Enhance Your Life with ESP32 Voice Assistant and ChatGPT

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Enhance Your Life with ESP32 Voice Assistant and ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Overview
  3. Setting Up the Project
  4. Speech to Text Conversion
  5. Text to Speech Conversion
  6. Hardware Components
  7. PCB Designing with LTM 365
  8. Communication Between ESP Boards
  9. Coding Solution for ESP Boards
  10. Testing and Assembly
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to our latest project on creating our own voice assistant Based on chat DVD. In this article, we will guide You through the process of building and programming the voice assistant using an ESP32 board. We will cover various topics including speech-to-text conversion, text-to-speech conversion, hardware components, PCB designing, and more. So, let's dive right in and start creating our own voice assistant!

Project Overview

In this project, we aim to Create a voice assistant using an ESP32 board and chat DVD. The voice assistant will be able to convert speech to text, process the text through chat GPD API, and provide the desired response through text-to-speech conversion. We will also discuss the hardware components required for the project and provide a step-by-step guide on assembling and testing the voice assistant.

Setting Up the Project

Before we begin building the voice assistant, it is important to set up the project environment. We will guide you through the installation and configuration of the necessary software and libraries required for the project. This includes installing the Arduino IDE, ESP32 board library, and other dependencies. Once the setup is complete, we can move on to the next steps of the project.

Speech to Text Conversion

One of the key components of our voice assistant is the speech-to-text conversion. We will explore different methods and technologies for converting speech into text. In this section, we will focus on using Google Cloud services for speech recognition. We will provide the necessary code and instructions to integrate Google Cloud services with our ESP32 board.

Text to Speech Conversion

In order to create a fully functional voice assistant, we also need to convert text into speech. We will discuss different approaches and libraries for text-to-speech conversion. We will provide code examples and step-by-step instructions on how to integrate text-to-speech conversion into our voice assistant project. Additionally, we will cover any challenges and potential solutions when merging both speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionalities.

Hardware Components

To bring our voice assistant to life, we need to Gather the necessary hardware components. In this section, we will discuss the ESP32 board, microphone, speaker, RGB LED, TP4056 battery charging module, and other components required for the project. We will provide details on how to connect and assemble these components to build our voice assistant.

PCB Designing with LTM 365

To streamline the process of designing and managing our PCB, we will introduce a powerful tool called LTM 365. LTM 365 is an electronics product design platform that combines PCB design, MCAD data management, and teamwork functionalities. We will discuss how to use LTM 365 to design our PCB, share projects, manage components, and obtain real-time supply chain data.

Communication Between ESP Boards

In our voice assistant project, we use two separate ESP32 boards for speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionalities. In this section, we will explain how these two boards communicate with each other using UART communication. We will provide a detailed explanation and visual representation of the communication process between the two boards.

Coding Solution for ESP Boards

To achieve the desired functionality of our voice assistant, we need to provide the appropriate code for both ESP32 boards. In this section, we will provide the necessary code snippets and explain how to integrate them into each ESP board. We will discuss the speech-to-text code, text-to-speech code, and the communication code between the ESP boards. We will also provide solutions to potential compiling errors that may arise when merging the two codes.

Testing and Assembly

Once we have completed the code integration, it is time to test our voice assistant and assemble all the components. We will guide you through the testing process, including how to check the status of the voice assistant using the RGB LED, how to ask questions, and how to receive responses. We will also discuss the assembly of all the components inside a plastic casing and the inclusion of additional features such as an IR sensor and battery charging module.


In conclusion, creating our own voice assistant based on chat DVD is an exciting and challenging project. With the right hardware components, code integration, and testing, we can build a functional voice assistant that converts speech to text and provides accurate responses through text-to-speech conversion. We hope this article serves as a comprehensive guide to help you successfully create your own voice assistant. Happy building!


  • Building a voice assistant based on chat DVD using an ESP32 board
  • Speech-to-text conversion using Google Cloud services
  • Text-to-speech conversion for responsive voice output
  • Integrating hardware components for a fully functional voice assistant
  • PCB designing and management using LTM 365
  • Communication between ESP32 boards using UART communication
  • Code integration, error solving, and testing process
  • Assembling all components and adding additional features
  • Creating a personalized and interactive voice assistant
  • Continuous improvement and suggestions for future enhancements


Q: Can I use a different board instead of ESP32 for this project? A: While this project focuses on ESP32, you can adapt the code and concepts to work with other boards that support the required functionalities. However, keep in mind that some adjustments may be necessary.

Q: Is it possible to add additional features to the voice assistant? A: Yes, the voice assistant can be customized and enhanced with additional features based on your specific requirements. Suggestions for improvements and new functionalities are always welcome.

Q: Can I use a different speech-to-text or text-to-speech service instead of Google Cloud services? A: Yes, you can use alternative services and libraries for speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion based on your preferences. However, the code and instructions provided in this article are tailored for integration with Google Cloud services.

Q: Is it possible to modify the design and aesthetics of the voice assistant casing? A: Absolutely! Feel free to modify the design and aesthetics of the voice assistant casing according to your personal preferences or project requirements. Just ensure that the components are securely housed and easily accessible.

Q: How can I contribute to the improvement of the voice assistant project? A: We encourage you to leave your suggestions and ideas for improvements in the comments section of the video or article. By sharing your insights, you can help us create more advanced versions of the voice assistant in future episodes.

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