Earn Money with Snapchat's Story Revenue Sharing Program

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Earn Money with Snapchat's Story Revenue Sharing Program

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Eligibility Criteria for Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program
  3. How to Create a Public Profile on Snapchat
  4. Increasing Subscribers on Snapchat
  5. Minimum Views Requirement for Snapchat Public Profile
  6. Bus Time Requirement for Eligibility
  7. Consistency Criteria for Snapchat Story Program
  8. Earning Opportunities on Snapchat Story Program
  9. Earning Opportunities on Snapchat Spotlight
  10. How to Get Started with Snapchat Spotlight


Snapchat has introduced a new earning option for its Creators called Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program. This program allows creators to earn money by sharing stories on the platform. In this article, we will provide a complete guide on how to earn from Snapchat and discuss the eligibility criteria, creating a public profile, increasing subscribers, minimum views requirement, bus time requirement, consistency criteria, and the earning opportunities available on both the Snapchat Story Program and Snapchat Spotlight.

Eligibility Criteria for Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program:

To be eligible for the Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program, You must be at least 18 years old. Additionally, you should be a resident of an eligible country. Snapchat has launched this program in India, providing an opportunity for Indian creators to earn from their stories. Unlike Snapchat Spotlight, where anyone can earn regardless of views or subscribers, the Snapchat Story Program has certain criteria that need to be fulfilled for eligibility.

How to Create a Public Profile on Snapchat:

Before you can participate in the Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program, you need to create a public profile on Snapchat. This can be done by following a few simple steps. Once your profile is set to public, you can start working towards the eligibility requirements for the revenue sharing program.

Increasing Subscribers on Snapchat:

To meet the minimum requirement of 50,000 subscribers on Snapchat, you can make use of various strategies. One effective way is to consistently upload stories and videos on a daily basis. By providing engaging and entertaining content, you can attract more subscribers to your profile and increase your chances of earning from the Snapchat Story Program.

Minimum Views Requirement for Snapchat Public Profile:

In addition to subscribers, your Snapchat public profile should have at least 25 million views. This includes views from both your Snapchat stories and Snapchat Spotlight videos. Increasing views can be achieved by promoting your content on social media platforms, collaborating with other creators, and creating content that resonates with your target audience.

Bus Time Requirement for Eligibility:

Snapchat requires creators to have a minimum of 12,000 hours of bus time on their public profiles. Bus time refers to the total duration of time people spend watching your stories and videos. Compared to YouTube's requirement of 4,000 hours, Snapchat's bus time requirement may seem challenging. However, by consistently posting quality content and engaging with your audience, you can gradually increase your bus time and meet the eligibility criteria.

Consistency Criteria for Snapchat Story Program:

To be eligible for the Snapchat Story Program, you need to maintain consistency in publishing public stories. For a period of 10 days, you should post a minimum of 20 public stories per day. This demonstrates an active presence on Snapchat and helps in building a loyal audience. By adhering to this consistency criteria, you increase your chances of qualification for the revenue sharing program.

Earning Opportunities on Snapchat Story Program:

Once you meet the eligibility criteria, you can start earning from the Snapchat Story Program. Whenever users view your stories, ads will be shown in between them. Eligible creators will receive revenue from these ad placements. It is important to note that only creators who meet the eligibility criteria will earn money from the program. This presents a great opportunity for creators to monetize their content and generate income.

Earning Opportunities on Snapchat Spotlight:

In addition to the Snapchat Story Program, creators can also earn through Snapchat Spotlight. Snapchat Spotlight allows creators to upload short videos and earn from them. To maximize earnings on Spotlight, it is recommended to create clickbait videos that capture the Attention of viewers. With the launch of this program, creators have the chance to earn significant amounts of money, especially since there are currently fewer eligible creators on the platform.

How to Get Started with Snapchat Spotlight:

For those interested in earning from Snapchat Spotlight, there are resources available to help you get started. From video tutorials to detailed courses, you can find valuable information to optimize your earnings on Snapchat. By leveraging the opportunities provided by Spotlight and following the best practices, you can build a successful presence on Snapchat and potentially earn millions.


  • Snapchat introduces Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program for creators to earn from their stories.
  • Eligibility criteria include being 18 years old and a resident of an eligible country.
  • Creating a public profile on Snapchat is a prerequisite for participating in the revenue sharing program.
  • Increasing subscribers, views, and bus time are essential for meeting eligibility requirements.
  • Consistency in publishing public stories is crucial for qualifying for the Snapchat Story Program.
  • Earning opportunities exist through ad placements in Snapchat stories and through Snapchat Spotlight.
  • Snapchat Spotlight allows creators to upload short videos and earn from them.
  • Resources are available to provide guidance and assistance in maximizing earnings on Snapchat.


Q: Can I earn from Snapchat if I don't have any subscribers or views? A: Yes, you can earn from Snapchat's Snapchat Story Program even if you don't have subscribers or views. However, you need to meet certain eligibility criteria such as having a public profile, completing the required bus time, and maintaining consistency in posting public stories.

Q: Is it easy to increase subscribers on Snapchat? A: Increasing subscribers on Snapchat requires effort and consistency. By uploading engaging content regularly and promoting your profile on social media platforms, you can attract more subscribers over time.

Q: How long does it take to become eligible for the Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program? A: The timeframe for becoming eligible for the Snapchat Story Revenue Sharing Program depends on various factors such as the frequency of your content creation, engagement with your audience, and promotion of your profile. With dedication and strategy, you can work towards meeting the eligibility criteria in a matter of months.

Q: Can I earn from both Snapchat Story Program and Snapchat Spotlight? A: Yes, you can earn from both the Snapchat Story Program and Snapchat Spotlight. Each program offers different opportunities for creators to monetize their content and generate income.

Q: Are there resources available to help me get started with Snapchat Spotlight? A: Yes, there are video tutorials and courses available that can provide you with the necessary information and guidance to get started with Snapchat Spotlight. These resources can help you optimize your earnings and make the most out of the opportunities provided by Snapchat.

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