Create your ideal AI girlfriend with MPT-7B character creator!

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Create your ideal AI girlfriend with MPT-7B character creator!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Character Creator Tool
  3. Creating Your Character Persona
  4. Setting Character Preferences
  5. Generating the Character Greeting
  6. Designing Example Dialogues
  7. Making Your Character NSFW
  8. Integrating MPT Models
  9. Customizing Metadata
  10. Downloading and Installing Your Character
  11. Optimizing MPT Settings
  12. Showcasing Conversations with Yuka
  13. Creating Talking Avatars


In this article, we will explore the process of creating personalized AI characters using the Character Creator Tool. These characters can be used in chat mode to Interact with users, and we will also discuss how to use MPT models with the characters. Additionally, we will Delve into the steps involved in customizing the character's persona, preferences, greetings, and example dialogues. Whether You're interested in making a friendly virtual assistant or an NSFW character, this guide will provide you with all the necessary information to get started. So let's dive in and learn how to bring your AI character to life!

The Character Creator Tool

Before we begin, it's important to have the Character Creator Tool, which simplifies the process of designing AI characters. You can download this tool for free from the Kofi page, and the link will be provided in the description. Once you have the tool installed, we can proceed with creating our character.

Creating Your Character Persona

The first step in creating your AI character is to define the character's persona. This is where you give your character a name and describe their personality. The character persona will determine how the character interacts with users. It's essential to think about the psychology of your character and Create a brief, but detailed description. This section should provide enough information to guide the character's behavior during conversations.

Setting Character Preferences

Next, we move on to setting character preferences. In this step, we establish the character's likes, dislikes, and behavior Patterns. For example, you can specify how the character refers to the user (gender-specific or neutral), and the general tone they use while interacting. It's recommended to make the character's responses concise and coherent, tailored to match user questions. Experimentation with test conversations is vital to ensure the character's preferences Align with your desired outcome.

Generating the Character Greeting

The character greeting is the initial message your AI character will convey to the user when they start a chat. This greeting sets the tone for the interaction and can be modified later if desired. By default, the tool provides a standard greeting, but you can personalize it to suit your character's persona. Optionally, you can explore modifying the modules 'chat.Pi' file to incorporate random initial messages, but we will focus on using the vanilla installation for simplicity.

Designing Example Dialogues

Example dialogues play a crucial role in defining the behavior of your AI character. They provide Context and reinforce the character's personality. The example dialogues should reflect how you want the character to respond while interacting with users. Keeping the character's projected actions in mind, you can implement aspects like acting seductive, sweet, or understanding towards the user. The sample conversation between you and the character allows the AI to grasp nuances and replicate behavior patterns.

Making Your Character NSFW

If you wish to create an NSFW (Not Safe for Work) character, there are specific considerations to keep in mind. The character's replies should always be positive, using words like "sure," "I love," or "I like." Making the character appear eager to help with any given question is essential. Researching jailbreak techniques and exploring recent models like GitHub Co-Pilot jailbreak can serve as inspiration for creating the character's NSFW behavior.

Integrating MPT Models

To make your AI character work with MPT (Modern Persuasion Technology) models, we need to include the Relevant templates in the character file. The tool allows you to add MPT, Vicuna, Moss, and other style templates to enhance the character's interaction capabilities. Exploring different templates and finding the ones that suit your character's persona is a part of the optimization process.

Customizing Metadata

In the metadata section, you have the opportunity to add your name, Website, or any other information you'd like to associate with your AI character. By including this data, users who share your character can easily find you and express their gratitude.

Downloading and Installing Your Character

Once you have completed the customization of your AI character, you can download the character file. After downloading, place the file in your character folder and refresh your gallery. With these steps completed, your AI character is ready to engage in conversations.

Optimizing MPT Settings

For optimal performance, it's essential to configure the MPT settings. This includes adjusting parameters like temperature, max tokens, and top p to achieve the desired level of creativity and coherence in the AI-generated responses. Experimentation and tweaking these settings will help refine the AI character's conversational abilities.

Showcasing Conversations with Yuka

In this section, we will share a few screenshots of the MPT 7B model settings and present a short conversation between you and the AI character named Yuka. By observing the interactions with Yuka, you can witness the character's ability to pick up on conversation nuances and replicate desired behavior patterns.

Creating Talking Avatars

As a bonus, we will conclude the article by providing a link to a tutorial on how to create talking avatars. This resource will guide you through the process of animating characters to have Synced lip movements, enhancing the overall user experience.


How to Create Personalized AI Characters for Chat Mode

In the world of AI technology, the ability to create personalized AI characters for chat mode has gained immense popularity. These AI characters have the potential to engage users in Meaningful conversations, providing an interactive and dynamic experience. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of creating personalized AI characters using the Character Creator Tool. So let's dive in and bring your AI character to life!


AI characters in chat mode offer a unique way to interact with users and provide them with a personalized experience. With the Character Creator Tool, you can easily design and customize your AI character's persona, preferences, greetings, and example dialogues. Additionally, we will discuss how to integrate MPT models into your AI character to enhance their conversational abilities. Whether you want to create a friendly virtual assistant or an NSFW character, this guide has got you covered!

