Easily Find Rare Materials in Fortnite Canny Valley

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Easily Find Rare Materials in Fortnite Canny Valley

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Finding Sturdy Mechanical Parts
    1. Choosing the right hero
    2. Setting the game to private
    3. Going into the highest level city mission
    4. Searching for vehicles
    5. Other possible sources of sturdy mechanical parts
  3. Finding Obsidian and Shadow Shard
    1. Locations for finding obsidian
    2. Locations for finding shadow shard
  4. Tips for Efficient Resource Farming
    1. Upgrading Pickaxe for faster farming
    2. Collecting resources before building
  5. Importance of Meditation
  6. The Importance of Char Black and Fine Grain Mineral Powder
  7. Lethal Weapons in Twine Peaks
  8. Extra Loot with Pathfinder Outlanders
  9. Searching for Citian
  10. Patience and Persistence in Finding Rare Items

Where to Find Obsidian, Shadow Shard, and Sturdy Mechanical Parts in Canney Valley

Are You struggling to find obsidian, shadow shard, and sturdy mechanical parts in Canney Valley? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the process of finding these valuable resources step by step. From choosing the right hero to exploring the map for Hidden treasures, we've got you covered.

1. Introduction

In Fortnite's Canney Valley, obsidian, shadow shard, and sturdy mechanical parts are essential for crafting high-level weapons and traps. However, they can be quite rare to find. We understand the frustration of spending hours searching for these resources. That's why we have compiled this guide to help you streamline your resource gathering process and maximize your efficiency.

2. Finding Sturdy Mechanical Parts

2.1 Choosing the Right Hero

To increase your chances of finding sturdy mechanical parts, we recommend using a hero like Jess Pathfinder. Jess Pathfinder has a unique perk that doubles the chance of finding rare loot, including sturdy mechanical parts. This will significantly improve your odds of obtaining these valuable resources.

2.2 Setting the Game to Private

Before diving into your resource farming mission, make sure to set your game to private. This ensures that you won't be interfering with other players who are trying to complete their missions. It's important to be considerate of others while focusing on your resource gathering task.

2.3 Going into the Highest Level City Mission

When scouring Canney Valley for sturdy mechanical parts, it's crucial to enter the highest level city mission available. These missions usually have a higher concentration of cars, which are excellent sources of sturdy mechanical parts. The more cars you can find, the more chances you have of obtaining these parts.

2.4 Searching for Vehicles

Once you're in the city mission, start searching for vehicles. Cars, in particular, are known to yield sturdy mechanical parts. Keep in mind that finding sturdy mechanical parts from cars can be a game of chance. Sometimes, you will find them one after another, while other times, you may have to search through several cars before coming across any parts.

2.5 Other Possible Sources of Sturdy Mechanical Parts

Apart from cars, there are other potential sources of sturdy mechanical parts. Parking meters and searchable objects scattered throughout the city can also yield these valuable resources. Take the time to explore and Interact with various elements in the environment to increase your chances of finding sturdy mechanical parts.

3. Finding Obsidian and Shadow Shard

3.1 Locations for Finding Obsidian

Unlike sturdy mechanical parts, obsidian can be found in various searchable locations. Search through cabinets, drawers, and other interactable objects to discover obsidian. It may take some time, but with a bit of patience, you will accumulate a substantial amount of obsidian for crafting your weapons.

3.2 Locations for Finding Shadow Shard

Shadow shard, on the other HAND, is predominantly found in caves around the edges of the map. Explore these caves thoroughly to uncover hidden deposits of shadow shard. Be prepared to face some challenging enemies as you venture into these caves, but the rewards will make it worthwhile.

4. Tips for Efficient Resource Farming

4.1 Upgrading Pickaxe for Faster Farming

Having a high-level pickaxe significantly speeds up the resource farming process. Upgrade your pickaxe to increase its harvesting power, allowing you to Gather resources more efficiently. With a more robust pickaxe, you'll be able to mine rocks and break down cars quicker, saving you valuable time in your resource gathering endeavors.

