Create Your Own AR Avatar with Ready Player Me

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Create Your Own AR Avatar with Ready Player Me

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation
  3. Creating Avatars for AR Applications
  4. Mobile Integration and Plane Detection
  5. Tap to Place
  6. Walking Animations
  7. Helper Script: Avatar Animation Controller
  8. Main Script: Movement Controller
  9. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to use the Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation to Create powerful AR applications on your phone using custom avatars. The Ready Player Me SDK is the go-to standard for virtual avatars in VR, AR, and casual 3D applications. It's completely free and easy to use.

Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation

The Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation are essential tools for creating AR applications with custom avatars. The SDK allows You to import and use avatars created with Ready Player Me in your AR projects. AR Foundation provides the necessary infrastructure for detecting planes, placing objects, and tracking movement in the real world.

Creating Avatars for AR Applications

Before we dive into the technical details, let's first understand how avatars are created for AR applications. With Ready Player Me, you can create personalized avatars using a wide range of customization options. These avatars can then be exported and used in your AR projects, giving users the ability to see themselves in the virtual world.

Mobile Integration and Plane Detection

To create a seamless AR experience on mobile devices, we need to integrate the Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation into our project. This integration allows us to detect planes in the real world, which we can then use as a surface for placing our avatars. We'll cover the steps required to set up mobile integration and enable plane detection in our application.

Tap to Place

Once we have successfully integrated the SDK and enabled plane detection, we can implement the "tap to place" functionality. This feature allows users to place their avatars on a detected plane by simply tapping on the screen. We'll explore the necessary scripts and techniques to achieve this in our AR application.

Walking Animations

To bring our avatars to life, we'll implement walking animations. Using the Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation, we can create animations that simulate walking movements for our avatars. We'll discuss how to enable these animations and synchronize them with the movement of the avatar in the real world.

Helper Script: Avatar Animation Controller

In order to manage and control various animations for our avatars, we'll create a helper script called the Avatar Animation Controller. This script will handle toggling animations such as walking, turning, and idle states. We'll dive into the details of creating and utilizing this script in our AR application.

Main Script: Movement Controller

The Movement Controller script is the main component responsible for handling the movement of our avatars in the AR world. This script will listen for user input, calculate the desired movement direction, and control the avatar's rotation and position accordingly. We'll go through the code in Detail to understand how it works.


In conclusion, the Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation provide powerful tools for creating AR applications with custom avatars. By integrating these tools into our projects and leveraging features such as plane detection and tap-to-place functionality, we can create immersive and interactive AR experiences. With the Movement Controller script and Avatar Animation Controller, we have full control over the movements and animations of our avatars. Start exploring the possibilities and create your own AR applications with Ready Player Me and AR Foundation.


  • Use the Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation to create powerful AR applications
  • Import and use custom avatars created with Ready Player Me
  • Enable plane detection to place avatars on real-world surfaces
  • Implement walking animations to bring avatars to life
  • Control avatar movement using the Movement Controller script
  • Manage animations with the Avatar Animation Controller script

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I create avatars with Ready Player Me? A: With Ready Player Me, you can create personalized avatars using a wide range of customization options. Simply visit the Ready Player Me website, follow the instructions, and export your avatar for use in AR applications.

Q: Can I use the Ready Player Me SDK for free? A: Yes, the Ready Player Me SDK is completely free to use. It provides a go-to solution for virtual avatars in VR, AR, and casual 3D applications.

Q: How do I enable plane detection in my AR application? A: To enable plane detection, you will need to integrate the AR Foundation into your project. This will provide the necessary infrastructure for detecting planes in the real world. You can then use these detected planes as surfaces for placing your avatars.

Q: How do I implement tap-to-place functionality in my AR application? A: To implement tap-to-place functionality, you will need to utilize the tap input from your device and translate it into placing the avatar on a detected plane. You can use the Ready Player Me SDK and AR Foundation to handle this interaction.

Q: How can I synchronize walking animations with avatar movement? A: By utilizing the Movement Controller script, you can calculate the desired movement direction and control the avatar's rotation and position. This allows you to synchronize walking animations with the movement of the avatar in the real world.

Q: Can I control different animations for my avatars? A: Yes, by using the Avatar Animation Controller script, you can toggle different animations for your avatars. This script allows you to control animations such as walking, turning, and idle states.

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