Build an Amazing PHP GPT-4 Chatbot!

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Build an Amazing PHP GPT-4 Chatbot!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What is the GPT4 Function Calling API for PHP?
  • How does the GPT4 Function Calling API work?
  • Example: Using the GPT4 Function Calling API in Python
  • Implementing the GPT4 Function Calling API in PHP
  • Creating Custom Functions for Chat GPT
  • Example: Adding Products to Cart
  • Example: Getting Cart Contents
  • Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the new GPT4 Function Calling API for PHP. OpenAI recently released updates to their API, including the addition of the Function Calling capability. This feature allows users to call their own code within Chat GPT, making it much easier to incorporate custom functionality and achieve amazing results. We will walk through an example implementation in Python and then demonstrate how to achieve the same functionality using PHP, catering to PHP developers who prefer working within their preferred language.

What is the GPT4 Function Calling API for PHP?

The GPT4 Function Calling API for PHP is a powerful tool offered by OpenAI that allows developers to integrate custom code seamlessly with Chat GPT. This feature enables developers to define functions and their respective descriptions, which can be invoked by Chat GPT when certain queries are made. It offers a straightforward way to provide chat-Based access to existing code and external APIs, expanding the capabilities of Chat GPT to perform complex tasks.

How does the GPT4 Function Calling API work?

The GPT4 Function Calling API works by allowing developers to define the functions they want to expose to Chat GPT, along with their descriptions and required parameters. Developers can specify the available functions and their corresponding parameters in JSON format. When a message is sent to Chat GPT, it can decide to call one of these functions based on the provided message and parameters. The response from Chat GPT will contain the function call details and arguments, which can then be executed on the server. This enables developers to provide dynamic and interactive functionalities to users seamlessly.

Example: Using the GPT4 Function Calling API in Python

Let's start by looking at an example implementation of the GPT4 Function Calling API in Python. In this example, we define a function for getting the Current weather information based on a given location. We also define the available functions and their descriptions to be passed to Chat GPT. The response from Chat GPT will contain the function call details that can be executed on the server.

# Example implementation in Python

# Define a function for getting current weather
def get_current_weather(location):
    if not location:
        return "Location must be provided"
        return "The weather is nice and sunny"

# Define the GPT functions
functions = [
        "name": "get_current_weather",
        "description": "Gets the current weather information",
        "parameters": [
                "name": "location",
                "type": "string",
                "description": "Optional location for which to get the weather information"

# Send a message to Chat GPT with the list of functions and function call set to Auto
message = {
    "messages": [
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a chatbot on an online store. You can add products to cart by specifying a product name and quantity to add."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "What's the weather like in San Francisco?"}
    "functions": functions,
    "function_call": "auto"

# Get the response from Chat GPT
response = send_message(message)

# Check if the response contains a function call
if "function_call" in response:
    function_name = response["function_call"]["name"]
    arguments = json.loads(response["function_call"]["arguments"])

    # Check if the function is available
    if is_function_available(function_name, functions):
        # Call the function with the provided arguments
        result = call_function(function_name, arguments)
        # Send the result back to Chat GPT
        response = send_message({
            "messages": [
                {"role": "function", "content": result, "name": function_name}
            "functions": functions
        response = "Function unavailable"


Implementing the GPT4 Function Calling API in PHP

Now, let's move on to implementing the GPT4 Function Calling API in PHP. We'll start by defining our custom functions using PHP syntax and then proceed to send the request to Chat GPT using cURL. We'll handle the responses and execute the function calls on the server to achieve the desired functionality.

// Example implementation in PHP

// Define a function for getting current weather
function get_current_weather($location) {
    if (!$location) {
        return "Location must be provided";
    } else {
        return "The weather is nice and sunny";

// Define the GPT functions
$functions = [
        "name" => "get_current_weather",
        "description" => "Gets the current weather information",
        "parameters" => [
                "name" => "location",
                "type" => "string",
                "description" => "Optional location for which to get the weather information"

// Send a message to Chat GPT
function send_message($message, $functions) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
        "Content-Type: application/json",
        "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}"
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($message));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

    $response = curl_exec($ch);

    // Check for errors
    if(!$response) {
        throw new Exception("Error in OpenAI request: " . curl_error($ch));

    // Decode the response
    $response = json_decode($response, true);

    // Close the cURL session

    return $response;

// Get the response from Chat GPT
$response = send_message(
        "messages" => [
            ["role" => "system", "content" => "You are a chatbot on an online store. You can add products to cart by specifying a product name and quantity to add."],
            ["role" => "user", "content" => "What's the weather like in San Francisco?"]
        "functions" => $functions,
        "function_call" => "auto"

