Create Stunning Panoramic Images and Videos: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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Create Stunning Panoramic Images and Videos: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Idea Generation
  3. Starting Point: Mid-Journey
  4. Pan and Remix
  5. Refining the Image
  6. Repeating the Process
  7. Saving and Downloading
  8. Describing the Image
  9. Generating Narrative Audio
  10. Video Editing
  11. Adding Music
  12. Finalizing the Video
  13. Conclusion


Welcome to the ultimate superhero vacation destination! In this article, I will guide You through the process of creating AI-generated clips using Mid-Journey and other AI Tools. If you've been curious about how to Create videos like the viral ones featuring famous characters in unexpected settings, then you've come to the right place. I'll share my workflow step by step, so let's get started!

1. Idea Generation

To begin, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to create with Mid-Journey. Think about the viral videos you've seen and refine your concept. You can also use the chat GPT to generate ideas Based on your preferences. Experiment with different Prompts until you find the one that sparks your imagination.

2. Starting Point: Mid-Journey

Once you have your concept in mind, it's time to head over to Mid-Journey and generate an image as your starting point. The key is to choose an image that resonates with your idea and sets the tone for your video. Whether you're aiming for something cinematic, photorealistic, or completely surreal, make sure you're satisfied with your starting image.

3. Pan and Remix

Now that you have your starting image, it's time to dive into the pan feature of Mid-Journey. Make sure remix is enabled in your settings before you start panning. Select a direction for your pan using the arrow buttons below your image. This will guide Mid-Journey in generating new visuals that stylistically match your prompt and the existing image. The software seamlessly blends these images together, creating a unique composition.

4. Refining the Image

As you Continue panning, you'll start to see a GRID of options. Select your favorite image and upscale it. Then, pan again to generate a new set of visuals. With each pan, Mid-Journey focuses on the most recent additions to your image, creating a dynamic progression. To further influence the outcome, you can add image prompts before typing in your prompt. This can help steer Mid-Journey towards the desired look and feel.

5. Repeating the Process

Repetition is key in creating mesmerizing AI-generated clips. You can repeat the pan process as many times as you like, adding new elements with each iteration. However, keep in mind that there might be a limit to the number of consecutive pans you can perform. Depending on the aspect ratio, you may encounter restrictions. If the pan job starts failing, try upscaling the images to view the results.

6. Saving and Downloading

Once you're satisfied with your final pan composition, save and download the widest image. Unlike the zoom feature, you only need to save the last image as it encompasses the entire pan sequence. This simplifies the process and ensures you have a single image to work with in the next steps.

7. Describing the Image

Return to chat GPT and provide a detailed description of the image that matches the direction of your pan. Request chat GPT to generate a narrative script for your YouTube video based on your description. This will provide you with a witty and funny script that aligns with the visuals. Feel free to edit the narrative text to remove any unnecessary scene descriptions or make other adjustments.

8. Generating Narrative Audio

To bring your video to life, convert the narrative script into audio. There are various text-to-audio generators available, such as or 11 Labs. Choose a voice model that suits your video's tone and paste in the text. Listen to the outcome and make any necessary adjustments, such as correcting spelling discrepancies. The generated audio will serve as the narration for your video.

9. Video Editing

Now it's time to bring all the elements together in your preferred video editing software. Import the audio and the wide image you downloaded earlier. In your video editor, arrange the timeline by dragging and dropping the audio and image files. Adjust the length of the image to match the narration, ensuring the visuals Align with the audio seamlessly.

10. Adding Music

To enhance the overall experience, incorporate background music into your video. One option is to use to generate unique tracks. Enter a text prompt or select a genre or mood to generate music that complements your video. Choose your favorite track and add it to your downloads. Then, import the music track into your video editor and align it with the narration and visuals.

11. Finalizing the Video

Fine-tune your video by adding any additional effects or transitions you desire. Ensure that the pacing and timing of the narration, visuals, and music work harmoniously. Preview the video and make any necessary adjustments until you're satisfied with the final result. Pay Attention to details and ensure a Cohesive flow throughout the video.

12. Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully created an AI-generated video using Mid-Journey and other AI tools. I hope this guide has inspired you to explore your creativity and experiment with new possibilities. Remember to subscribe to my Channel for more content like this and feel free to leave comments or questions. Enjoy your journey into the world of AI art!


  • Learn how to create AI-generated clips using Mid-Journey
  • Refine your ideas and choose a starting image
  • Use the pan feature to create dynamic compositions
  • Repeat the process to add depth and complexity to your video
  • Generate a narrative script and convert it into audio
  • Edit the video, adjust the length of the visuals, and sync with the audio
  • Enhance the video with background music
  • Finalize your video by adding effects and transitions
  • Embrace your creativity and explore the possibilities of AI art


Q: Can I use any image as a starting point in Mid-Journey? A: Yes, you can choose any image you like as a starting point for your pan composition. Just make sure it aligns with your concept and sets the desired tone.

Q: How many times can I pan in Mid-Journey? A: The number of times you can pan depends on the aspect ratio and the software's limitations. Experiment with different ratios and upscale the images if necessary to continue the panning process.

Q: Can I combine Mid-Journey with other AI tools? A: Absolutely! Mid-Journey is just one tool among many. Feel free to explore other AI tools and incorporate them into your workflow for added creativity and versatility.

Q: Do I need to have prior video editing experience? A: While basic video editing skills can be helpful, the process outlined in this article can be followed by beginners as well. Experiment, practice, and have fun exploring the world of AI-generated videos.

Q: Can I create videos in different directions besides panning right? A: Yes, you can pan in any direction you like, including up, down, or even diagonal. The choice of direction depends on your creative vision and the desired effect for your video composition.

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