Bring Your Chats to Life with Phone Chat Animation

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Bring Your Chats to Life with Phone Chat Animation

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Text Animation
  3. Creating the Background Shape
  4. Adding the iPhone Frame
  5. Creating the Screen for the iPhone
  6. Adding the Profile Image
  7. Creating the Text Bubble
  8. Duplicating and Editing the Text Bubbles
  9. Animating the Text Bubbles
  10. Grouping and Organizing the Text Bubbles
  11. Finalizing the Animation

Setting up Text Animation in Create Studio Pro

In this tutorial, we will be using Create Studio Pro to create an engaging text animation. This tutorial will guide You step by step on how to recreate a specific text animation, including text bubbles and profile images. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a complete text animation ready to be animated on an iPhone screen.


Text animations are a great way to add visual interest and engagement to your videos. Whether you're using them for social media content, presentations, or storytelling, text animations can captivate your audience and make your content more dynamic.

Step 1: Creating the Background Shape

To start, we need to create a shape for the background of our text animation. We will use a rectangle shape and expand it to the size of our canvas. Then, we will change the color of the shape to white for a clean and minimalistic look.

Step 2: Adding the iPhone Frame

Next, let's add the iPhone frame to our animation. We will import the iPhone frame image from our media assets and Scale it up so that it fills the canvas size. We can rename the layer to "Apple iPhone" for better organization.

Step 3: Creating the Screen for the iPhone

Now, let's create the screen for the iPhone. We will use a square shape and resize it to cover the sides of the iPhone frame. This will create a screen-like area where our text bubbles will appear. We can rename this layer to "Screen."

Step 4: Adding the Profile Image

In this step, we will add the profile image for one of the characters in our text animation. We will import the image from our media assets and resize it to fit within a circle shape. This will create a profile bubble effect. We can then mask the circle shape to the profile image for a clean and professional look.

Step 5: Creating the Text Bubble

Now, let's create the text bubble that will house the messages in our animation. We will drag a text box onto our canvas and customize its background color, font, and alignment. We can also round out the edges of the text box to give it a more bubble-like appearance. We will paste the first message into the text box.

Step 6: Duplicating and Editing the Text Bubbles

Once we have created the first text bubble, we can duplicate it and make adjustments for the subsequent messages. By duplicating the text bubble, we can easily maintain the same formatting and design while changing only the text content. This saves us time and effort in recreating the same elements for each message.

Step 7: Animating the Text Bubbles

In this step, we will add motion animations to our text bubbles to create an engaging visual effect. We can animate the text box and the profile image to scale up and appear on the screen in a "pop" fashion. By adjusting the keyframes and easing options, we can fine-tune the timing and smoothness of the animation.

Step 8: Grouping and Organizing the Text Bubbles

To keep our animation organized, we will group the text bubbles and name them accordingly. By grouping the text bubbles, we can easily manipulate and animate them as a whole, saving time and effort. We can also resize the entire group to fit within the iPhone screen and make any necessary adjustments.

Step 9: Finalizing the Animation

Once our text animation is complete, we can take a final look at the entire composition and make any necessary adjustments. We can preview the animation to ensure that all elements are working together seamlessly. If needed, we can make additional changes or add more text bubbles to enhance the overall effect.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the steps involved in creating a text animation in Create Studio Pro, you can confidently Apply these techniques to your own projects. With practice and creativity, you can create captivating text animations that will engage and impress your audience. Good luck!


  • Create Studio Pro provides a powerful platform for creating engaging text animations.
  • The step-by-step process allows for easy duplication and customization of text bubbles.
  • Animations can be fine-tuned with keyframes and easing options for a polished look.
  • Grouping and organizing text bubbles helps maintain Clarity and efficiency.
  • The final animation can be previewed and adjusted as needed for optimal results.


Q: Can I add more text bubbles to the animation? A: Yes, by duplicating existing text bubbles and customizing the text content, you can add as many messages as you need.

Q: Can I change the appearance of the text bubbles? A: Absolutely. You can customize the background color, font, alignment, and other properties of the text bubbles to match your desired style.

Q: Can I animate the text bubbles in different ways? A: Yes, you can experiment with different motion effects and timings to create unique animations for each text bubble.

Q: Can I resize or reposition the text bubbles? A: Yes, you have full control over the size and position of the text bubbles. You can resize and reposition them to fit your desired layout.

Q: Can I apply other effects or transitions to the text animation? A: While this tutorial focuses on creating the text animation itself, you can certainly explore other effects and transitions offered by Create Studio Pro to enhance your overall video composition.

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