Create Powerful ChatBots with ChatGPT Plugin

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Create Powerful ChatBots with ChatGPT Plugin

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Chat GPT Plugin Development
  3. Understanding the Sparrow Chat GPT Plugin: Receipt Assistant
  4. Starting the Development Environment
  5. Metadata File: AI Plugin JSON
  6. Python Script: Implementing Endpoints
  7. Upload Receipt Info Endpoint
  8. Retrieve Data for Uploaded Receipt Endpoint
  9. Open API Schema: Manual Typing
  10. Visual Representation of Plugin Flow
  11. Testing the Plugin in Chat GPT Environment
  12. Storing and Reviewing Receipt Data
  13. Future Possibilities for the Receipt Assistant plugin
  14. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the world of chat GPT plugin development and specifically focus on creating a plugin called Receipt Assistant. We will dive into the details of building your own plugin using the Sparrow Chat GPT plugin and learn how to test it within the chat GPT environment. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions to help you get started and understand the various components involved in plugin development. So let's dive in and explore the exciting possibilities of chat GPT plugin development!

Getting Started with Chat GPT Plugin Development

Before we deep dive into the plugin development process, it is essential to understand the basic concepts and requirements. In this section, we will cover the prerequisites and provide a brief overview of the development environment.

Understanding the Sparrow Chat GPT Plugin: Receipt Assistant

In this section, we will take a closer look at the Sparrow Chat GPT plugin called Receipt Assistant. You will learn about the plugin's purpose, functionalities, and how it can be utilized by users to upload and store receipt information. We will explore the features and potential benefits of using the Receipt Assistant plugin.

Starting the Development Environment

To begin with plugin development, we need to set up the development environment. This section will guide you through the initial steps of creating a plugin and provide an overview of the necessary files and directories. We will also explore the Plugins Quick Start guide provided by OpenAI and learn how to navigate the documentation.

Metadata File: AI Plugin JSON

The AI Plugin JSON file serves as the metadata file for your plugin. In this section, we will explore the essential elements of the metadata file, including the plugin name, description, and authentication Type. We will also discuss the significance of the authentication type and its relevance to plugin deployment.

Python Script: Implementing Endpoints

The Core functionality of a plugin is implemented through endpoints. In this section, we will dive deep into the Python script responsible for implementing these endpoints. We will explore the first endpoint, "Upload Receipt Info," and understand how it returns information about uploading a receipt. Additionally, we will explore the Second endpoint, which retrieves actual data for the uploaded receipt Based on the receipt's unique ID.

Upload Receipt Info Endpoint

The "Upload Receipt Info" endpoint is crucial for providing instructions and information to the user on how to upload a receipt. We will discuss the implementation of this endpoint and understand its role within the Receipt Assistant plugin. We will cover the necessary parameters, acceptances, and instructions for the user.

Retrieve Data for Uploaded Receipt Endpoint

The "Retrieve Data for Uploaded Receipt" endpoint plays a vital role in fetching data for the uploaded receipt. We will explore the implementation of this endpoint and understand how it retrieves and returns the necessary data. We will also discuss how the data is structured and its relevance to the user.

Open API Schema: Manual Typing

To enable chat GPT to call the plugin's endpoints seamlessly, we need to define the Open API schema. In this section, we will discuss the manual typing process involved in creating the Open API schema. We will break down the schema definition and explore its various elements, including endpoints, parameters, and responses.

Visual Representation of Plugin Flow

Understanding the flow of the plugin is crucial for effective development. In this section, we will Visualize the plugin flow to get a clear understanding of how the different components Interact. We will explore the order in which functions are called and understand how chat GPT automatically identifies relationships between fields.

Testing the Plugin in Chat GPT Environment

Once the plugin is developed, it needs to be tested within the chat GPT environment. In this section, we will explore the step-by-step process of testing the plugin using the localhost and how it can be referred to from the chat GPT interface. We will cover the installation process, executing the plugin, and verifying its functionality.

Storing and Reviewing Receipt Data

One of the primary objectives of the Receipt Assistant plugin is to provide users the ability to store and review receipt data. In this section, we will explore the process of storing receipt data using the plugin. We will discuss the flow of uploading a file, retrieving the file's ID, and fetching the associated data. We will also discuss the possibilities of future data analysis and summarization.

Future Possibilities for the Receipt Assistant Plugin

The Receipt Assistant plugin opens up a myriad of possibilities for future enhancements. In this section, we will explore potential future developments, such as data analysis, summarization, and advanced interactions with the stored receipt data. We will discuss the plugin's potential for growth and its broader applications.


In conclusion, chat GPT plugin development provides an exciting opportunity to Create utilities that enhance the functionality of chat GPT. In this article, we have explored the process of developing a plugin called Receipt Assistant and have discussed various aspects of the plugin development, including metadata files, implementing endpoints, defining the Open API schema, and testing the plugin. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into chat GPT plugin development and has inspired you to unleash your creativity in building innovative plugins for chat GPT.


  • Learn how to develop a chat GPT plugin from scratch.
  • Create a plugin called Receipt Assistant to manage and store receipt data.
  • Understand the significance of the metadata file (AI Plugin JSON) in plugin development.
  • Implement endpoints in a Python script to enable plugin functionality.
  • Define the Open API schema for seamless communication between chat GPT and the plugin.
  • Test the plugin using the chat GPT environment and verify its functionality.
  • Explore the possibilities of storing and reviewing receipt data using the plugin.
  • Discover future enhancements and possibilities for the Receipt Assistant plugin.


Q: Can I use the Receipt Assistant plugin for personal receipt management? A: Yes, the Receipt Assistant plugin is designed to help users manage and store their receipts effectively. You can easily upload and store receipt information, making it convenient for personal use.

Q: Can the Receipt Assistant plugin extract data from scanned receipts? A: The plugin does not currently support extracting data directly from scanned receipts. However, it can store and manage the data provided by the user.

Q: Is it possible to integrate the Receipt Assistant plugin with other applications or systems? A: At the moment, the Receipt Assistant plugin is designed to work within the chat GPT environment. Integration with external applications or systems would require additional development efforts.

Q: Can the plugin summarize the data from multiple receipts? A: The Receipt Assistant plugin currently provides the ability to store and review individual receipts. However, future enhancements could include data analysis and summarization features.

Q: Does the plugin support different file formats for receipt upload? A: The plugin accepts and stores the data provided by the user. The file formats and requirements for receipt upload may vary based on the external application or system used for uploading the receipts.

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