Build and Deploy a ChatGPT Clone to a Server

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Build and Deploy a ChatGPT Clone to a Server

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up Django and PostgreSQL Database
  3. Integrating Authentication
  4. Installing the OpenAI Python Library
  5. Getting the API Key from OpenAI
  6. Creating a Function to Get AI Response
  7. Storing Conversations in the Database
  8. Building the ChatBot UI in index.html
  9. Sending User Input to the Chatbot
  10. Displaying Message History
  11. Deploying the Chatbot onto the Web using Akamai Cloud Manager

Building an AI Chatbot with Django and OpenAI


In this tutorial, we will be building a fully functional AI chatbot using Django, a powerful web development framework, and the OpenAI API. The chatbot will allow users to engage in conversations with the AI and get real-time responses. We will also cover topics such as setting up Django, integrating authentication, and storing conversations in a PostgreSQL database. Additionally, we will deploy the chatbot onto the web using the Akamai Cloud Manager.

Setting Up Django and PostgreSQL Database

To begin, we will set up Django and configure a PostgreSQL database. This involves installing Django, setting up a PostgreSQL database, and connecting it to our Django application. We will also explore how to integrate authentication, allowing users to sign up, log in, and log out of our application.

Installing the OpenAI Python Library

Next, we will install the OpenAI Python library, which provides the necessary tools to access the OpenAI API for implementing the chatbot. We will Show You how to install the library and import the necessary modules into our Django project.

Getting the API Key from OpenAI

To use the OpenAI API, we need an API key. We will guide you through the process of signing up for an account on the OpenAI Website, generating an API key, and securely storing it in our Django application.

Creating a Function to Get AI Response

Once we have the API key, we can Create a function that takes a user prompt as input and returns a response from the AI chatbot. We will use the OpenAI completion module to generate the response and explore different parameters such as model selection, max tokens, and temperature.

Storing Conversations in the Database

To provide a seamless user experience, we will store the conversations between users and the chatbot in a PostgreSQL database. We will create a Django model called Conversation to store the user, prompt, response, and timestamp. This will allow users to view their message history even after logging out and logging back in.

Building the Chatbot UI in index.html

In the index.html file, we will create the user interface for the chatbot. We will use HTML and Bootstrap to structure the layout and design. The UI will display the conversation history, user input field, and AI response in a visually appealing manner.

Sending User Input to the Chatbot

Using JavaScript and Ajax, we will enable the user input field to send messages to the chatbot without refreshing the page. When the user enters a message and presses enter or clicks the submit button, the prompt will be sent to the backend Django view, which will call the AI function and return the response.

Displaying Message History

To enhance the user experience, we will retrieve and display the message history from the database. We will use Django's template engine to iterate over the conversation objects and dynamically generate HTML elements to display the previous messages in the chatbot UI.

Deploying the Chatbot onto the Web using Akamai Cloud Manager

Finally, we will deploy the AI chatbot onto the web using the Akamai Cloud Manager. We will guide you through the process of creating a new Django one-click app, configuring the server, and pushing the code to a GitHub repository. Once deployed, the chatbot will be accessible on the web, allowing users to Interact with it from anywhere.


  • Build a fully functional AI chatbot using Django and the OpenAI API
  • Set up Django, PostgreSQL database, and integrate authentication
  • Install the OpenAI Python library and get the API key
  • Create a function to get AI responses from user Prompts
  • Store conversations in a PostgreSQL database for message history
  • Build a user-friendly chatbot UI using HTML and Bootstrap
  • Send user input to the chatbot using JavaScript and Ajax
  • Display message history in the chatbot UI using Django's template engine
  • Deploy the chatbot onto the web using the Akamai Cloud Manager


Q: Can I use a different database instead of PostgreSQL? A: Yes, you can use other databases supported by Django, such as MySQL or SQLite.

Q: How do I customize the AI responses? A: You can adjust the parameters in the AI response function to control the model, temperature, and other factors that affect the response generation.

Q: Can I deploy the chatbot on a different web hosting platform? A: Yes, you can deploy the chatbot on any web hosting platform that supports Django applications. The Akamai Cloud Manager is just one option.

Q: Is the AI chatbot capable of learning from user interactions? A: The AI chatbot built in this tutorial does not have learning capabilities. It generates responses based on predefined prompts and parameters.

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