Create Your Own ChatGPT for Free!

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Create Your Own ChatGPT for Free!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Chat GPT without an API Key
  3. Project Overview
    1. Project Details
    2. Requirements
  4. Getting Started
    1. Installation Process
    2. Cloning the Repository
    3. Setting Up the Python Environment
    4. Installing Dependencies
  5. Running the Application
    1. Creating a Conversation
    2. Managing Conversations
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ

Building Your Own Chat GPT without an API Key

In this tutorial, we will walk You through the process of building your Own Chat GPT without the need for an API key. Many of you have expressed interest in creating your own chat GPT, and we have listened. With this free and open-source project, you will be able to build and run your very own chat GPT at no cost.

Project Overview

Project Details

The project we will be using is called "FreeGPT Web UI". It features a user-friendly web interface that utilizes the g4f API, allowing you to experience the power of chat GPT without any API key requirement. Additionally, the project includes enhanced jailbreak functionality and is completely free.


Before we get started, you will need the following:

  • Curiosity and eagerness to learn
  • Basic knowledge of Python and web development
  • Visual Studio Code or any other code editor
  • Python virtual environment (created using conda)

Getting Started

To begin building your own chat GPT, follow these steps:

Installation Process

  1. Open your Visual Studio Code editor or any other code editor of your choice.

  2. Open the terminal or command prompt.

  3. Create a virtual Python environment using the following command: conda create -n [environment_name] python=3.11.3.

    Note: If you're unfamiliar with creating virtual environments using conda, refer to the provided video link for detailed instructions.

Cloning the Repository

  1. Copy the command provided on the GitHub project page.

  2. Paste the command in your terminal to clone the GitHub repository to your local system.

    The repository will be cloned successfully.

Setting Up the Python Environment

  1. Activate your virtual environment using the following command: conda activate [environment_name].

    Your new virtual environment is now active.

Installing Dependencies

  1. Copy the command for installing dependencies provided on the GitHub project page.

  2. Paste the command in your terminal to install all required dependencies.

    After the installation process is complete, move on to the next step.

Running the Application

Now that the installation and setup are complete, you can run the application and start building your chat GPT.

Creating a Conversation

  1. Copy the command for running the application provided on the GitHub project page.

  2. Paste the command in your terminal to run the application.

  3. Allow firewall access if prompted and open the provided localhost URL in your preferred browser.

  4. You will see a user interface similar to the ChatGPT UI.

  5. To create a new conversation, use the "New Tab" option and select your chat model (e.g., gpt4 model).

  6. Start the conversation by typing "hi" into the chat input box.

Managing Conversations

  1. Use the different tabs available to manage your conversations.

    • "Stop" tab: Stop the output response.
    • "Delete" tab: Delete a conversation.
    • "Clear Conversation" tab: Clear all conversations.

That's it! You have now successfully built your own chat GPT without the need for an OpenAI API key. Enjoy having your own AI conversational chat bot, completely free and open source.


We hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the process of building your own chat GPT. The possibilities of AI are endless, and we encourage you to explore further and dive deeper into the amazing world of AI. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to drop us a comment. Don't forget to subscribe to our Channel for more interesting and informative content on AI and related technologies.


Q: What is Chat GPT? A: Chat GPT is an AI model developed by OpenAI that is capable of engaging in conversational interactions.

Q: How is this project different from using the OpenAI API? A: This project allows you to build and run your own chat GPT without needing an API key from OpenAI. It is a free and open-source alternative.

Q: Can I customize the chat model I use with this project? A: Yes, you can choose different chat models, including the gpt4 model, during the conversation creation process.

Q: Are there any limitations to this chat GPT? A: The functionality and capabilities of the chat GPT may be limited compared to the official OpenAI API version. However, it offers a free and accessible alternative.

Q: Can I use this chat GPT for commercial purposes? A: The usage rights and restrictions may vary. It is best to check the licenses and terms of use specified in the project repository.

Q: How can I contribute to this project? A: You can contribute to the FreeGPT Web UI project by following the guidelines provided in the GitHub repository.

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