Build Chatgpt into Rails 7: Step-by-step Guide

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Build Chatgpt into Rails 7: Step-by-step Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Ruby on Rails App
  3. Setting up the Database and Bootstrap
  4. Implementing User Authentication with Devise
  5. Creating the Chat model and its associations
  6. Setting up Docker for containerization
  7. Implementing the OpenAI API
  8. Handling user messages and responses
  9. Displaying the chat history and responses
  10. Enhancing the UI with Font Awesome
  11. Continuing the conversation with ChatGPT
  12. Saving the raw response and improving the chat list
  13. Conclusion


In this article, we will walk through the process of creating a Ruby on Rails application that integrates with the OpenAI API to build a chatbot using ChatGPT. We will cover topics such as setting up the development environment, creating database models and associations, implementing user authentication, setting up Docker for containerization, handling user messages and responses, displaying chat history, and continuing the conversation with ChatGPT. By the end of this article, You will have a fully functional chatbot application that can engage in dynamic conversations with users.


  • Detailed step-by-step guide to creating a Ruby on Rails application
  • Integration with the OpenAI API for natural language understanding
  • Implementation of user authentication for secure access
  • Use of Docker for containerization and easy deployment


  • Code snippets may require adaptation to suit specific project requirements
  • Limited discussion on handling complex scenarios or error handling

Creating a Ruby on Rails App

To start, we will Create a new Ruby on Rails application with the necessary dependencies. We will set up a PostgreSQL database, use the Bootstrap CSS framework for styling, and install the Devise gem for user authentication. This initial setup will provide a foundation for building out the chatbot application.

Setting up the Database and Bootstrap

In this section, we will configure the PostgreSQL database and set up the Bootstrap CSS framework for styling the chatbot application. We will also include development Gems like annotate and letter_opener to enhance the development process. This step will ensure that our application is ready to store Chat Data and provide a visually appealing user interface.

Implementing User Authentication with Devise

To secure our chatbot application, we will implement user authentication using the Devise gem. This will allow users to create accounts, log in, and Interact with the chatbot as authenticated users. By adding this layer of authentication, we can ensure that only authorized users can access and use the chatbot functionality.

Creating the Chat model and its associations

In this section, we will create a Chat model and establish the necessary associations with the User model. The Chat model will store information about the conversation history and the user it belongs to. We will also add a JSON column to store the chat history and an array column to store questions and answers. These associations will allow us to track and retrieve past conversations for each user.

Setting up Docker for containerization

To facilitate easy deployment and ensure consistent development environments, we will set up Docker for containerization. This will allow us to Package our Ruby on Rails application, its dependencies, and the necessary database services into a single, portable container. With Docker, we can easily share our application with others and deploy it to different environments without compatibility issues.

Implementing the OpenAI API

In this section, we will integrate the OpenAI API to enable our chatbot application to interact with ChatGPT. We will configure the OpenAI client by adding the access token to the application's initializer. This will provide the necessary credentials for our application to communicate with the OpenAI API and send user messages to obtain AI-generated responses.

Handling user messages and responses

To enable the chatbot to process user messages and generate responses, we will implement the logic to Gather user input, communicate with the OpenAI API, and display the appropriate responses. This section will cover how to handle messages from users, including sending them to the OpenAI API, receiving and parsing the responses, and storing them in the chat history.

Displaying the chat history and responses

In this section, we will update the user interface to display the chat history and responses. We will create a section within the chat interface to Show the conversation history and dynamically update it as new messages and responses are generated. This step will enhance the user experience by providing a seamless conversation flow and allowing users to reference past interactions.

Enhancing the UI with Font Awesome

To improve the visual appeal and usability of our chatbot application, we will incorporate Font Awesome icons. Font Awesome provides a library of scalable vector icons that can be easily customized and styled. We will add icons to represent different actions, such as sending messages and deleting chats, enhancing the user interface and making it more intuitive.

Continuing the conversation with ChatGPT

To simulate a responsive conversation, we will implement the functionality to Continue the conversation with ChatGPT. This will involve sending the entire conversation history, including user messages and AI-generated responses, back to the OpenAI API. By utilizing this feature, our chatbot will be able to maintain Context and provide Relevant responses Based on prior interactions.

Saving the raw response and improving the chat list

To enhance the chatbot's functionality, we will save the raw responses received from the OpenAI API. This will allow us to display additional information, such as the number of tokens used, and provide a better understanding of the AI-generated responses. We will also update the chat list to show more Meaningful chat names and allow users to delete chats if needed.


In this tutorial, we covered the entire process of creating a Ruby on Rails chatbot application that integrates with the OpenAI API. We discussed the various steps involved in setting up the application, implementing user authentication, handling user messages and responses, and continuing the conversation with ChatGPT. By following this guide, you should now have a solid foundation for building your own chatbot applications with Ruby on Rails and OpenAI.


  • Creating a Ruby on Rails application with user authentication
  • Integrating the OpenAI API for natural language processing
  • Building a chat interface and displaying conversation history
  • Continuing the conversation with ChatGPT for dynamic interactions


Q: Can I use a different CSS framework instead of Bootstrap? A: Yes, you can choose any CSS framework that suits your needs. Bootstrap was used in this tutorial for its simplicity and popularity.

Q: Can I deploy the chatbot application without using Docker? A: While Docker is recommended for easy deployment and portability, you can deploy the application using other methods, such as traditional server setups or cloud platforms.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of tokens I can use with the OpenAI API? A: Yes, there are limitations on the number of tokens you can use per API call. The exact limits depend on your OpenAI subscription plan.

Q: Can I customize the chatbot's responses based on specific requirements? A: Absolutely! The provided code serves as a starting point, and you can customize the messaging logic and OpenAI configuration to meet your specific requirements.

Q: How can I handle errors or unexpected responses from the OpenAI API? A: Error handling can be implemented by adding appropriate error checks and fallbacks in the code. You can also refer to the OpenAI API documentation for error response handling guidelines.

Q: Can I integrate additional AI models or APIs into the chatbot application? A: Yes, you can extend the functionality by integrating additional AI models or APIs. However, this may require additional configuration and development work.

Q: Is it possible to deploy the chatbot application to a mobile platform? A: Yes, you can adapt the application for mobile platforms by implementing responsive design techniques and using frameworks like React Native or Flutter.

Q: What security measures are in place to protect user data in the chatbot application? A: The tutorial covers user authentication using Devise, which provides a secure way to handle user credentials. However, it's essential to follow best practices for data security and privacy, such as encryption and secure connections, when deploying the application in production.

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