Build interactive documentation bot with ChatGPT

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Build interactive documentation bot with ChatGPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Super Tokens AI Project
  3. The Importance of Context in Language Models
  4. Vector Embeddings: Storing and Indexing Relevant Information
  5. The Agent Model: Interacting with Language Models
  6. Setting Up the Super Tokens AI Repository
  7. Retrieving and Storing Documentation and Discord Threads
  8. Using the Agent Executor to Ask Questions
  9. Grading and Feedback in the Agent Executor
  10. Invoking the Rephrased Question Mode
  11. Contributions and Suggestions
  12. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the power of leveraging language models to extract and generate information from documentation. Specifically, we will focus on the Super Tokens AI project, which allows developers to feed documentation and code directly into a language model conversation. By utilizing vector embeddings and an agent model, developers can obtain valuable and contextually relevant information for their specific questions. We will Delve into the details of vector embeddings, the agent model, and provide step-by-step instructions on setting up and running the Super Tokens AI project.

Overview of the Super Tokens AI Project

The Super Tokens AI project is an open-source endeavor developed by the Super Tokens team. It aims to provide developers with a personal assistant that can interactively answer questions and provide relevant information Based on documentation and code. By feeding documentation and existing code into a large language model, such as GPT, the Super Tokens AI Bot can generate insightful and helpful responses for specific queries.

The Importance of Context in Language Models

In the realm of language models, context is of utmost importance. The ability to pull the right pieces of information from the right sources at the right time is crucial when seeking answers or solutions. Whether it's interfaces, classes, documentation paragraphs, or tutorial snippets, having the contextual knowledge stored and readily accessible within the language model enables more accurate and Meaningful responses.

Vector Embeddings: Storing and Indexing Relevant Information

Vector embeddings play a key role in the Super Tokens AI project by providing a means to store and index the relevant information. Through vector embeddings, textual inputs such as documentation paragraphs and Discord threads can be encoded into numerical vectors. These vectors, composed of a long STRING of numbers in a multi-dimensional output space, help in efficiently storing and retrieving the information needed for the chatbot's responses.

The Agent Model: Interacting with Language Models

The Super Tokens AI project utilizes an agent model to Interact with the large language model, such as GPT. Agents serve as predetermined modes of thought that allow developers to ask questions or provide Prompts to the language model. The agent model consists of various agents, including a context agent, a question-answer agent, a grading agent, and a human feedback agent. These agents work in tandem to provide a dynamic and interactive conversation with the language model.

Setting Up the Super Tokens AI Repository

To get started with the Super Tokens AI project, You will need to clone the Super Tokens AI repository and ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed. Additionally, you'll need to set up your environment variables and configure the project settings. Once set up, the project allows you to interact with the language model and obtain relevant information from the Super Tokens documentation and Discord threads.

Retrieving and Storing Documentation and Discord Threads

To enhance the Super Tokens AI Chatbot's knowledge base, you need to retrieve and store relevant documentation and Discord threads. The project provides scripts, such as and, that fetch and process the required information. These scripts utilize embeddings and various filtering techniques to generate vectors and store them locally for easy retrieval during conversations.

Using the Agent Executor to Ask Questions

The agent executor serves as the main loop for the Super Tokens AI chatbot. Using the various agents, it processes user questions, retrieves relevant context, and sends them to the language model for answers. The agent executor also handles grading and feedback mechanisms to determine the quality and relevance of the received responses.

Grading and Feedback in the Agent Executor

To ensure the accuracy and relevance of the chatbot's responses, a grading mechanism is implemented within the agent executor. This mechanism evaluates the answers provided by the language model and assigns a score based on their quality and usefulness. If a sufficient score is not attained, additional iterations or feedback may be requested from the user to refine the answers further.

Invoking the Rephrased Question Mode

The Super Tokens AI project includes a rephrased question mode in which the user can provide improved versions of their questions based on the chatbot's feedback. By rephrasing the question or incorporating the provided answer, users can obtain more accurate and helpful responses from the language model. This mode provides an iterative approach to refining the conversation and obtaining the desired information.

Contributions and Suggestions

As an open-source project, the Super Tokens AI project welcomes contributions and suggestions from the developer community. If you have ideas for improving the prompts, grading mechanisms, or any other aspect of the project, feel free to share your thoughts. Additionally, if you decide to adopt or fork the repository for your use case, the team would be delighted to hear about your experiences and modifications.


The Super Tokens AI project showcases the power of leveraging large language models to extract relevant information from documentation and code. By utilizing vector embeddings and an agent model, developers can interact with language models in an organized and context-aware manner, yielding accurate and meaningful responses. The project's open-source nature allows developers to explore, contribute, and adapt the framework to their specific needs, expanding the possibilities of intelligent and interactive chatbots fueled by language models.


  • The Super Tokens AI project combines language models, vector embeddings, and an agent model to provide contextual and relevant responses.
  • Vector embeddings allow for the efficient storage and retrieval of relevant information from documentation and code.
  • The agent model enables developers to interact with language models through predetermined modes of thought.
  • The Super Tokens AI project is open-source, allowing for contributions and customization to meet specific requirements.
  • Through the rephrased question mode, users can iteratively refine their queries and obtain more accurate responses.


Q: Can the Super Tokens AI project be used with any programming language or framework? A: Yes, the Super Tokens AI project is designed to be compatible with various programming languages and frameworks, providing authentication solutions regardless of the stack being used.

Q: Is it necessary to have prior knowledge of Super Tokens to use the Super Tokens AI project? A: While familiarity with Super Tokens can be helpful, the Super Tokens AI project aims to provide relevant information even if the user is not extensively familiar with the framework. The chatbot can provide explanations and suggestions to assist users in their authentication requirements.

Q: Can the Super Tokens AI project handle complex queries and scenarios? A: Yes, the Super Tokens AI project has been designed to handle a wide range of queries and scenarios. By leveraging the power of language models and the context provided through vector embeddings, the chatbot can provide detailed and insightful answers to complex questions.

Q: Can the Super Tokens AI project be integrated into existing applications? A: Yes, the Super Tokens AI project is designed to be flexible and can be integrated into various applications. The open-source nature of the project allows developers to adapt and customize it to fit their specific requirements and use cases.

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