Create Stunning Animated Videos with PowerPoint and ChatGPT

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Create Stunning Animated Videos with PowerPoint and ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Story Creation with ChatGPT
  3. Obtaining Illustration Images from FreePick
  4. Creating Animation with PowerPoint
  5. Scene 1: Rahul's Graduation and Job Offer
  6. Scene 2: Rahul's Promotion and Marriage
  7. Scene 3: Rahul's Family and Financial Troubles
  8. Scene 4: The Harsh Reality of Insufficient Savings
  9. Conclusion


Creating animations can be a fun and engaging way to tell stories or present information. In this tutorial, we will explore how to make animation using PowerPoint in three simple steps. First, we will use ChatGPT to Create a story. Then, we will obtain illustration images from FreePick. Finally, we will bring it all together and make an animation using PowerPoint. By the end of this tutorial, You will be able to create your own animations and bring your ideas to life.

Step 1: Story Creation with ChatGPT

To begin our animation, we need to have a story. We will use ChatGPT, an AI language model, to generate a story of a common man's life cycle. This will serve as the foundation for our animation. We simply provide ChatGPT with some Prompts and let it generate the story for us.

Step 2: Obtaining Illustration Images from FreePick

Next, we need to Gather illustration images to use in our animation. We will use a Website called FreePick to find high-quality images. By searching for "man lifecycle" in the Vector category, we can find images that depict different stages of a person's life. Once we have selected the images, we may need to convert them to the appropriate file format using a website called CloudConvert.

Step 3: Creating Animation with PowerPoint

Now that we have our story and illustration images, it's time to create the animation using PowerPoint. We will insert the images and Apply animation effects to bring them to life. By using the Animation tab in PowerPoint, we can add motion to the images and control the timing and sequence of the animations. We will go through each scene of the story and apply the necessary animation effects to create a Cohesive and engaging animation.

Scene 1: Rahul's Graduation and Job Offer

In the first scene of our animation, we will depict Rahul, a young man who has just graduated from college and been offered a job at a prestigious company. We will use the appropriate background image and character illustration to represent this stage of his life. By applying animation effects, we can Show Rahul's excitement and anticipation for the new opportunity.

Scene 2: Rahul's Promotion and Marriage

In the Second scene, we will show Rahul's Journey after he starts working at the company. He meets a woman, falls in love, and eventually gets married. We will use different background images and character illustrations to represent these milestones in his life. By adding motion effects, we can illustrate the progression of Rahul's relationship and show the joy and happiness he experiences.

Scene 3: Rahul's Family and Financial Troubles

The third scene focuses on Rahul's family life and the challenges he faces in providing for his growing family. We will depict him as a devoted husband and father, but also highlight the increasing financial burden he carries. By using suitable background images and character illustrations, we can Evoke empathy and understanding from the audience.

Scene 4: The Harsh Reality of Insufficient Savings

In the final scene, Rahul approaches retirement age and realizes that he hasn't saved enough money to support himself and his wife for the rest of their lives. This scene highlights the importance of financial planning and the consequences of not saving enough. We will use appropriate background images and character illustrations to convey the emotions and difficulties faced by Rahul.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create an animation using PowerPoint. By following the three simple steps of story creation, obtaining illustration images, and applying animation effects, you can now bring your ideas to life. Remember, storytelling through animation can be a powerful tool for communication and engaging your audience. With practice and creativity, you can create captivating animations that leave a lasting impact.


  • Learn how to create animations using PowerPoint
  • Use ChatGPT to create a story for your animation
  • Find illustration images from FreePick for your animation
  • Apply animation effects in PowerPoint to bring your story to life
  • Depict various scenes and milestones in your animation
  • Highlight the importance of financial planning through your animation


Q: Can I create animations using PowerPoint for free? A: Yes, you can use PowerPoint to create animations without any additional cost. However, some features or image sources may require a paid subscription.

Q: Do I need any prior experience in animation to follow this tutorial? A: No, this tutorial is designed for beginners and assumes no prior experience in animation. It provides step-by-step instructions to help you create your own animations.

Q: Can I use images from other sources besides FreePick? A: Yes, you can use images from other royalty-free sources as well. FreePick is just one example, but there are many websites that offer free or paid vector illustrations for use in animations.

Q: How long does it take to create an animation using PowerPoint? A: The time required to create an animation depends on various factors such as the complexity of the story, the number of scenes, and the level of detail in the animation. It can take anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete an animation.

Q: Can I export my animation from PowerPoint? A: Yes, you can export your animation from PowerPoint in various formats such as video or GIF. This allows you to share your animation on different platforms or use it in presentations and projects.

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