Build Powerful REST API with Spring Boot for File Upload and Download

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Build Powerful REST API with Spring Boot for File Upload and Download

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Two Approaches to File Upload and Download
  3. Approach 1: Storing Image in the Database
    • Pros
    • Cons
  4. Approach 2: Storing Image in the File System
    • Pros
    • Cons
  5. Creating the Entity and Repository for File Data
  6. Implementing the File Storage Service
    • Upload Image to File System
    • Download Image from File System
  7. Modifying the Controller to Use File System Approach
    • Upload Image to File System
    • Download Image from File System
  8. Testing the File Storage System
  9. Real-Life Use Cases
  10. Conclusion

File Storage System: Upload and Download Images

In this tutorial, we will explore the process of uploading and downloading files using a file storage system, specifically focusing on images. We will discuss two approaches to perform file upload and download scenarios. The first approach involves storing the image directly in the database as a binary file, while the Second approach stores the image in a file system and records its path in the database. Both approaches have their advantages and are recommended Based on specific requirements.

Two Approaches to File Upload and Download

There are two common approaches to handling file upload and download scenarios:

  1. Storing the Image in the Database:

    • Pros:
      • Provides more security for sensitive files.
      • Simplifies database management, as all data is stored in one place.
    • Cons:
      • Slower access, especially for frequently used images.
      • Increases database size, potentially affecting performance.
  2. Storing the Image in the File System:

    • Pros:
      • Faster access, particularly for frequently used images.
      • Reduces database size.
    • Cons:
      • May require additional backup and maintenance processes for file system management.
      • May have security implications if not properly secured.

Approach 1: Storing Image in the Database

In this approach, the image is stored directly in the database as a binary file. This method is suitable for situations where increased security is required for the files and the images are accessed less frequently. Retrieving the image involves querying the database for the binary file and rendering it on the user's screen.


  • Provides enhanced security for sensitive files.
  • Simplifies database management as all data is stored in one place.


  • Slower access, particularly for frequently used images.
  • Increases database size, potentially affecting performance.

Approach 2: Storing Image in the File System

In this approach, the image is stored in a file system, such as a directory or folder, and the path of the image is recorded in the database. This method is recommended for scenarios where faster access is required, especially for frequently used images. Retrieving the image involves fetching the file path from the database and converting the image to a byte array to render it on the user's screen.


  • Faster access, particularly for frequently used images.
  • Reduces database size.


  • Requires additional backup and maintenance processes for file system management.
  • May have security implications if not properly secured.

Creating the Entity and Repository for File Data

To implement the file storage system, we need to Create an entity to represent the file data and a repository to handle database operations. The file data entity will contain fields such as the file name, Type, and file path.

Implementing the File Storage Service

The file storage service will handle the logic for uploading and downloading images from the file system. We will create two methods: one for uploading images to the file system and storing their paths in the database, and another for downloading images from the file system based on their file paths.

Upload Image to File System

In this method, the image file is stored in the specified file system folder, and its path is saved to the database. We generate a unique file name for the image and transfer the file to the file path using file transfer utilities.

Download Image from File System

In this method, we retrieve the file path from the database based on the provided file name. We then convert the file at that path to a byte array and return it as the response.

Modifying the Controller to Use File System Approach

The controller exposes REST endpoints for uploading and downloading images. We will modify the existing controller methods to use the new file storage system approach.

Upload Image to File System

We update the POST request URL to indicate that We Are uploading the image to the file system. The controller calls the upload image to the file system method in the service.

Download Image from File System

We update the GET request URL to indicate that we are downloading the image from the file system. The controller calls the download image from file system method in the service.

Testing the File Storage System

To test the file storage system, we can use tools like Postman to send HTTP requests. We can upload an image to the file system and retrieve it to verify that the process is working correctly. We should be able to see the uploaded image in the response or access it directly through the browser.

Real-Life Use Cases

Some real-life use cases for file storage systems include e-commerce platforms like Amazon or Flipkart, where images of products are frequently accessed and displayed on category pages. By using file storage systems, these platforms achieve faster image loading and enhance the user experience. Social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram also utilize file storage systems to store and retrieve images efficiently.


Implementing a file storage system for handling image upload and download scenarios can significantly improve the performance and user experience of an application. Choosing the appropriate approach, either storing the image in the database or using a file system, depends on the specific requirements of the application. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can successfully integrate a file storage system into their applications and optimize the handling of images.

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