Easy Laravel Login and Registration for Beginners

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Easy Laravel Login and Registration for Beginners

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Laravel Authentication 2.1. Installing Laravel Breeze 2.2. Running the Installation Commands 2.3. Handling Errors and Warnings
  3. Navigating the Login and Register Pages
  4. Exploring the Dashboard and Profiles Page
  5. Customizing the View and Layout
  6. Understanding the Controllers 6.1. Auth Controller 6.2. New Password Controller 6.3. Verify Email Controller 6.4. Profiles Controller
  7. Implementing CRUD Operations
  8. Protecting Routes for Authorized Users
  9. Conclusion

Creating a Login and Register Page in Laravel - A Beginner's Guide

Are You new to Laravel and looking to Create a login and register page for your project? In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up Laravel authentication and creating a fully functional login and register page using Laravel Breeze and Blade templating. We will also explore how to customize the view, understand the controllers involved, and implement CRUD operations. So, let's dive in!

1. Introduction

Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its simplicity and elegance in building web applications. One of the essential features of any web application is user authentication, which allows users to register, log in, and access personalized content. In this article, we will focus on creating a login and register page using Laravel's built-in authentication features.

2. Setting up Laravel Authentication

Before we begin, it's important to have a basic understanding of Laravel and its installation process. Once you have Laravel installed, follow these steps to set up authentication.

2.1. Installing Laravel Breeze

To simplify the authentication process, we will be using Laravel Breeze, a minimalistic starter kit provided by Laravel. You can install Laravel Breeze by running the following command in your project directory:

Composer require laravel/breeze --dev

2.2. Running the Installation Commands

After installing Laravel Breeze, you need to run a few additional commands to set up the authentication system. First, stop your server if it's running and paste the following command:

php artisan breeze:install

This command will install the necessary dependencies and generate the authentication scaffolding. You will be prompted to choose your preferred stack, and we will be using Blade as our templating engine.

2.3. Handling Errors and Warnings

During the installation process, you might encounter errors or warnings related to PostCSS or ES modules. If you see any warning about failing to load PostCSS config or the need to set the Type to "module," you can resolve it by modifying the Package.json file. Add the "type" field with the value "module" and run the previous command again:

php artisan breeze:install

Choose Blade as the stack and proceed with the installation.

3. Navigating the Login and Register Pages

Once the authentication system is set up, you will have two new routes: "/login" and "/register." Visiting these routes will take you to the respective login and register pages. The login page allows existing users to log in, while the register page facilitates the creation of new user accounts.

4. Exploring the Dashboard and Profiles Page

After successfully logging in, users will be redirected to the dashboard, where they can access various features and settings. One notable feature is the profiles page, where users can update their personal information, change their password, and even delete their account.

5. Customizing the View and Layout

Laravel provides a separation of concerns, making it easy to customize the view and layout of your authentication pages. The views for the login, register, and other related pages can be found in the "resources/views" directory. By modifying these view files, you can change the page contents, including logos, backgrounds, form layouts, and more.

6. Understanding the Controllers

Behind the scenes, Laravel generates controllers to handle different aspects of authentication. Let's take a closer look at each of these controllers:

6.1. Auth Controller

The Auth Controller handles the login, logout, and registration processes. It validates user credentials and creates user accounts when registering. You can find this controller in the "app/Http/Controllers/Auth" directory.

6.2. New Password Controller

The New Password Controller is responsible for resetting forgotten passwords. It handles password reset requests, validates email addresses, and sends password reset emails. You can find this controller in the same directory as the Auth Controller.

6.3. Verify Email Controller

The Verify Email Controller handles the email verification process. When users register, they receive an email with a verification link. This controller verifies the token in the link and confirms the user's email address.

6.4. Profiles Controller

The Profiles Controller manages the user's profile page. It allows users to update their name, change their password, and delete their account if needed. This controller ensures that only authenticated users can access the profile page.

7. Implementing CRUD Operations

Once the authentication system is set up, you can integrate CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations into your application. Laravel provides powerful tools and conventions to build CRUD functionality efficiently. You can create and manage products, posts, or any other data Relevant to your application.

8. Protecting Routes for Authorized Users

To enhance the security of your application, it's essential to protect certain routes from unauthorized access. Laravel provides Middleware that allows you to restrict routes to only authenticated users. By using these middleware, you can ensure that only logged-in users can access sensitive pages or perform specific actions.

9. Conclusion

In this beginner's guide, we have covered the process of creating a login and register page in Laravel using Laravel Breeze and Blade templating. We have explored various aspects of Laravel authentication, customization options, and discussed the underlying controllers. Additionally, we touched on implementing CRUD operations and protecting routes for authorized users. With this knowledge, you can create robust and secure authentication systems for your Laravel applications.


  • Set up Laravel authentication using Laravel Breeze
  • Customize the view and layout of authentication pages
  • Understand and modify the generated controllers
  • Implement CRUD operations in your application
  • Protect routes for authorized users


Q: Can I use a different templating engine instead of Blade? A: Laravel Breeze uses Blade as the default templating engine. While it is recommended to use Blade for consistency and compatibility, you can integrate other templating engines if needed.

Q: How can I add additional fields to the registration page? A: To add extra fields to the registration page, you need to modify the corresponding view file located in "resources/views/auth/register.blade.php" and update the registration validation rules in the Auth Controller.

Q: Is it possible to customize the authentication routes? A: Yes, you can modify the authentication routes by editing the "routes/web.php" file. However, it is recommended to follow Laravel's conventions to ensure the smooth functioning of the authentication system.

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