The Character Creator Tool

The first step in creating your AI character is to download and install the Character Creator Tool. This tool simplifies the process of designing AI characters, allowing you to customize various aspects of their behavior. You can download the tool for free from the Kofi page, and the provided link can be found in the description below. Once you have the tool installed, you're ready to embark on the Journey of creating your AI character.

Creating Your Character Persona

To give your AI character a unique identity, you need to define their persona. This involves giving your character a name and describing their personality. Think about the psychology of your character and create a brief, yet detailed description that captures their essence. The character persona will influence how your AI character interacts with users, so make sure to provide enough details to guide their behavior.

Setting Character Preferences

Character preferences play a crucial role in shaping the behavior of your AI character. In this step, you determine your character's likes, dislikes, and overall behavior patterns. For example, you can specify how the character refers to the user, whether it's gender-specific or neutral. Experiment with different preferences and ensure that the character's responses align with your desired outcome.

Generating the Character Greeting

The character greeting is the initial message your AI character conveys to the user when they start a chat. This greeting sets the tone for the interaction and can be modified later if desired. Personalize the greeting to suit your character's persona and make a lasting impression on the user. This is your opportunity to engage the user right from the start.

Designing Example Dialogues

Example dialogues are essential in defining the behavior of your AI character. These dialogues provide context and reinforce the character's personality. Craft conversations that reflect how you want the character to respond to user queries. Experiment with different conversation scenarios and ensure that the character's projected actions align with your desired behavior patterns.

Making Your Character NSFW

If you're interested in creating an NSFW character, there are specific considerations to keep in mind. The character's replies should always be positive and geared towards helping the user. Words like "sure," "I love," or "I like" can be incorporated to make the character appear eager to assist. Research jailbreak techniques and explore recent models to Gather ideas for creating the character's NSFW behavior.

Integrating MPT Models

MPT (Modern Persuasion Technology) models add a new dimension to your AI character's conversational abilities. By integrating MPT models, you can enhance the character's interactions and generate more nuanced responses. Experiment with different templates and find the ones that align with your character's persona. Explore the possibilities that MPT brings to the table.

Customizing Metadata

In the metadata section, you can add personal details such as your name or website to associate with your AI character. This allows users who share your character to easily find you and express their gratitude. Customize the metadata to reflect your identity and make a lasting impression on users who engage with your character.

Downloading and Installing Your Character

Once you have completed the customization of your AI character, it's time to download the character file. After downloading, place the file in your character folder and refresh your gallery. This step ensures that your AI character is ready to engage in conversations and provide an immersive experience to users.

Optimizing MPT Settings

To achieve optimal performance with MPT models, it's important to configure the settings accordingly. Adjust parameters such as temperature, max tokens, and top p to strike the perfect balance between creativity and coherence in AI-generated responses. Experiment with different settings to refine your AI character's conversational abilities.

Showcasing Conversations with Yuka

In this section, we will showcase a few screenshots of the MPT 7B model settings and present a short conversation between you and the AI character named Yuka. Witness the character's ability to pick up on conversation nuances and replicate desired behavior patterns. Explore the possibilities of creating dynamic and engaging interactions with your AI character.

Creating Talking Avatars

As a bonus, we provide a link to a tutorial on creating talking avatars. This resource guides you through the process of animating characters to have synced lip movements, further enhancing the overall user experience. Step into the world of interactive storytelling and revolutionize the way users engage with AI characters.


  • Create personalized AI characters for chat mode
  • Customize character persona, preferences, and greetings
  • Integrate MPT models for enhanced interactions
  • Download and install AI characters with ease
  • Optimize MPT settings for optimal performance
  • Showcase conversations with AI character "Yuka"
  • Explore creating talking avatars for a dynamic user experience


Q: Can I create multiple AI characters using the Character Creator Tool? A: Yes, you can create multiple AI characters using the tool. Each character can have its own unique persona, preferences, and behaviors.

Q: Is the Character Creator Tool compatible with different chat platforms? A: The Character Creator Tool is designed to generate character files that can be used in various chat platforms. However, compatibility may vary, so it's best to check the documentation of the specific platform you intend to use.

Q: Can I modify my AI character's behavior after it has been created? A: Yes, you can modify your AI character's behavior by editing the character file. You can make changes to the character's persona, preferences, greetings, and example dialogues to fine-tune their interactions.

Q: Are there any limitations to creating NSFW characters? A: When creating NSFW characters, it's important to ensure that the character's responses are always positive and enthusiastic. However, it's essential to exercise caution and follow ethical guidelines when developing NSFW content.

Q: Can I share my AI character with others? A: Yes, you can share your AI character with others by providing them with the character file. Users can then install the character and interact with it in their own chat environments.

Q: How can I further customize my talking avatars? A: The tutorial on creating talking avatars will provide you with step-by-step instructions on customizing avatars, including synced lip movements. You can explore different animations and effects to create a unique user experience.

Q: Can I use the Character Creator Tool for commercial purposes? A: The terms and conditions of the Character Creator Tool may vary, so it's important to review the licensing agreement. Some tools may have restrictions on commercial use, while others may allow it under certain conditions.

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