Design a Stunning Twitter UI in Figma

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Design a Stunning Twitter UI in Figma

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Recreating the Twitter Profile UI in Figma
    • Selecting the Frame
    • Creating a Layout GRID
    • Creating the Site Menu
    • Adding the Twitter Logo
    • Adding Text and Fonts
    • Creating the Tweet Button
    • Adding the Back Arrow
    • Adding the Hero Banner
    • Adding the Profile Image
    • Creating the Edit Profile Button
  3. Customizing the Profile Layout
    • Adding Divider Lines
    • Adding Website and Bio Text
    • Adding Icons for Sidebar Items
    • Adding Divider Line Between Sections
  4. Creating the Main Feed
    • Adding Post Elements
    • Customizing Post Layout
    • Adding Hashtags and Location
    • Adding More Icons and Elements
  5. Creating the Explore Section
    • Adding Search Bar
    • Adding Portugal Trends
    • Adding Trending Hashtags
  6. Conclusion

Recreating the Twitter Profile UI in Figma

In this article, we will guide You through the process of recreating the Twitter profile UI using the design tool Figma. Figma is a powerful tool that allows you to Create stunning user interfaces with ease. We will cover each step of the process, from selecting the frame to customizing the layout and adding all the necessary elements.

Selecting the Frame

The first step in recreating the Twitter profile UI is selecting the frame for the design. We will use a desktop base frame with a width of 1440 pixels, as it provides a good starting point for the project. This frame will serve as the foundation for our design.

Creating a Layout Grid

To create a layout grid, we will use Figma's built-in grid feature. This will help us understand where each block of columns will fit within the design. We will set the grid to 12 columns and add a slight margin for a centered layout. Additionally, we will give the layout grid a bluish color to match the overall aesthetic.

Creating the Site Menu

Next, we will create the site menu, which includes the Twitter logo and menu items such as Home, Notifications, Messages, Bookmarks, List, and Profile. We will use a plugin called "Vector Logos" to easily find and add the Twitter logo to our design. We will also leverage icons from a design file to create the sidebar icons for each menu item.

Adding the Twitter Logo

Using the "Vector Logos" plugin, we will search for the Twitter logo and add it to the top section of the site menu. We will adjust the size and position of the logo to match the original design. Additionally, we will give credit to the creator of the logo.

Adding Text and Fonts

To match the original design, we will search for the font used by Twitter. We will discover that the font is "Roboto" and proceed to use it for the text in our design. Although the desktop version of Twitter may use a different font, we will use Roboto as a close approximation for this example.

Creating the Tweet Button

We will create the Tweet button, which is a key element of the Twitter profile UI. We will round the button and match the light Blue color used in the original design. Additionally, we will add the text "Tweet" inside the button and adjust the font size and style to match the original design.

Adding the Back Arrow

Next, we will add the back arrow, which allows users to navigate back within the UI. We will copy the arrow icon from the original design and position it at the top-left corner of the frame. This arrow will serve as a visual cue for users to go back.

Adding the Hero Banner

The hero banner is a visual element that showcases a brand or specific content. We will add a hero banner to our design, showcasing a design-related concept like dashboards. We will position the hero banner below the site menu and adjust its size to fit the layout. This element will provide users with an immediate understanding of the purpose of the profile.

Adding the Profile Image

The profile image is a crucial element of the Twitter profile UI. We will add a placeholder for the profile image and adjust its position. To enhance visibility and create a contrast with the hero section, we will add a stroke around the profile image.

Creating the Edit Profile Button

To allow users to edit their profile, we will create an "Edit Profile" button. We will duplicate an existing button and customize it with the text "Edit Profile". We will adjust the color scheme and font to match the original design. This button will give users a clear call-to-action to edit their profile information.

By following these steps in Figma, you can recreate the Twitter profile UI with remarkable accuracy and Attention to Detail. The resulting design will closely Resemble the original and provide a user-friendly interface for individuals to navigate and engage with the profile's features.

Customizing the Profile Layout

In this section, we will customize the layout of the profile section. We will add divider lines to separate different sections, add website and bio text, and customize the icons for the sidebar items.

Adding Divider Lines

To create visual separation between sections, we will add subtle divider lines. These lines will help consolidate the design into a Cohesive unit. We will make the lines gray and choose a light color to maintain a minimalistic appearance.

