Boost your productivity with CHATGPT Plugins

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Boost your productivity with CHATGPT Plugins

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are Chat GPT Plugins?
  3. How to Enable Chat GPT Plugins
  4. Using the Show Me Plugin
  5. Creating a Use Case Diagram for a Website Selling Shoes Online
  6. Editing the Diagram with
  7. Asking Chat GPT for the Most Complex Use Case Diagram
  8. Precautions when Using Chat GPT for Client Work
  9. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the new update and makeover that Chat GPT has received, particularly with the addition of Chat GPT plugins. We will discuss what these plugins are and how they can enhance the use case diagram creation process. Additionally, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to enable and use the Show Me Plugin, which allows Chat GPT to generate use case diagrams directly within the chat. Whether You are a consultant or a developer, this article will demonstrate how Chat GPT and its plugins can significantly improve your diagramming workflow.

What are Chat GPT Plugins?

Chat GPT plugins are additional features and functionalities that extend the capabilities of Chat GPT. These plugins enhance and automate specific tasks, allowing users to achieve more in less time. Whether it's generating use case diagrams, creating flowcharts, or performing other diagramming tasks, Chat GPT plugins can simplify the process and deliver accurate outputs.

How to Enable Chat GPT Plugins

To utilize Chat GPT plugins, users need to enable the beta features in their Chat GPT account settings. This process is simple and can be done by following a few steps. By enabling plugins, users gain access to a wide range of plugins available in the plugin store. Once enabled, users can use the plugins to enhance their diagramming experience with Chat GPT.

Using the Show Me Plugin

The Show Me plugin is a valuable tool that allows Chat GPT to generate use case diagrams directly within the chat conversation. With the help of this plugin, users can effortlessly Create complex diagrams by inputting Prompts and extracting the necessary information from Chat GPT's response. This eliminates the need for external tools or additional manual work.

Creating a Use Case Diagram for a Website Selling Shoes Online

To demonstrate the usage of the Show Me plugin, let's consider a Scenario where we need a use case diagram for a website selling shoes online. We will ask Chat GPT to fill in the actors, use cases, and relationships Based on a prompt. By using the Show Me plugin, we can obtain the desired use case diagram without the need for extensive manual work.

Editing the Diagram with

Although the use case diagram created by the Show Me plugin is helpful, users may still want to make modifications or additions. In such cases, users can leverage tools like, which allow for editing and customizing the diagrams produced by Chat GPT. We will discuss how to export the diagram created with the Show Me plugin and import it into for further editing.

Asking Chat GPT for the Most Complex Use Case Diagram

In this section, we will explore the capabilities of Chat GPT by requesting it to generate the most complex example of a use case diagram. By providing a prompt for a large-Scale hospital management system, we will observe how Chat GPT, along with the Show Me plugin, can create detailed diagrams with multiple actors and functionalities.

Precautions when Using Chat GPT for Client Work

While Chat GPT and its plugins offer significant benefits, users should be cautious when using them for client work. The article will highlight the importance of disabling data sharing with OpenAI to protect sensitive and valuable business information. Taking necessary precautions ensures privacy and avoids any potential leaks of confidential information.


The addition of Chat GPT plugins has greatly enhanced the diagramming capabilities of Chat GPT. With the Show Me plugin, users can effortlessly create accurate use case diagrams, saving time and effort. By enabling plugins in Chat GPT and following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this article, users can enhance their diagramming workflow and achieve excellent results.

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