// Check if the response contains a function call
if (isset($response["choices"][0]["message"]["function_call"])) {
    $function_name = $response["choices"][0]["message"]["function_call"]["name"];
    $arguments = json_decode($response["choices"][0]["message"]["function_call"]["arguments"], true);

    // Check if the function is available
    if (is_function_available($function_name, $functions)) {
        // Call the function with the provided arguments
        $result = call_user_func_array($function_name, $arguments);

        // Send the result back to Chat GPT
        $response = send_message(
                "messages" => [
                    ["role" => "function", "content" => $result, "name" => $function_name]
                "functions" => $functions
    } else {
        $response = "Function unavailable";

echo $response;

Creating Custom Functions for Chat GPT

To utilize the full potential of the GPT4 Function Calling API, we can define custom functions that can be invoked by Chat GPT. These functions can perform various tasks based on the provided parameters and return the desired result. Let's walk through an example of adding products to a shopping cart using custom functions.

// Example: Adding Products to Cart

// Define an empty cart
$cart = array();

// Function: add_to_cart
// Description: Adds a product to the cart
function add_to_cart($product, $quantity) {
    global $cart;

    // Increment the quantity if the product is already in the cart
    if (isset($cart[$product])) {
        $cart[$product] += $quantity;
    } else {
        $cart[$product] = $quantity;

    return "Added $quantity $product to your cart";

// Example: Getting Cart Contents

// Function: get_cart_contents
// Description: Returns the current contents of the cart
function get_cart_contents() {
    global $cart;

    if (empty($cart)) {
        return "Your shopping cart is currently empty";
    } else {
        $contents = array();

        foreach ($cart as $product => $quantity) {
            $contents[] = "$quantity $product";

        return "In your cart, you have: " . implode(", ", $contents);


The GPT4 Function Calling API for PHP offers immense possibilities for integrating custom code and enhancing the capabilities of Chat GPT. In this article, we explored how to utilize this API and demonstrated an example implementation in both Python and PHP. We also discussed creating custom functions and showcased how to add products to a shopping cart using custom functions. With the GPT4 Function Calling API, developers can unlock a whole new dimension of interactive and dynamic conversational AI applications in PHP.


  • The GPT4 Function Calling API enables seamless integration of custom code with Chat GPT in PHP.
  • This API allows developers to define their own functions and descriptions, making it easy to provide chat-based access to existing code and external APIs.
  • We demonstrated an example implementation in both Python and PHP, showcasing the flexibility of the GPT4 Function Calling API.
  • By creating custom functions, developers can empower Chat GPT to perform complex tasks and Interact with users in a dynamic and interactive manner.


Q: Can I use the GPT4 Function Calling API to call any function in my PHP code?\ A: Yes, you can call any function defined in your PHP code as long as you provide the necessary parameters. However, it is important to implement proper security measures and validate user inputs to prevent any potential vulnerabilities.

Q: Does the GPT4 Function Calling API work with external APIs?\ A: Yes, you can integrate the GPT4 Function Calling API with external APIs to fetch data or perform actions. By defining functions that interact with external APIs, you can expand the capabilities of Chat GPT and provide users with real-time information.

Q: Can I pass complex data structures as function parameters?\ A: Yes, you can pass complex data structures such as arrays or JSON objects as function parameters. However, make sure to handle them appropriately within your custom functions and ensure proper validation and handling of user inputs.

Q: How can I ensure the security of my custom functions when using the GPT4 Function Calling API?\ A: It is crucial to implement strict validation and sanitization of user inputs within your custom functions to prevent any potential security risks, such as SQL injection or code execution vulnerabilities. Additionally, consider implementing authorization and access control measures to restrict access to sensitive functionalities.

Q: Can I use the GPT4 Function Calling API for language translation or sentiment analysis?\ A: Yes, you can use the GPT4 Function Calling API to call appropriate language processing libraries or APIs within your custom functions. This allows you to leverage external services for tasks like language translation or sentiment analysis, enhancing the capabilities of Chat GPT.

Q: Can I integrate the GPT4 Function Calling API with existing PHP frameworks?\ A: Yes, you can integrate the GPT4 Function Calling API with existing PHP frameworks by incorporating the necessary code within your framework's architecture. Ensure that you follow the specific guidelines provided by your chosen framework to maintain compliance and secure integration.

Q: Are there any limitations or pricing considerations for using the GPT4 Function Calling API?\ A: Yes, there are limitations and pricing considerations for using the GPT4 Function Calling API. Make sure to review the OpenAI documentation and pricing details to understand the usage limits, associated costs, and any additional requirements for integrating this API into your applications.

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