Creating Pixel Art with Chat GPT!

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Creating Pixel Art with Chat GPT!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Can Chachi PT Make Pixel Art?
  3. Teaching Chachi PT to Create Pixel Art
  4. Using Google Sheets to Interpret CSV Files
  5. Drawing Mario as a 16x16 Sprite
  6. Recreating Chachi PT's Artwork in Google Sheets
  7. Adding Color and Detail to Chachi PT's Art
  8. Creating Animated Versions of Chachi PT's Art
  9. Exploring Different Art Styles and Techniques
  10. Reinterpreting Chachi PT's Art in a Sprite Format
  11. Conclusion

Can Chachi PT Make Pixel Art?

Chachi PT is primarily a text-Based AI and is not inherently capable of creating artwork. However, it is possible to teach Chachi PT to make pixel art by assigning color values to different numbers and utilizing a CSV file format. In this article, we will explore the process of teaching Chachi PT to create pixel art and the various techniques involved.

Teaching Chachi PT to Create Pixel Art

To teach Chachi PT to create pixel art, we can assign a color value to each number and stick to a simple grayscale palette. Zero can represent black, while nine can represent white. The remaining grayscale tones can be assigned to the numbers one through eight. By using these color values, we can prompt Chachi PT to draw pixel art.

Using Google Sheets to Interpret CSV Files

A CSV file, which stands for Comma-Separated Values, is a text document that organizes data in a structured manner. We can use Google Sheets to interpret the CSV file by importing the data and splitting the text into separate columns. This allows us to Visualize the pixel art created by Chachi PT in a more organized format.

Drawing Mario as a 16x16 Sprite

In this experiment, we will prompt Chachi PT to draw Mario from Super Mario Bros as a 16x16 sprite. We will use the CSV output from Chachi PT and import it into Google Sheets. By resizing the columns and rows to be the same Dimensions, we can create square cells that represent individual pixels. Then, we will assign each number a corresponding color value using conditional formatting in Google Sheets.

Recreating Chachi PT's Artwork in Google Sheets

After copying the CSV output into Google Sheets, we will be able to see the pixel art created by Chachi PT. While the initial artwork may not perfectly Resemble Mario, it is a valiant attempt. We can manipulate the formula used by Chachi PT to prompt it with simpler ideas and see if it can produce more accurate pixel art.

Adding Color and Detail to Chachi PT's Art

To enhance Chachi PT's pixel art, we can add color and detail. By recoloring the pixels in Google Sheets based on the assigned color values, we can create a more visually appealing artwork. Additionally, we can experiment with different shading and highlighting techniques to add depth to the pixel art.

Creating Animated Versions of Chachi PT's Art

To bring Chachi PT's pixel art to life, we can create animated versions. By manipulating the pixel art frames in a sequential manner, we can create the illusion of movement. We will explore different animation techniques, such as rotation and transformations, to add dynamic elements to the pixel art.

Exploring Different Art Styles and Techniques

In this section, we will experiment with various art styles and techniques using Chachi PT's pixel art as a starting point. We will reinterpret the pixel art in a sprite format, recoloring and adding detail to create new variations. Additionally, we will explore the use of different textures, shading techniques, and artistic effects to push the boundaries of Chachi PT's pixel art capabilities.

Reinterpreting Chachi PT's Art in a Sprite Format

Building upon the previous section, we will further reinterpret Chachi PT's pixel art by converting it to a sprite format. By organizing the pixels into a GRID and assigning colors to them, we can create animated sprites that can be used in games or other interactive applications. We will explore different sprite sizes and resolutions to test the limits of Chachi PT's pixel art generation abilities.


In conclusion, while Chachi PT is primarily a text-based AI, it is possible to teach it to create pixel art using color values and CSV files. Through the process of experimentation and refinement, we can enhance Chachi PT's pixel art and explore different art styles and techniques. Although Chachi PT's artwork may not always perfectly resemble the desired subject, it offers a unique and creative approach to pixel art generation. With further development and training, Chachi PT has the potential to become a proficient pixel artist.

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