, without the need to open a browser. You can quickly find solutions, explanations, and code snippets related to your code, making your development process more efficient.

Installing the Chat GPT Extension in VS Code

To begin using Chat GPT in VS Code, you need to install the Chat GPT extension. Open VS Code and navigate to the Extensions section. Search for "Code GPT" and install the official extension from Open API. This extension is widely used and has a high download count and positive ratings.

Creating an Open API Account

In order to access the Chat GPT functionality, you will need to Create an account on the Open API Website. Visit the Open API website and sign up using either your Google or Microsoft account. Alternatively, you can manually provide your email address and password for registration. Once registered, log in to your Open API account.

Generating API Keys

After logging in to your Open API account, go to your profile and click on "View API Keys." If you don't have any existing API keys, you will need to create a new one. While creating the API key, make sure to copy it as you will need to use it later in the extension configuration.

Accessing Questions and Doubts in VS Code

With the Chat GPT extension and API key set up, you can now access questions and doubts directly in VS Code. Just open a code file and Type your question in a comment. Start with a Relevant keyword to help the extension understand your query better. For example, if you want an explanation of the merge sort algorithm, you can add a comment line with "merge sort?".

To fetch the answer, use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + I" or right-click and select the "Ask with Code GPT" option. The extension will process your question and provide a response, which you can see in the comments section of your code file. The answer will be well-explained and may also include code snippets or additional information.

Exploring the Code GPT Features

Aside from getting answers to specific questions, the Code GPT extension offers additional features to enhance your coding experience. You can explore these features and make the most out of the extension. Some of the features include:

  • Intelligent code explanations for selected lines or functions
  • Detailed explanations of code snippets for better understanding
  • Integration with popular frameworks and libraries for specific explanations
  • Suggestions for alternative code implementations
  • Best practices and coding standards recommendations

Getting Detailed Explanations for Code Snippets

One of the valuable features of Chat GPT is the ability to get detailed explanations for code snippets. If you come across a line of code or a function that you want to understand better, simply select it, right-click, and choose the "Explain with Code GPT" option. The extension will analyze the selected code and provide a detailed explanation in the comments section.

The explanations generated by Code GPT are concise and to the point. They aim to provide clear understanding at a glance. Additionally, the explanations may cover related concepts or provide additional Context to enrich your understanding of the code.

Asking Questions and Seeking Clarifications

Code GPT also allows you to ask new questions or Seek clarifications directly within VS Code. If you encounter a piece of code or a concept that you are unfamiliar with, select it, right-click, and select the "Ask with Code GPT" option. The extension will process your question and provide a relevant answer or explanation.

By leveraging the power of Chat GPT, you can quickly resolve your doubts, understand complex code structures, and improve your overall coding skills. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this feature can greatly assist you in your programming Journey.


Using Chat GPT in VS Code brings a new level of convenience and efficiency to your coding process. The extension allows you to access questions, doubts, and explanations directly within your coding environment. By leveraging the AI capabilities of Code GPT, you can find solutions and understand complex code snippets with ease. Install the Chat GPT extension, generate your API key, and start making the most out of this powerful tool.


Q: Can I use Chat GPT with any programming language in VS Code? A: Yes, Chat GPT can be used with any programming language supported by VS Code. It provides code explanations and answers for a wide range of programming languages.

Q: Is the Chat GPT extension free to use? A: Yes, the Chat GPT extension is free to use. However, some advanced features or additional API requests may require a subscription or usage-based pricing.

Q: Can Chat GPT provide recommendations for alternative code implementations? A: Yes, Chat GPT can suggest alternative code implementations based on the context of your query and the available knowledge.

Q: How accurate are the answers provided by Chat GPT? A: The accuracy of the answers provided by Chat GPT depends on the quality of the input query and the available knowledge. It is recommended to use well-defined and concise queries to obtain accurate responses.

Q: Can I contribute to the knowledge base of Chat GPT? A: Currently, the knowledge base of Chat GPT is maintained by the developers. However, there may be opportunities in the future to contribute to the knowledge base and improve the quality of responses.

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