Create Engaging Kids Animated Story Videos with ChatGPT!

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Create Engaging Kids Animated Story Videos with ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the Storyline
  3. Generating the Voiceover
  4. Creating Images with
  5. Adding Animation with
  6. Assimilating Content in Canva
  7. Adding Audio and Transitions
  8. Adjusting and Customizing the Video
  9. Generating Subtitles with
  10. Conclusion


In today's tutorial, we will learn how to Create a kids' animation video step by step. We will be using various tools to bring the story to life, including OpenAI's Child GPT for creating the storyline, 11 Labs Prime Voice AI for voiceover, for creating free text-to-image, for animation, Canva for assimilating all the content, and for generating subtitles. By following these steps, You will be able to create engaging and entertaining kids' animation videos.

1. Creating the Storyline

To start, we will use OpenAI's Child GPT on to create the storyline of our animation video. Simply create an account, provide the prompt (e.g., squirrels and rabbit), and let the AI generate a beautiful story within 100 words. Copy the story for further use in the video creation process.

2. Generating the Voiceover

Next, we will use 11 Labs Prime Voice AI to create the voiceover for our animation. Open the Prime Voice AI Website, paste the generated story, select a voiceover artist, and generate the audio. Preview the audio and download it for later use in the video.

3. Creating Images with

Now, we will use, a free art generating software, to create images for our animation. Log in to, either search for images related to the storyline or generate images Based on the provided text. Download the selected images or the generated images to use in the video.

4. Adding Animation with

To add animation to our created images, we will use Upload the downloaded images to and Apply animation effects to bring them to life. Save the animated images and download them for later use in the video.

5. Assimilating Content in Canva

In this step, we will utilize Canva to assimilate all the content. Head over to and create a free account if you don't have one. Access the free Canva tools and select a blank template for creating the video. Upload the downloaded animated images and arrange them in sequential order. Add the voiceover audio to the video and adjust the timing accordingly.

6. Adding Audio and Transitions

To enhance the video, we can add background music and transitions between slides. Explore the Canva audio library or upload your own music to add a subtle background soundtrack. Use the transition feature to make smooth transitions between slides and enhance the visual flow.

7. Adjusting and Customizing the Video

Now, it's time to adjust and customize the video. Double-click on each slide to make adjustments, such as cropping the audio or adjusting the volume. Make use of Canva's editing options to remove the background from images or add extra effects like falling snow or leaves. Customize the video to your liking and ensure all the scenes are well synchronized.

8. Generating Subtitles with

To make the video accessible to a wider audience, we will generate subtitles using Visit in your browser, select the file to add subtitles, and choose the language (e.g., English, UK). Create subtitles and make further modifications, such as selecting a style and adjusting font settings. Add animations to the subtitles if desired. Export the video with subtitles and download it for the final step.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, creating a kids' animation video involves several steps, from crafting the storyline to adding animation and generating subtitles. By following the process outlined above and utilizing various tools like OpenAI's Child GPT, 11 Labs Prime Voice AI,,, Canva, and, you can create engaging and visually appealing animation videos that are sure to captivate children and spark their imagination.



Kids' animation videos are a popular form of entertainment that combines storytelling, visuals, and audio to engage young audiences. Creating these videos involves several steps, including developing the storyline, generating voiceovers, creating images and animations, assimilating content, and adding subtitles. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a kids' animation video, step by step.

Creating the Storyline

The first step in creating a kids' animation video is to develop a compelling storyline. To achieve this, we will use OpenAI's Child GPT, an advanced language model, to generate a unique and engaging story. By providing a prompt (e.g., squirrels and rabbit), Child GPT will create a beautiful story within 100 words, capturing the imagination of young viewers.

Generating the Voiceover

Once we have our storyline, the next step is to bring it to life with a captivating voiceover. For this, we will utilize 11 Labs Prime Voice AI, a powerful tool for generating realistic and high-quality voiceovers. By inputting the generated story and selecting a suitable voiceover artist, Prime Voice AI will create an audio file that perfectly complements the visuals of the animation.

Creating Images with

Visuals play a crucial role in capturing the Attention of young viewers. To create appealing images for our animation, we will turn to, a free art generating software. With, we have two options: we can search for images that Align with our storyline or generate customized images based on the provided text. Through this process, we will ensure that the visuals effectively convey the narrative of the animation.

Adding Animation with

Static images can be transformed into dynamic and engaging visuals through animation. To achieve this, we will employ, a user-friendly platform for adding animation effects to our images. By uploading the images created with, we can bring them to life with animations such as movement, transitions, and special effects. This step will elevate the overall visual appeal of our kids' animation video.