Adding Website and Bio Text

The profile layout requires text elements such as website and bio information. We will update the existing placeholders with the appropriate text. Additionally, we will add an Emoji to enhance the visual appeal of the bio section.

Adding Icons for Sidebar Items

To match the original design, we will search for and add icons for the sidebar items such as Notifications, Messages, Bookmarks, Lists, and Profile. We will use available resources or plugins to find suitable icons. These icons will enhance the visual representation of each menu item and make the UI more intuitive for users.

Adding Divider Line Between Sections

In continuation with the theme of divider lines, we will add a larger divider line between the profile section and the main feed section. This line will serve as a clear visual separator, making the UI more organized and user-friendly.

Creating the Main Feed

The main feed of the Twitter profile UI is where users view and Interact with posts. In this section, we will create the main feed layout, customize post elements, add hashtags and location information, and incorporate additional icons and elements.

Adding Post Elements

To mimic the Twitter post layout, we will add elements such as profile images, usernames, post content, and engagement metrics. We will make use of existing placeholders and adjust their positioning to create a cohesive feed layout.

Customizing Post Layout

To enhance the visual appeal of the main feed, we will customize the layout of individual posts. We will adjust the size and spacing of each element to create a visually pleasing and easy-to-Read post structure. Additionally, we will add a small rectangle to indicate that a post has been selected.

Adding Hashtags and Location

To replicate the original design, we will include hashtags and location information within each post. These elements contribute to the overall functionality and aesthetics of the main feed. We will adjust the styling and positioning of these elements to match the original design.

Adding More Icons and Elements

To complete the main feed section, we will add more icons and elements. These may include icons for sharing, commenting, liking, and bookmarking posts. We will use suitable resources or plugins to find icons that closely resemble the original design. These icons will enhance the user experience and allow for better interaction with the posts.

Creating the Explore Section

The explore section of the Twitter profile UI provides users with trending topics and search functionality. In this section, we will create the search bar, add Portugal Trends, and include trending hashtags.

Adding the Search Bar

The search bar is a prominent element in the explore section. We will add a search icon and text input field to replicate the original design. This element allows users to search for specific content or topics within the Twitter platform.

Adding Portugal Trends

Since the example profile is Based in Portugal, we will showcase Portugal Trends in the explore section. This feature displays the trending topics specific to the country. We will add a suitable heading and include a list of trending hashtags to engage users with popular discussions.


In this article, we have demonstrated how to recreate the Twitter profile UI in Figma, step by step. By carefully selecting frames, creating layout grids, and customizing elements, you can create a visually appealing and functional profile interface. Whether you are designing your own social media platform or practicing your design skills, Figma offers a powerful tool for bringing your ideas to life.

Create eye-catching designs that reflect the original Twitter profile UI and engage users with intuitive navigation and visually appealing content. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to recreate the Twitter profile UI accurately and efficiently in Figma.


  • Recreate the Twitter profile UI in Figma with ease.
  • Customize the layout, icons, and text to match the original design.
  • Enhance the visual appeal of the profile with thoughtful elements and styling.
  • Create an engaging main feed with comprehensive post elements and interactive features.
  • Design a functional explore section with trending topics and search functionality.
  • Utilize Figma's features and plugins to streamline the design process.
  • Showcase your design skills by accurately replicating popular UI layouts.
  • Increase user engagement with a visually appealing and user-friendly profile interface.


Q: Can I use Figma if I'm new to design? A: Absolutely! Figma is a user-friendly design tool that caters to designers of all skill levels. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive features make it accessible for beginners and professionals alike.

Q: How can I find suitable icons and resources for my design in Figma? A: Figma offers a variety of plugins and integrations that provide access to a vast library of icons and design resources. You can explore popular plugins like Iconify, Nucleo, or Vector Logos to find the perfect icons for your design.

Q: Is it necessary to replicate the original Twitter design exactly? A: While it is beneficial to closely replicate the original design to maintain consistency and familiarity for users, you can also add your creative touch and customize certain elements according to your preferences and brand aesthetic.

Q: Can I Apply the techniques learned in this article to design other social media profiles? A: Absolutely! The techniques and principles discussed in this article can be applied to design various social media profiles. By understanding the layout and structure of different platforms, you can create stunning and functional designs.

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