Create Stunning AI Art with Flutter and OpenAI

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Create Stunning AI Art with Flutter and OpenAI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the AI Image Generator Application
  3. Setting up the User Interface
  4. Sending a Request to the API
  5. Displaying the Generated Image
  6. Implementing Download Functionality
  7. Adding the Share Feature
  8. Creating the Art Gallery
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions


In this article, we will explore how to Create an AI image generator application using AI technology. The application will allow users to generate images Based on text inputs and select the desired image size. We will guide You through the step-by-step process of building this application, providing detailed explanations and code samples along the way. By the end of this article, you will have a fully functional AI image generator application that can generate and display AI-generated images based on user inputs.

Creating the AI Image Generator Application

To create the AI image generator application, we will utilize AI technology to generate images based on text inputs. By passing the desired text and selecting the image size, users can generate AI-generated images that can be downloaded and shared with their friends. The application will have a user-friendly interface with an app bar, text input fields, dropdown menus, and buttons for generating, downloading, and sharing images.

Setting up the User Interface

The first step in creating the AI image generator application is setting up the user interface. We will use Flutter widgets to design the UI components, including an app bar, text form field, dropdown button, and buttons for generating, downloading, and sharing images. We will also style the UI components using custom colors and fonts to create an appealing visual design. The UI will be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.

Sending a Request to the API

Once the user inputs the desired text and selects the image size, we will send a request to the AI API to generate the corresponding image. We will utilize the HTTP Package to make the API request and handle the response. The request will include the text input and image size parameters, along with the API key for authentication. We will handle potential errors and provide appropriate feedback to the user in case of request failures.

Displaying the Generated Image

After receiving the response from the API, we will display the generated image to the user. We will use the Flutter Image widget to render the image on the screen. The image will be fetched from the provided URL in the API response. We will handle the loading state and display a placeholder or a loading indicator while the image is being fetched. The UI will update with the generated image once it is successfully loaded.

Implementing Download Functionality

To enhance user experience, we will implement the functionality to download the generated image. When the user clicks on the download button, the image will be saved in the device's storage. We will use the Flutter path_provider package to access the device's file system and save the image file. The user will be able to access the downloaded image later from the device's gallery or file manager.

Adding the Share Feature

In addition to downloading the generated image, we will also provide a share feature. Users will be able to share the image with their friends and contacts through various communication apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, or email. When the user clicks on the share button, the image will be shared as a media file with the chosen app. We will utilize the Flutter share package to implement this functionality and handle the sharing process.

Creating the Art Gallery

To provide users with easy access to their generated images, we will create an art gallery within the application. Users will be able to view all the images they have previously generated and saved. The art gallery will display thumbnails of the images, allowing users to select and view the full-size image. We will utilize the Flutter GRID view and image widgets to create the art gallery and handle the navigation between the gallery and the individual image screens.


In conclusion, we have covered the step-by-step process of creating an AI image generator application. From setting up the user interface to sending requests to the AI API, displaying and downloading the generated images, implementing sharing functionality, and creating an art gallery, we have provided a comprehensive guide to building this application. With this knowledge, you can create your own AI image generator application and explore the possibilities of AI-generated images.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I generate images in different sizes?

A: Yes, the AI image generator application allows you to select the desired image size from small, medium, or large. You can generate images in different sizes based on your preferences.

Q: Can I generate images with custom text?

A: Absolutely! The AI image generator application allows you to input custom text that will be used to generate the image. You can be creative and experiment with different text inputs to generate unique images.

Q: Is it possible to download and share the generated images?

A: Yes, the application provides the functionality to download the generated images to your device. You can save the images and access them later through your device's gallery. Additionally, you can also share the images with your friends through various communication apps.

Q: Can I view all the images I have generated in the application?

A: Yes, the AI image generator application includes an art gallery feature where you can view all the images you have previously generated. The art gallery displays thumbnails of the images, allowing you to select and view the full-size image.

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