Discover the 2nd Grade Virtual Open House Experience

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Discover the 2nd Grade Virtual Open House Experience

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Meet the Teachers
  3. What Will Students Learn this Year?
  4. Expectations and Procedures
  5. Classroom Management
  6. Homework and Study Habits
  7. Technology and Testing
  8. Field Trips and Volunteering
  9. Communication and Parent Involvement
  10. Conclusion


Welcome to the Second grade! In this online parent night, we want to introduce You to the second grade team and provide you with important information about the upcoming school year. Although We Are unable to have an in-person parent night this year, we are excited to share this online presentation with you. We hope this guide will give you a glimpse into our classrooms, curriculum, and expectations for the year. Let's dive in and learn more about what to expect in second grade!

Meet the Teachers

Before we Delve into the details of the curriculum, let's take a moment to get to know the teachers who will be guiding your child's education this year. The second grade team consists of four dedicated and passionate educators: Miss Ali Nevius, Miss Kathy Shook, Miss Shayla Colt, and Miss Jasmine Waters. Each teacher brings unique experiences and expertise to the classroom, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with your student. Let's learn a little bit about each teacher!

Miss Ali Nevius was born and raised in Southern California. She graduated from Purdue University in 2016 and has been teaching second grade for five years. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, riding bikes, and hiking. This year, she will be getting married and changing her last name to Mrs. Noble.

Miss Kathy Shook graduated from Purdue University in 2011 with a degree in Social Work. After working in the social work field for a few years, she decided to pursue her passion for teaching and completed a transfer-to-teaching program at Marion University. She is originally from Indianapolis, Indiana, and she recently moved to Lafayette. Miss Shook is a proud dog mom and enjoys spending time with her family and going to concerts.

Miss Shayla Colt is a Lafayette native and has been teaching second grade for three years. She graduated from Purdue University in 2018 and is excited to become a first-time mom this fall. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

Miss Jasmine Waters graduated from Purdue University in May of this year. She grew up in Monticello, Indiana, and is very familiar with the area. In her free time, she loves spending time with her family and friends, especially her German Shepherd named Axel. She is also a huge fan of Disney.

What Will Students Learn this Year?

In second grade, students will engage in a variety of subjects and topics that build upon the foundation laid in first grade. Let's take a closer look at what your student can expect to learn this year:


  • Transitioning from learning to Read into reading to learn
  • Understanding characters
  • Close reading strategies
  • Main ideas and non-fiction text


  • Friendly letters
  • Narratives
  • Informative and opinion writing


  • Addition and subtraction with regrouping
  • Basics of fractions
  • Units of measurement
  • 2D and 3D shapes
  • Problem solving skills
  • Time tests for fact fluency

Other Subjects

Students will also explore various topics in science, social studies, and art throughout the year. These subjects will be incorporated into the curriculum in a Meaningful and engaging way to enhance the learning experience for your child.

Expectations and Procedures

To ensure a smooth and productive school year, it is important to establish clear expectations and procedures. Here are some guidelines and procedures for this school year:

School Day

  • Doors open at 7:45 am
  • Students can enter classrooms starting at 8:10 am
  • Tardy Bell rings at 8:25 am
  • Morning drop-off for late students: breakfast in the cafeteria until 8:45 am (note: this may cause them to miss important class time)


  • Dismissal time is at 2:45 pm
  • If there are any changes to how your student goes home, please notify the school before 2 pm through a phone call, email, or written note
  • Masks are required to be worn during arrival and dismissal
  • Please write your student's name on the inside of their mask
  • No birthday treats or visitors allowed until further Notice

Classroom Procedures

  • Students wear masks when moving around the classroom, but not when seated at their desks
  • Individual materials: Students will have their own individual items and keep them in their Pencil pouch in their binder
  • Headphones should be kept in their backpacks to take to each class
  • Chargers should stay at home, but if necessary, they can be placed in the backpacks
  • Two whole class restroom breaks will be provided, but students are welcome to request an individual restroom break if needed
  • Students need to bring coats daily to ensure they can participate in outdoor activities

Classroom Management

In second grade, promoting a positive and productive classroom environment is important for students' academic and social growth. Here are some strategies and systems we use to manage the classroom:

  • Verbal warnings: Students will receive a verbal warning if their behavior is not aligned with expectations
  • Points system: Students can earn and lose points Based on their behavior in class and during specials
  • Think sheet: If a student receives a third warning, they will be asked to fill out a think sheet with a reflection on their choices
  • Write-up: If a student's behavior continues to disrupt the learning environment, a write-up will be issued, and parents will be contacted
  • Immediate removal: Students engaging in severe disruptive behavior or causing harm to themselves or others will be escorted to the office

Homework and Study Habits

Homework and study habits are crucial for reinforcing learning and building independent work skills. Here are some guidelines for homework in second grade:

  • Buddy reading: Students should complete and turn in buddy reading assignments by the following day, signed by an adult
  • Math assignments: Math assignments will be given on Tuesdays and should be completed and turned in the next day, signed by an adult
  • Homework and classwork: Mistakes on homework and classwork can be corrected for extra points. Check for any important notes from teachers regarding corrections
  • Reading: Students are encouraged to read for 20 minutes every night. Although library books cannot be sent home this year due to COVID-19, students have access to Epic, an online reading platform, and should log their reading in their binders
  • Binders: Binders should be brought to school daily. Students are responsible for organizing their binders and keeping them clean. Students should remove papers from their binders to turn in and keep track of books for AR quizzes and DreamBox goals

Technology and Testing

Technology plays a vital role in second grade education. Here are some important aspects of technology and testing:

  • iPads and insurance: Each student will be assigned an iPad for the school year. Insurance for the iPad is optional but can be purchased if desired. Students must bring their iPads to school daily
  • Canvas: We will be using Canvas for e-learning and as a platform for sharing class newsletters and important information. Please stay connected through Canvas
  • Testing: Students will participate in NWEA testing to track their growth throughout the year. This is not a pass or fail test but allows us to monitor their progress. We will also conduct a dyslexia screener in September. More information about testing will be shared during conferences

Field Trips and Volunteering

Although field trips and volunteering are currently restricted due to COVID-19, we hope to provide digital field trips and future opportunities for involvement. Here is some information about field trips and volunteering:

  • Field trips: As of now, field trips are not possible due to COVID-19 restrictions. Digital field trips may be arranged. We will keep you updated on any changes to field trip policies
  • Volunteering: Volunteers are currently not allowed in the school. If volunteering becomes possible later in the year, you can sign up by completing the necessary requirements and clearances

Communication and Parent Involvement

Open and consistent communication between home and school is essential for a successful academic experience. Here are some ways to stay connected:

  • PowerSchool and classroom websites: Use PowerSchool to access important information and check-in on your child's progress. Our classroom websites provide newsletters and additional resources
  • Class Dojo: We will use Class Dojo as a communication platform to share information, updates, and celebrate student achievements. Please sign up for Class Dojo to stay connected
  • Email: Feel free to reach out to us via email with any questions, concerns, or updates
  • Important forms: Please complete and return the information page, success compact, iPad contract, and transportation form as soon as possible


We hope this online parent night guide has provided you with valuable information about what to expect in second grade. We are excited to embark on this educational Journey with your child and help them grow academically, socially, and emotionally. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to an amazing year together!

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