Boost Your Writing with Perplexity AI Chrome Extension

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Boost Your Writing with Perplexity AI Chrome Extension

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How to Install Perplexity AI Chrome Extension
  3. Use Case 1: Summarizing Articles
  4. Use Case 2: Searching Reddit
  5. Use Case 3: Answering Questions
  6. Comparison with Chat GPT and Bing's Chatbot
  7. Limitations of Perplexity AI
  8. Conclusion
  9. Pros and Cons of Perplexity AI



In this article, we will explore how You can use Perplexity AI's Google Chrome extension to increase your productivity while working. We will also compare it to other similar tools like Chat GPT and Bing's chatbot. Perplexity AI is a powerful tool that can assist you in various ways, such as summarizing articles, searching Reddit, answering questions, and more. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to leverage Perplexity AI in your daily workflow.

How to Install Perplexity AI Chrome Extension

To get started with Perplexity AI, you need to install its Chrome extension. Follow these steps to install it:

  1. Visit the Perplexity AI Website.
  2. Click on the "Chrome" option, which will redirect you to the Chrome Web Store.
  3. If you haven't added the extension before, click on "Add to Chrome". If you have already added it, you will see an option to "Remove".
  4. Once added, the Perplexity AI extension will appear near the top right corner of your Chrome browser.

With the extension installed, you are ready to explore the various use cases of Perplexity AI.

Use Case 1: Summarizing Articles

One of the most valuable features of Perplexity AI is its ability to summarize articles quickly. Instead of spending time reading lengthy articles, Perplexity AI can provide concise summaries. For example, if you come across a lengthy article on a website like Free Think, Perplexity AI can summarize it for you in just a few seconds. This feature is particularly useful when you are dealing with time constraints and need to absorb information efficiently. By asking Perplexity AI to summarize an article, you can quickly grasp its main points without having to read the entire piece.

Use Case 2: Searching Reddit

Reddit is a popular platform for discussions and finding information on various topics. Perplexity AI can be a valuable tool for searching Reddit and gathering insights. Whether you want to know people's opinions on a particular topic or gather information from different Threads, Perplexity AI can simplify the process. For example, you can ask Perplexity AI questions like "How do people like the new Call of Duty game?" and it will provide you with a summary of the overall sentiment by aggregating information from multiple sources. This feature saves you time by eliminating the need to manually search through forums and reading numerous threads.

Use Case 3: Answering Questions

Perplexity AI is also great at answering questions. Whether you have a general question or a specific one related to a particular domain, Perplexity AI can provide accurate answers. For instance, if you want to know the average CPM (Cost Per Thousand Views) for a finance Channel on YouTube, you can ask Perplexity AI and it will provide you with the information Based on available data. It not only gives you the average CPM but also provides additional sources and related questions for further exploration. This feature saves you the hassle of searching multiple sources manually and helps you Gather information quickly.

Comparison with Chat GPT and Bing's Chatbot

When evaluating Perplexity AI, it is essential to compare it with other similar tools like Chat GPT and Bing's chatbot. Although these tools share some similarities, they have distinct strengths and weaknesses. Perplexity AI is a powerful answer engine that excels at providing accurate answers to complex questions. On the other HAND, Chat GPT is more like a chat tool with search engine capabilities. Both tools are powered by GPT-3, but they cater to different needs. It is crucial to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each tool and choose the one that aligns with your specific requirements.

Limitations of Perplexity AI

While Perplexity AI offers many valuable features, it is essential to be aware of its limitations. One of the limitations is its inability to summarize YouTube videos. Although there are tools available that can summarize YouTube videos, Perplexity AI does not have this capability. However, it can still summarize articles effectively and provide answers to various questions. Understanding the limitations of Perplexity AI allows you to utilize it efficiently while exploring alternative tools for specific tasks.


Perplexity AI is a versatile tool that can significantly enhance your productivity. Whether you need to summarize articles, search Reddit, or find answers to questions, Perplexity AI can simplify the process and save you valuable time. By leveraging the power of Perplexity AI, you can streamline your workflow and focus on tasks that require your expertise. Keep in mind the limitations of Perplexity AI and choose the appropriate tools for specific tasks to make the most out of this powerful AI Tool.

Pros and Cons of Perplexity AI


  • Efficient article summarization
  • Simplified searching on Reddit
  • Accurate answers to complex questions
  • Streamlined workflow and increased productivity


  • Inability to summarize YouTube videos


  • Perplexity AI is a powerful tool that can significantly increase productivity.
  • It excels in article summarization, searching Reddit, and answering questions.
  • Comparisons with Chat GPT and Bing's chatbot help understand its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Perplexity AI has limitations, such as the inability to summarize YouTube videos.


Q: Can Perplexity AI summarize any article? A: Yes, Perplexity AI is designed to summarize articles effectively. However, it cannot summarize YouTube videos.

Q: How accurate are the answers provided by Perplexity AI? A: Perplexity AI uses advanced AI models to deliver accurate answers. However, it's important to verify the information from reliable sources.

Q: Can Perplexity AI Search domains other than Reddit? A: Yes, Perplexity AI can search any domain on the internet, providing valuable insights and information.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Perplexity AI for summarizing YouTube videos? A: Yes, there are other tools available, such as Sunrise Tech or Tune Jasper AI, specifically designed for summarizing YouTube videos.

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