Create Engaging Animated Kids Stories with Chat GPT-2023

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Create Engaging Animated Kids Stories with Chat GPT-2023

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Creating a Short Story with Chat GPT
  3. Step 2: Exploring the Earnings of Kids Channels on YouTube
  4. Step 3: Creating Backgrounds and Characters with Leonardo AI
  5. Step 4: Animating Characters with Sketch Meta Demo Lab
  6. Step 5: Generating Voiceovers with Prime Voice AI
  7. Step 6: Assembling the Story with Canva
  8. Conclusion
  9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Welcome to today's tutorial on how to Create an animated kids story using AI technology. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore the process of using various tools and platforms to bring your story to life. From generating a short story script to animating characters and adding voiceovers, we will cover everything you need to know to create an amazing animated story. So let's dive in and have some fun!

Step 1: Creating a Short Story with Chat GPT

The first step in creating our animated kids story is to generate a short story script. We will be using Chat GPT, an AI-powered chatbot, to help us with this task. By providing Prompts and commands, we can instruct Chat GPT to generate a interesting and engaging story script within a specified word limit.

To begin, we will open Chat GPT and create an account. Once we have logged in, we can give commands to Chat GPT to make a short story. For example, we can ask it to create a story about two little girls who save each other from a stranger. By providing specific instructions, we can tailor the story to our liking.


  • Chat GPT helps generate a unique and customized short story script.
  • The AI-powered chatbot can assist in creating engaging and interesting storylines.


  • The generated story script may require some editing and fine-tuning for coherence and style.

Step 2: Exploring the Earnings of Kids Channels on YouTube

Before we proceed to the next step of creating our animated kids story, let's take a moment to learn about the potential earnings of kids channels on YouTube. By understanding the earning potential, we can gain insights into the popularity and profitability of this content niche.

Kids channels on YouTube can earn a substantial amount of money through ad revenue and brand partnerships. Some popular channels in this genre reportedly earn monthly earnings ranging from 5.2K to 82.4K and yearly earnings ranging from 61.8K to 989K. These figures highlight the lucrative nature of creating content for children.


  • Kids channels on YouTube have the potential to generate significant earnings.
  • The popularity of kids content makes it a profitable niche for content Creators.


  • Building a successful kids Channel requires consistent effort, high-quality content, and effective marketing strategies.

Step 3: Creating Backgrounds and Characters with Leonardo AI

In this step, we will use Leonardo AI to create backgrounds and characters for our animated kids story. Leonardo AI is a powerful tool that leverages artificial intelligence to generate high-quality images and artwork.

To begin, we will access Leonardo AI by logging into our account. From the AI image generation menu, we can paste the commands we obtained from the chatbot script in Step 1. These commands specify the desired backgrounds and character descriptions. With the ability to fine-tune the models and choose different styles, we can create visually appealing backgrounds and characters for our story.


  • Leonardo AI can generate beautiful and unique backgrounds and characters for our animated kids story.
  • The tool offers various customization options to meet specific requirements.


  • Limited access or features may require a paid subscription or access to certain models.
  • Fine-tuning and experimenting may be required to achieve the desired results.

Step 4: Animating Characters with Sketch Meta Demo Lab

In Step 4, we will animate the characters generated in Step 3 using Sketch Meta Demo Lab. This web-Based platform provides an easy and intuitive interface to bring our characters to life.

To animate the characters, we will upload the generated character images from Leonardo AI to Sketch Meta Demo Lab. Once uploaded, we can adjust the frames, erase any unwanted elements, and fine-tune the positioning of the characters. The platform also offers a range of animation options to choose from, such as walking, running, or talking. By selecting the desired animation and adjusting the settings, we can create smooth and lifelike movements for our characters.


  • Sketch Meta Demo Lab simplifies the process of animating characters, making it accessible even for beginners.
  • The platform offers a variety of animation options to bring our characters to life.


  • Limited customization options may be available, depending on the specific features of the tool.
  • Some level of manual adjustment and fine-tuning may be required for seamless animations.

Step 5: Generating Voiceovers with Prime Voice AI

In Step 5, we will use Prime Voice AI to generate voiceovers for the different characters in our animated kids story. Prime Voice AI is a powerful tool that leverages AI technology to create realistic and high-quality voiceovers.

To begin, we will copy the dialogues we created in Step 1 for each character. Using Prime Voice AI, we can choose the appropriate voice models and provide the dialogues for text-to-speech conversion. By selecting the desired voices and generating the voiceovers, we can add depth and personality to our characters in the story.


  • Prime Voice AI enables the creation of professional-grade voiceovers for our animated kids story.
  • The AI-powered tool offers a wide range of voice models and customization options.


  • Access to advanced features or voice models may require a paid subscription or upgrade.
  • Fine-tuning and editing may be necessary to ensure optimal voiceover quality.

Step 6: Assembling the Story with Canva

In the final step, we will use Canva, a popular design platform, to assemble our animated kids story. Canva provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that allow us to bring all the elements together.

To start, we will create an account on Canva and access the video editing feature. We can upload the voiceovers, background images, and animated character videos that we created in the previous steps. By arranging and editing these elements, we can create individual scenes for our story. Canva also offers options for transitions, effects, and customization to enhance the visual appeal of our animated story.


  • Canva provides a comprehensive video editing platform with a user-friendly interface.
  • The platform offers a wide range of customization options to enhance the visual presentation of our story.


  • Some advanced features or templates may be locked behind a paid subscription.
  • Fine-tuning and editing may be necessary to ensure a Cohesive and visually appealing story.


In conclusion, creating an animated kids story using AI technology can be a fun and engaging process. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, You can generate a unique and captivating story script, create visually stunning backgrounds and characters, animate the characters, generate voiceovers, and bring everything together using a platform like Canva. With some creativity and experimentation, you can create an amazing animated kids story that will captivate young audiences.

Remember to have fun throughout the process and let your imagination run wild. Happy storytelling!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How long does it take to create an animated kids story using AI technology? A: The time required to create an animated kids story using AI technology can vary depending on the complexity of the story, the number of scenes, and the level of customization. On average, it may take several hours to complete the entire process, including generating the story script, creating backgrounds and characters, animating the characters, generating voiceovers, and assembling the story.

Q: Are the generated voiceovers in Prime Voice AI realistic? A: Prime Voice AI utilizes advanced AI technology to generate voiceovers that are highly realistic and natural-sounding. However, the quality and realism of the voiceovers can vary depending on the selected voice models and the clarity of the provided dialogues. It is recommended to listen to the generated voiceovers and make any necessary adjustments or edits to ensure optimal quality.

Q: Can I monetize my animated kids story on YouTube? A: Yes, you can monetize your animated kids story on YouTube by joining the YouTube Partner Program and enabling monetization on your channel. Through ad revenue and potential brand partnerships, you can earn money based on the number of views, engagement, and ad clicks on your videos. However, it is important to comply with YouTube's content policies and guidelines to ensure eligibility for monetization.

Q: Do I need any prior animation or design skills to create an animated kids story using AI technology? A: While prior animation or design skills can be beneficial, they are not necessarily required to create an animated kids story using AI technology. Many of the tools and platforms mentioned in this tutorial offer user-friendly interfaces and intuitive features that simplify the process of creating animations and assembling the story. Additionally, experimenting, exploring tutorials, and practicing can help improve your skills and create more polished animations over time.

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