4.2 Collecting Resources before Building

Before starting any building activities, Collect resources first. Building consumes a significant portion of your resources, so it's wise to have a sufficient stockpile before embarking on any construction projects. By collecting resources beforehand, you can streamline your crafting workflow and minimize the need for additional farming trips.

5. Importance of Meditation

In the midst of your resource gathering Journey, it's essential to find moments of tranquility and calm. Consider taking short breaks to meditate and clear your mind. Meditation can help reduce stress and increase focus, allowing you to approach resource farming with a clear and refreshed mindset. Embrace the power of meditation and discover its positive impact on your gaming experience.

6. The Importance of Char Black and Fine Grain Mineral Powder

While searching for sturdy mechanical parts, obsidian, and shadow shard, you may come across other valuable resources like char black and fine grain mineral powder. These resources are essential for crafting various traps and ammunition. Make sure to collect them whenever you stumble upon them during your resource gathering journey.

7. Lethal Weapons in Twine Peaks

As you progress further into Twine Peaks, you'll encounter challenging enemies that require powerful weapons. Shadow shard weapons, crafted from the resources you gather, are exceptionally lethal in Twine Peaks. Their higher damage output and unique abilities make them invaluable when facing formidable foes.

8. Extra Loot with Pathfinder Outlanders

By utilizing Pathfinder Outlanders like Jess, you not only increase your chances of finding rare resources but also receive extra loot. These heroes have Perks that enable them to find extra loot upon searching. Take AdVantage of these Pathfinder Outlanders and equip them during your resource gathering missions for an additional boost in valuable loot.

9. Searching for Citian

In your resource farming adventures, be on the lookout for Citian. Citian is a valuable resource that can be found in searchable locations. Keep your eyes peeled for any objects that can be interacted with, as they may contain this elusive resource. While not as commonly found as other resources, Citian is worth searching for due to its usefulness in crafting.

10. Patience and Persistence in Finding Rare Items

Finally, it's important to remember that finding rare items like sturdy mechanical parts, obsidian, and shadow shard requires patience and persistence. These resources might not appear abundantly, but with dedication and a bit of luck, you'll gradually build up your collection. Keep pushing forward, explore every nook and cranny, and don't get discouraged by occasional setbacks.


  • Learn Where To find obsidian, shadow shard, and sturdy mechanical parts in Fortnite's Canney Valley.
  • Use hero Jess Pathfinder for increased chances of finding rare loot.
  • Set your game to private to avoid interfering with other players.
  • Explore the highest level city mission to find more cars, which are excellent sources of sturdy mechanical parts.
  • Search various searchable locations for obsidian and caves for shadow shard.
  • Upgrade your pickaxe for faster resource farming efficiency.
  • Take breaks to meditate and rejuvenate your focus.
  • Don't underestimate the value of char black and fine grain mineral powder.
  • Shadow shard weapons are essential for success in Twine Peaks.
  • Pathfinder Outlanders provide extra loot while searching.
  • Keep searching for Citian, a rare and useful resource.
  • Patience and persistence are key to finding rare items.


Q: Are sturdy mechanical parts only found in cars?
A: While cars are the primary source of sturdy mechanical parts, you may also find them in parking meters and other searchable objects.

Q: Can I find obsidian and shadow shard in any mission?
A: Obsidian can be found in various searchable locations, while shadow shard is predominantly found in caves around the edges of the map.

Q: Do Pathfinder Outlanders guarantee finding rare loot?
A: Pathfinder Outlanders increase the chances of finding rare loot, but it's not a guarantee. The perk provides an extra opportunity to obtain valuable resources.

Q: How long does it take to accumulate a sufficient amount of these resources?
A: The time required to gather enough resources varies depending on luck, mission objectives, and personal playstyle. Patience and persistence are key to building up your collection.

Q: Are there any other valuable resources to look out for?
A: Yes, keep an eye out for resources like char black and fine grain mineral powder, as they are crucial for crafting various traps and ammunition.

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