Creating an Epic Game with Free Assets in Unreal Engine 5

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Creating an Epic Game with Free Assets in Unreal Engine 5

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing the Free Assets
  3. Finding a Character Model
  4. Adding Animations
  5. Setting up the Pirate Logic
  6. Creating Enemy AI
  7. Designing the Tower Defense Gameplay
  8. Building the Map
  9. Gameplay Showcase
  10. Conclusion

Unreal Engine 5: Creating a Tower Defense Game with Free Assets

In this article, we will explore the process of creating a tower defense game using free assets available in Unreal Engine 5. We will Delve into the steps involved in choosing the assets, finding a character model, adding animations, setting up the pirate logic, creating enemy AI, designing the tower defense gameplay, building the map, and showcasing the gameplay. By the end of this article, You will have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize free assets in Unreal Engine 5 to Create your own tower defense game.


Unreal Engine 5 provides a wealth of free assets through the Unreal Engine Marketplace. These assets can serve as a foundation for creating engaging and visually stunning games. In this article, we will take AdVantage of the five free asset packs provided by Epic Games each month to develop a tower defense game.

Choosing the Free Assets

To begin our Journey, we need to evaluate the available free asset packs and select the ones that Align with our desired game concept. We will assess the ultimate ship pack, the art museum environment, the corals and foliage pack, the Venice environment, and the immersive template. By determining the themes and elements present in these asset packs, we can start to Shape our game idea.

Finding a Character Model

Next, we will search for a suitable character model to serve as our main character in the tower defense game. We will explore the options within the free assets from the Unreal Engine Marketplace and select a high-quality pirate character model that fits our vision. It is essential to find a character mesh that is visually appealing and well-suited for animations.

Adding Animations

After acquiring the pirate character model, we need to find animations to bring our character to life. While Mixamo provides a collection of free animations, we discover a character model with pistol animations that perfectly complements our pirate concept. We will utilize these animations and set up a basic locomotion Blend space for our character.

Setting up the Pirate Logic

With our character model and animations in place, we can now focus on implementing the logic for our pirate character. We will program the character's ability to run, shoot the pistol, and Interact with the game environment. By blending the animations correctly and adding the doubloon as the main weapon, we can create a captivating and engaging playable character.

Creating Enemy AI

To make our tower defense game challenging, we need to introduce enemy AI that will attack our tower. We will utilize a free Paragon character called Gideon and customize it with a pirate skeleton skin. By setting up basic animations and implementing a simple damage system, we can establish formidable foes for the player to combat.

Designing the Tower Defense Gameplay

Now, it's time to dive into the Core gameplay mechanics of our tower defense game. We will design a third-person pirate-themed tower defense game where players must defend their tower from enemy waves. Players will have the opportunity to purchase different defensive items, such as turrets and explosive barrels, before each round. The objective is to survive all ten waves to emerge victorious.

Building the Map

To provide a captivating game environment, we will create a map using the available free assets. We will utilize a landscape and add an ocean using the built-in Water plugin. Islands will be scattered around the main area, serving as spawn points for the enemy skeletons. We will integrate the pirate ship, the shipwreck, and other assets to create an immersive and visually appealing game world.

Gameplay Showcase

In this section, we will showcase the actual gameplay of our tower defense game. We will provide insights into dealing with enemy waves, placing defensive structures strategically, and utilizing the unique abilities of our pirate character. We will explore the challenges players may face, such as limited health and the importance of resource management.


By the end of this article, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of how to create a tower defense game using the free assets available in Unreal Engine 5. You will have learned the process of selecting assets, finding character models, adding animations, setting up logic, creating enemy AI, designing gameplay mechanics, building the game world, and showcasing the gameplay. With this knowledge, you can embark on your own game development journey using Unreal Engine 5 and unleash your creativity.


  • Utilize free assets from Unreal Engine 5 to create a tower defense game.
  • Choose suitable character models and animations to bring the game to life.
  • Implement logic for the main character and enemy AI to ensure engaging gameplay.
  • Design and build an immersive game world using available free assets.
  • Showcase the gameplay and provide insights into the challenges and strategies involved.


Q: Can I use assets other than the free ones provided? A: Yes, as long as the assets are free, you can use them to enhance your game.

Q: Can players regenerate their health in the game? A: No, health regeneration is not implemented in this tower defense game. Players must strategize and manage their limited health resources.

Q: Can the tower be upgraded in the game? A: Yes, the tower can be upgraded from wood to stone and then to metal, providing enhanced defensive capabilities.

Q: Is there a lose or win screen in the game? A: The game currently does not have a lose or win screen implemented. However, players can still enjoy the tower defense gameplay experience.

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