Create a Powerful ChatGPT Mobile App

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Create a Powerful ChatGPT Mobile App

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Integrating Chat GPT in Flutter App 2.1. Creating an OpenAI Account 2.2. Accessing OpenAI API Services 2.3. Understanding the Completion API
  3. Implementing Chat GPT in Flutter App 3.1. Setting Up Dependencies 3.2. Creating the UI 3.3. Making API Calls
  4. Conclusion

Integrating Chat GPT in Flutter App

In this article, we will explore how to integrate Chat GPT, an AI model developed by OpenAI, into a Flutter app. By using the OpenAI API, we can access various services like chat models, speech-to-text, and image processing. Specifically, we will focus on the Completion API, which allows us to build a chat model locally in our Flutter app.

1. Introduction

To access OpenAI services, You need to Create an account and obtain a secret key. OpenAI provides different API endpoints for accessing different models. In this tutorial, we will use the Completion API with the Davinci-C3 model. We will make HTTP calls to this API, passing the necessary headers and request parameters to receive Relevant data.

2. Integrating Chat GPT in Flutter App

2.1. Creating an OpenAI Account

To get started, visit and create an account. Once registered, you will receive a secret key that can be used for making API calls.

2.2. Accessing OpenAI API Services

OpenAI offers various services through its API, such as chat models, speech-to-text, and image generation. We will focus on the GPT model for this tutorial. The API endpoints provided by OpenAI enable us to access the latest model, GPT-4, or the previous models, GPT-3, Diamond-C3, or Diamond-C2. For our purposes, we will use the Davinci-C3 model, which requires the use of a specific API endpoint.

2.3. Understanding the Completion API

The Completion API is a powerful tool for integrating chat models into our application. By making POST requests to the API endpoint, we can send a prompt or query to the AI model and receive a response in the form of JSON data. The completion API allows us to fine-tune our requests by specifying parameters such as the maximum number of tokens, temperature, and top probability match.

3. Implementing Chat GPT in Flutter App

3.1. Setting Up Dependencies

To integrate Chat GPT into our Flutter app, we need to add the necessary dependencies. We will include `flutter_dotenv` for managing environment variables and `http` for making API calls. We also need to add the secret key provided by OpenAI to our `.env` file.

3.2. Creating the UI

We will build the UI for our chat model by using two widgets: `PromptBuilder` and `TextFormFieldBuilder`. `PromptBuilder` will display the AI's response, while `TextFormFieldBuilder` will allow the user to input their query. We will also include an `IconButton` for triggering the completion function.

3.3. Making API Calls

When the user presses the `IconButton`, we will call the completion function. This function will use the `http` Package to make a POST request to the completion API. We will include the necessary headers, such as the authorization containing the secret key. We will also pass the prompt, model, and other optional parameters in the request body. After receiving the response, we will update the UI by using `setState` and serializing the JSON data.

4. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we learned how to integrate Chat GPT into a Flutter app using the OpenAI API. We explored the process of creating an OpenAI account, accessing API services, and understanding the Completion API. We implemented the chat model in our app by setting up dependencies, creating the UI, and making API calls. With this knowledge, you can now build intelligent and interactive chat features in your Flutter apps.


  • Integrating Chat GPT into a Flutter app using the OpenAI API
  • Understanding the Completion API for fine-tuning requests
  • Setting up dependencies and creating the UI for the chat model
  • Making API calls and updating the UI with the AI's response


Q: How do I create an OpenAI account? A: To create an OpenAI account, visit and register for an account.

Q: Can I access different AI models through the OpenAI API? A: Yes, OpenAI provides access to various models, including chat models, speech-to-text, and image processing.

Q: How do I pass the necessary headers and request parameters to the API? A: You can make HTTP calls with the relevant headers and request parameters, such as the model, prompt, and optional parameters, using the API endpoint provided by OpenAI.

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