Build Your Own Video Chat App with WebRTC

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Build Your Own Video Chat App with WebRTC

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to WebRTC
  2. How WebRTC Works
  3. Signaling and Peer-to-Peer Connection
  4. Network Address Translation and ICE
  5. Setting Up a STUN Server
  6. Generating ICE Candidates
  7. Establishing a Peer-to-Peer Connection
  8. Building a Video Chat App with WebRTC and Vanilla JavaScript
  9. Initializing the Project
  10. Setting Up Firebase as the Signaling Server
  11. Managing Local and Remote Streams
  12. Making a Call and Sending Offers
  13. Answering a Call and Sending Answers
  14. Conclusion

Building Real-Time Audio and Video Communication with WebRTC

WebRTC has revolutionized the way we communicate online, allowing users to exchange real-time audio and video streams directly in the browser. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of WebRTC and how You can leverage it to build your own video conferencing app during the work-from-home boom.

Introduction to WebRTC

WebRTC is an innovative API that enables peer-to-peer connections between browsers for real-time communication. It eliminates the need for a third-party server or native app to facilitate audio and video exchange. With WebRTC, users can establish direct and secure connections, making it ideal for various applications such as video conferencing, live streaming, and online gaming.

How WebRTC Works

WebRTC operates by creating a peer-to-peer connection between two or more browsers. The process begins with one peer sending an offer, and the other peer responding with an answer. These offers and answers contain session description protocols (SDPs) that describe the connection parameters, including video codecs and timing.

Signaling and Peer-to-Peer Connection

Signaling is a crucial aspect of WebRTC that handles the exchange of connection data between peers. It is facilitated by a third-party signaling server, which securely transmits the offers and answers but Never touches the media transmitted between the peers. This ensures a smooth and secure communication experience.

Network Address Translation and ICE

WebRTC faces challenges when it comes to establishing peer-to-peer connections due to devices sitting behind firewalls and constantly changing IP addresses. Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) is a standard used to address these issues. It allows clients to coordinate the discovery of their public-facing IP addresses, enabling successful peer-to-peer connections.

Setting Up a STUN Server

To facilitate ICE and Gather network information, WebRTC relies on STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) servers. These servers are responsible for providing clients with the necessary information, such as IP addresses and ports, to establish connections. Several free STUN server options, such as those provided by Google, are readily available.

Generating ICE Candidates

ICE candidates are potential IP address and port pairs that WebRTC uses to establish peer-to-peer connections. Each peer generates a list of ICE candidates containing this crucial connection information. These candidates are stored in a database and exchanged between peers to determine the best candidate for establishing a successful connection.

Establishing a Peer-to-Peer Connection

Using the ICE candidates, WebRTC automatically determines the best candidate for establishing a peer-to-peer connection between two browsers. Once the optimal candidate is selected, real-time media can flow between the peers, enabling seamless audio and video communication.

Building a Video Chat App with WebRTC and Vanilla JavaScript

In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of building a peer-to-peer video chat app from scratch using WebRTC and vanilla JavaScript. We will leverage Firebase as the signaling server for managing offers, answers, and ICE candidates. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have the skills to Create a real-time video calling feature tailored to the needs of the work-from-home paradigm.

  • Initializing the Project: Learn how to set up a new JavaScript project using Veet and install the necessary dependencies, including Firebase.

  • Setting Up Firebase as the Signaling Server: Follow the steps to initialize Firestore in test mode and create a Firebase web project. We'll use Firestore as the database for signaling, leveraging its real-time updates feature for seamless communication.

  • Managing Local and Remote Streams: Explore how to access the webcam and microphone of the local user and display video feeds using Video elements. We'll also configure remote stream handling to receive video feeds from other users.

  • Making a Call and Sending Offers: Implement the functionality to initiate a video call by creating an offer and saving it to the Firestore database. Learn how to generate ICE candidates and handle signaling between peers.

  • Answering a Call and Sending Answers: Discover how to answer a video call by retrieving the offer from the database and generating an answer. Learn to manage ICE candidates for the answering user and establish bidirectional communication.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully functional one-to-one video chat feature implemented using WebRTC, vanilla JavaScript, and Firebase. Embrace the power of WebRTC and enhance your online communication experiences.


WebRTC has revolutionized real-time audio and video communication, enabling users to connect directly within their browsers. In this article, we explored the fundamentals of WebRTC, its peer-to-peer connection process, and the challenges it solves through ICE and STUN servers. We also delved into building a video chat app from scratch using WebRTC, vanilla JavaScript, and Firebase as the signaling server. Now, you have the knowledge and tools to harness the power of WebRTC and create immersive, real-time communication experiences.


  • WebRTC enables real-time audio and video communication directly in the browser.
  • Signaling servers facilitate the exchange of connection data between peers.
  • ICE and STUN servers overcome challenges posed by network address translation.
  • WebRTC relies on ICE candidates to establish peer-to-peer connections.
  • Building a video chat app with WebRTC and vanilla JavaScript offers new communication possibilities.


Q: What is WebRTC? A: WebRTC is an API that enables real-time audio and video communication between browsers without the need for a third-party server or native app.

Q: How does WebRTC work? A: WebRTC operates by establishing peer-to-peer connections between browsers. It utilizes offers, answers, and session description protocols to describe the connection parameters.

Q: What is signaling in WebRTC? A: Signaling is the process of exchanging connection data between peers, facilitated by a third-party server. It ensures secure communication while not interfering with media transmission.

Q: What are ICE candidates? A: ICE candidates are potential IP address and port pairs used by WebRTC to establish peer-to-peer connections. They are generated by each peer and exchanged through signaling.

Q: How can I build a video chat app with WebRTC? A: You can build a video chat app by leveraging WebRTC, vanilla JavaScript, and a signaling server like Firebase. This allows you to manage offers, answers, and ICE candidates for seamless communication.

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