Build Your Own AI Chatbot: 5 Steps Guide

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Build Your Own AI Chatbot: 5 Steps Guide

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Chatbot
  3. Uploading the PDF file
  4. Entering the OpenAI API key
  5. Asking a question
  6. Retrieving the results
  7. Changing the number of text chunks
  8. Building the chatbot app in five simple steps
  9. Installing and importing the necessary packages
  10. Creating the file input widget
  11. Setting up the password input widget
  12. Organizing the widgets in a row layout
  13. Defining the question answering function
  14. Loading the document and splitting it into chunks
  15. Creating the retrieval QA chain
  16. Setting up the OpenAI API Key
  17. Displaying the output in a panel object
  18. Binding the run button with the QA function
  19. Defining the layout of the app
  20. Deploying the app to Hugging Face Spaces
  21. Conclusion

Let's Make a Question Answering PDF Chatbot

In this article, we will walk through the process of creating a question answering PDF chatbot. The chatbot will allow users to upload a PDF file and enter their questions to get Relevant answers using the OpenAI API. We will guide You step by step in setting up the chatbot, uploading the PDF file, entering the OpenAI API key, asking questions, retrieving the results, and building the chatbot app in five simple steps.

1. Introduction

In this digital era, chatbots have become increasingly popular for answering questions and providing information. With advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, chatbots can now understand and respond to user queries with high accuracy. In this article, we will leverage these technologies to build a question answering PDF chatbot.

2. Setting up the Chatbot

To get started, you need to set up the chatbot by installing the necessary packages and importing them into your project. These packages will provide the functionalities required to develop the chatbot.

3. Uploading the PDF file

The first step is to allow users to upload their PDF files. We will Create a file input widget that enables users to select and upload a PDF file of their choice. This widget will return the information of the uploaded PDF file.

4. Entering the OpenAI API key

Next, users will need to enter their OpenAI API key. This key is required to access the OpenAI models and make API calls for question answering. We will create a password input widget where users can securely enter their API key.

5. Asking a question

After the PDF file is uploaded and the API key is entered, users can ask their questions using a prompt text editor widget. They can Type in their questions, such as "How many AI publications in 2021?" The prompt text will serve as the input for the question answering process.

6. Retrieving the results

Once the question is entered, the chatbot will retrieve the relevant results from the PDF file using the OpenAI models. The chatbot will search for the most similar text chunks and present the answer to the user.

7. Changing the number of text chunks

Users also have the option to change the number of text chunks used for the question answering process. This allows them to control the granularity of the results. By adjusting the number of chunks, users can obtain more comprehensive or specific answers.

8. Building the chatbot app in five simple steps

Now, let's dive into building the chatbot app using the five-step process. We will guide you through each step and explain the code involved. By the end of this section, you will have a fully functional chatbot app that can answer questions Based on PDF files.

9. Installing and importing the necessary packages

Before we start building the chatbot app, we need to install and import the required packages. These packages provide the essential functionalities for creating the app, managing user inputs, and integrating the OpenAI API.

10. Creating the file input widget

The first step in building the app is creating a file input widget. This widget allows users to select and upload the PDF file they want to extract information from. The file input widget will return the information of the uploaded file, such as the file name.

11. Setting up the password input widget

Next, we need to set up a password input widget where users can securely enter their OpenAI API key. This widget will be used to authenticate the API calls made by the chatbot. The API key ensures that only authorized users can access the OpenAI models.

12. Organizing the widgets in a row layout

To create an intuitive user interface, we will organize the widgets in a row layout. This layout ensures that the file input widget, password input widget, and other widgets are displayed horizontally, providing a clean and organized interface for users.

13. Defining the question answering function

Now, let's define the question answering function that will extract relevant information from the PDF file using the OpenAI models. This function will take the file, user's question, and other parameters as input, and return the answer to the question.

14. Loading the document and splitting it into chunks

To retrieve the information from the PDF file, we need to load the document and split it into smaller text chunks. This allows for more efficient processing and retrieval of relevant information based on the user's question.

15. Creating the retrieval QA chain

To answer the user's question, we will create a retrieval QA chain. This chain leverages the OpenAI models to generate the most relevant results based on the user's query. By combining the textual representation of the question and the text chunks, the chain can provide accurate answers.

16. Setting up the OpenAI API key

Before running the question answering function, we need to set up the OpenAI API key. This key allows the chatbot to authenticate and make API calls to retrieve the necessary information. By entering the API key, users can access the full potential of the chatbot.

17. Displaying the output in a panel object

Once the question answering function is executed, we need to display the output in a panel object. This object will Show the answer to the user's question, along with any relevant source text chunks. By organizing the output in a structured manner, users can easily interpret the results.

18. Binding the run button with the QA function

To ensure that the question answering function is only executed when the user clicks the "Run" button, we need to Bind the function with the button. By doing so, the chatbot will only process the user's question when explicitly prompted, providing a seamless user experience.

19. Defining the layout of the app

To complete the app, we need to define the layout of the user interface. This involves arranging the widgets, descriptions, and output box in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. By providing clear instructions and organized components, users can navigate the app effortlessly.

20. Deploying the app to Hugging Face Spaces

Once the app is built and tested locally, we can deploy it to Hugging Face Spaces to make it accessible to a wider audience. By following the deployment process and configuring the necessary settings, users can share their chatbot app with the world.

21. Conclusion

In conclusion, building a question answering PDF chatbot is an exciting and challenging task. With the power of OpenAI models and the intuitive functionalities provided by the Panel library, anyone can create a chatbot app that can effectively retrieve information from PDF files. Whether for research purposes or general knowledge, this chatbot can streamline the process of finding answers in large documents. So, go ahead and start developing your own question answering PDF chatbot today!


  • Learn how to build a question answering PDF chatbot
  • Easily upload PDF files and ask questions
  • Retrieve relevant information using OpenAI models
  • Step-by-step guide to building the chatbot app
  • Deploy the app to share it with others


Q: Can the chatbot handle multiple PDF files? A: Yes, the chatbot can handle multiple PDF files. Each file can be uploaded separately, and the chatbot will retrieve information from the selected file.

Q: Are there any limitations to the size of the PDF file? A: The chatbot can handle PDF files of varying sizes. However, larger files may take longer to process and retrieve information from.

Q: Can the chatbot provide answers in different languages? A: Yes, the chatbot can provide answers in different languages. It leverages the power of OpenAI models, which supports multiple languages for question answering.

Q: Can the chatbot be customized with additional functionality? A: Yes, the chatbot can be customized with additional functionality. The provided code serves as a foundation, and developers can add new features and enhance the chatbot as per their requirements.

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