Assimilating Content in Canva

Now that we have our voiceover and animated images, it's time to assimilate all the content in a comprehensive video format. Canva, a versatile graphic design platform, will be our tool of choice for this task. By using Canva's video editing capabilities, we can arrange the animated images in a sequential order, synchronize them with the voiceover, and add any additional text or graphics to provide Context and enhance the storytelling aspect of the video.

Adding Audio and Transitions

To further enhance the audio-visual experience, we can incorporate background music and smooth transitions between slides. Canva offers a wide range of audio options, allowing us to choose a suitable background soundtrack that complements the theme and mood of our kids' animation video. Additionally, we can utilize Canva's transition feature to create seamless transitions between slides, ensuring a visually pleasing flow throughout the video.

Adjusting and Customizing the Video

Once the content is assimilated in Canva, we can refine and customize various aspects of the video to achieve the desired result. This includes adjusting the timing of animations, cropping audio tracks, fine-tuning the volume, and making any necessary edits to ensure a polished final product. Furthermore, Canva's editing options enable us to remove backgrounds from images, add effects like falling snow or leaves, and customize the video to align with the intended artistic vision.

Generating Subtitles with

To make the video accessible to a wider audience and improve comprehension, adding subtitles is crucial., an online platform for creating subtitles, will assist us in this process. By uploading the video file to, we can generate accurate subtitles automatically. We also have the option to select different styles, customize font settings, and add animations to the subtitles. Subtitles provide an inclusive viewing experience for children with hearing impairments or those who prefer to Read along.


Creating a kids' animation video involves a systematic process that combines creativity, technology, and storytelling skills. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and utilizing various tools such as OpenAI's Child GPT, 11 Labs Prime Voice AI,,, Canva, and, you can create captivating and engaging animation videos that inspire and entertain young audiences. Remember to experiment, unleash your creativity, and have fun while creating these videos that will surely leave a lasting impact on children's imaginations.


  • Learn how to create a captivating kids' animation video step by step
  • Utilize various tools like OpenAI's Child GPT, 11 Labs Prime Voice AI,,, Canva, and
  • Craft a compelling storyline using OpenAI's Child GPT
  • Generate realistic and high-quality voiceovers with 11 Labs Prime Voice AI
  • Create visually appealing images with
  • Add animation effects to images using
  • Assimilate all the content in Canva and customize the video
  • Enhance the audio-visual experience with background music and smooth transitions
  • Generate subtitles to make the video inclusive and accessible
  • Create entertaining and engaging animation videos for children


Q: Can I create animation videos without any prior experience?

A: Yes, this tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on creating animation videos even if you have no prior experience. The tools Mentioned in the tutorial are user-friendly and designed to assist beginners in the animation creation process.

Q: Are the mentioned tools free to use?

A: Some of the tools mentioned, such as and Canva, offer free options with limited features. However, certain advanced features or premium versions may require a paid subscription. It is recommended to explore the pricing details of each tool before proceeding.

Q: How long does it take to create a kids' animation video?

A: The time required to create a kids' animation video depends on various factors, including the complexity of the animation, the length of the video, and the level of customization desired. Generally, it can take several hours to a few days to complete a high-quality animation video.

Q: Can I use my own voice for the voiceover instead of using Prime Voice AI?

A: Absolutely! If you prefer to use your own voice for the voiceover, you can Record it separately and incorporate it into the video using Canva's audio editing capabilities. This allows for a personal touch and adds a unique element to the animation video.

Q: Are there any copyright concerns when using images or music in the animation videos?

A: Yes, copyright is an important consideration when using images or music in your animation videos. It is recommended to either create your own original content, use royalty-free images and music, or obtain the necessary licenses and permissions for any copyrighted material you intend to use.

Q: Can I monetize my kids' animation videos on platforms like YouTube?

A: Yes, you can monetize your kids' animation videos on platforms like YouTube by joining their Partner Program and complying with their monetization policies. However, it is important to note that each platform may have its own requirements and guidelines, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines of the platform you wish to use for monetization.

Q: What are the benefits of adding subtitles to kids' animation videos?

A: Adding subtitles to kids' animation videos provides several benefits. It improves accessibility for viewers with hearing impairments or those who prefer to read along. Subtitles also enhance comprehension, especially for young children who are still developing their reading skills. Additionally, subtitles can help language learners follow along with the video more effectively.

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