Decoding the Mysteries of Neural Scaling Laws

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Decoding the Mysteries of Neural Scaling Laws

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background of the Speaker
  3. The Importance of Understanding Neural Network Scaling Behavior
  4. Theoretical Framework for Scaling Laws in Neural Networks
    • Variance Limited Scaling Regime
    • Resolution Limited Scaling Regime
  5. Analyzing Scaling Exponents in Realistic Neural Networks
  6. Factors Affecting Scaling Exponents
  7. Conclusion


Neural networks have witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, leading to breakthroughs in various fields such as computer vision, translation, language modeling, and more. These advancements are largely driven by the use of deep learning and the scaling of neural networks. Scaling refers to the increase in data set size and model size, which has been found to improve the performance of neural networks. Understanding the scaling behavior of neural networks is crucial for further progress in the field. This article explores the concept of scaling laws in neural networks and investigates the factors that affect scaling exponents.

Background of the Speaker

Jehoon Lee is a senior research scientist at Google Brain and an expert in deep learning. He has a keen interest in understanding the fundamental aspects of deep neural networks and is actively involved in researching the infinite width limit of neural networks and their relationship to kernel methods. Lee joined Google in 2017 as part of the Google Brain residency program, after completing his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia. He holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Importance of Understanding Neural Network Scaling Behavior

The performance of neural networks improves as they are scaled up in terms of data set size and model size. This has been observed in various tasks, including image classification and language modeling. The key factors contributing to this improvement are the utilization of large datasets and the availability of more compute power. However, the relationship between scaling and performance is not fully understood. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehensively study the scaling behavior of neural networks in order to guide future progress in the field.

Theoretical Framework for Scaling Laws in Neural Networks

The scaling behavior of neural networks can be classified into two main regimes: variance limited scaling and resolution limited scaling. In the variance limited scaling regime, scaling with respect to data set size (d) and over parameterized models leads to relatively simple scaling exponents. The reduction in variance with more data and larger models contributes to improved performance. On the other HAND, the resolution limited scaling regime focuses on the scaling of data set size in under parameterized models and the scaling of model size in over parameterized models. In this regime, the performance improvement comes from reducing the mismatch between the training data distribution and the drawn finite training set.

Analyzing Scaling Exponents in Realistic Neural Networks

To study the scaling behavior of neural networks, a linearized model with random features is used as a Simplified representation. This model allows for the analysis of the infinite width limit of neural networks, which resembles kernel methods. By considering the kernel eigenvalue spectrum, it is possible to extract the scaling exponents for both data set size and model size scaling. The observed exponents are consistent with the predictions from the kernel spectrum. Empirical results from realistic neural networks, such as transfer learning tasks, also Align with the predicted scaling behavior, indicating the relevance of the theoretical framework.

Factors Affecting Scaling Exponents

Several factors can influence the scaling exponents of neural networks. Variations in the properties of the data set, such as label schemes or input noise levels, have been found to impact the exponents. Additionally, the architecture choices, particularly the widening factor, can affect the scaling behavior. However, further research is needed to determine if different optimizers lead to different scaling exponents.


Understanding the scaling behavior of neural networks is crucial for making progress in the field of deep learning. By analyzing the scaling exponents in different regimes, researchers can gain insights into how performance improves with scaling. Factors such as data set properties, architecture choices, and optimizers can affect the scaling exponents. The theoretical framework provided in this article serves as a starting point for better understanding scaling laws in neural networks and guiding future research in this area.


  • Recent advancements in neural networks have been driven by scaling.
  • Understanding the scaling behavior of neural networks is crucial for further progress.
  • Two main scaling regimes: variance limited scaling and resolution limited scaling.
  • Theoretical framework Based on linearized models and kernel methods.
  • Factors such as data set properties and architecture choices can impact scaling exponents.


Q: How do larger data sets and models improve neural network performance? A: Larger data sets allow for more effective training, and larger models have a greater capacity to learn complex patterns from the data.

Q: Are the scaling exponents consistent across different neural network architectures? A: The scaling exponents can vary depending on the architecture, particularly the widening factor. However, further research is needed to determine the full extent of this variation.

Q: Can different optimization algorithms lead to different scaling behavior? A: It is possible that different optimization algorithms can lead to different scaling exponents, but more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Q: How can the theoretical framework be applied to more realistic neural networks? A: The theoretical framework can be used to understand the scaling behavior of realistic neural networks by considering the relationship between scaling exponents and the performance of the networks.

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