Epic D&D Adventure at PAX Prime 2010 - Part 1

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Epic D&D Adventure at PAX Prime 2010 - Part 1

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Origins of Acquisitions Incorporated
  3. The Adventures of Acquisitions Incorporated
  4. The Red Box: A Legendary Inspiration
  5. The Dungeons & Dragons Bus
  6. The Living Members of Acquisitions Incorporated
    • CEO Omin Dran
    • Jerry Holkins
    • Benwin Bronzebottom
    • Scott Kurtz
    • Jim Darkmagic
    • Mike Krahulik
  7. The Minion and Former Player: Mr. Stinky and Wil Wheaton
  8. Voting for Minion Roles
  9. The Artifact and Its Fate
  10. Deciding the Fate of the Artifact
  11. Binwin's Family Problems
  12. The Revenge Against Clan Ambershard
  13. The Invulnerable Coat of Iron
  14. The New Intern
  15. The Laborious Process of Hiring
  16. Sympathy from the Temple of Morden
  17. The Wrongful Death Suit
  18. The Sympathetic Temple's Offer
  19. The Ritual for Bringing Back Omin
  20. The Public Appearance and Hydration
  21. Words to Bring Omin Back
    • Omin's Plea
    • Binwin's Apology
    • Jim's Plea and Apology
    • Darkmagic's Final Words


Welcome to the world's smallest Dungeons & Dragons game! In this article, we will Delve into the thrilling adventures of Acquisitions Incorporated. Led by CEO Omin Dran, the members of this renowned company have encountered numerous challenges and triumphs. From their origins to the fate of a significant artifact, join us on this exciting Journey.

The Origins of Acquisitions Incorporated

The story of Acquisitions Incorporated begins with the brilliant minds of Omin Dran, Jerry Holkins, Benwin Bronzebottom, Scott Kurtz, Jim Darkmagic, and Mike Krahulik. These individuals came together to plunder Shadowfell Keep and soon realized the potential of starting their own company. Thus, Acquisitions Incorporated was born, aimed at helping the town of Fallcrest secure a tower on the outskirts of civilization.

The Adventures of Acquisitions Incorporated

As the company embarked on various missions, they faced a multitude of challenges. One such obstacle was Binwin Bronzebottom's familial problems. His father's mine was stolen by the rival dwarven clan, Amber Shard, which led to a personal vendetta against them. Determined to Seek revenge, Binwin and his companions infiltrated Amber Shard Manor and stole the invulnerable Coat of Iron, striking a significant blow against their adversaries.

The Red Box: A Legendary Inspiration

The original red box serves as an inspiration for the entire line of role-playing games, including Dungeons & Dragons. This iconic box has captivated players' imaginations and sparked countless adventures, both on paper and in electronic games. Wizards of the Coast proudly supports this cherished tradition and invites all enthusiasts to explore their world.

The Dungeons & Dragons Bus

After immersing yourself in the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, be sure to visit the D&D bus. Located at Ninth and Pine, this interactive experience is a haven for fans. Take part in exciting contests, grab some cool t-shirts, and even get your hands on a red box. The D&D bus promises a thrilling adventure for all who enter.

The Living Members of Acquisitions Incorporated

Meet the living members of Acquisitions Incorporated, led by the charismatic CEO Omin Dran. This exceptional team consists of Jerry Holkins, Benwin Bronzebottom, Scott Kurtz, Jim Darkmagic, and Mike Krahulik. Each member brings their unique skills and personalities to enrich the company's endeavors.

The Minion and Former Player: Mr. Stinky and Wil Wheaton

Wil Wheaton, a notable figure, humbly embraces the role of Mr. Stinky, a zombie under Jim Darkmagic's command. Wheaton's involvement in the game adds an extra layer of excitement and entertainment. It's a testament to the dedication and love fans have for Acquisitions Incorporated.

Voting for Minion Roles

In a moment of fan engagement, the audience had the opportunity to vote for the minion role to be played by Wil Wheaton. The choices ranged from a kobold named Boogerdeep to a rotting zombie called Mr. Stinky. The interactive element of the game allows fans to Shape the narrative, making their involvement invaluable.

The Artifact and Its Fate

In a previous Podcast, Acquisitions Incorporated stumbled upon a forgotten artifact of great significance. This item sparked debates among the members regarding its fate. Should they sell it and use the money for personal gain or to resurrect a fallen comrade? The decision would have far-reaching consequences for the company.

Deciding the Fate of the Artifact

After considering different perspectives, including the suggestions of Jerry Holkins and Benwin Bronzebottom, the company reached a Consensus. The artifact would be sold to acquire a wealth of magical items, a choice that honored the memory of a fallen member and aligned with the desires of Acquisitions Incorporated.

Binwin's Family Problems

Binwin Bronzebottom's family problems took a toll on his personal life. The rival dwarven clan, Amber Shard, dealt a devastating blow to his father's mine, forcing him out of business. Determined to retaliate, Binwin and his fellow team members devised a plan to exact revenge, leading to a daring raid on Amber Shard Manor.

The Revenge Against Clan Ambershard

The raid on Amber Shard Manor showcased the resourcefulness and prowess of Acquisitions Incorporated. They successfully stole the invulnerable Coat of Iron, a symbolic victory against Clan Ambershard. This audacious act not only restored Binwin's family honor but also sent a strong message to their adversaries.

The Invulnerable Coat of Iron

The invulnerable Coat of Iron became a prized possession for Acquisitions Incorporated. This mystical garment provided unparalleled protection and enhanced the wearer's abilities. Its acquisition strengthened the company's position and further solidified their reputation as formidable adventurers.

The New Intern

As Acquisitions Incorporated continued to expand, the need for additional personnel arose. Thus, the search for a new intern began. However, this process proved to be more challenging than expected. Finding candidates with ambition and initiative proved elusive, as many sought an easy path to their dream job.

The Laborious Process of Hiring

Hiring a suitable intern became a laborious process for Acquisitions Incorporated. The lack of ambition and initiative among potential candidates presented a significant hurdle. However, the company persevered in their search for talent, determined to find the perfect fit for their expanding team.

Sympathy from the Temple of Morden

Despite the challenges faced in hiring a new intern, Acquisitions Incorporated found solace in the sympathy offered by the Temple of Morden. The temple recognized the company's dedication and offered to help Raise funds to bring back a fallen comrade. This gesture displayed the compassion and understanding of the temple towards their cause.

The Wrongful Death Suit

Acquisitions Incorporated faced the repercussions of a wrongful death suit brought against them by an employee, Benwin Bronzebottom. This legal dispute added an additional layer of complexity to their operations. The company's focus shifted towards resolving the matter, ensuring justice prevailed.

The Sympathetic Temple's Offer

The Temple of Morden showcased their sympathy towards Acquisitions Incorporated by providing financial assistance for the resurrection ritual. The temple, however, required the company's participation in the ritual and a small public appearance. Refusing to let an opportunity slip by, the company readily accepted the temple's generous offer.

The Ritual for Bringing Back Omin

The ritual to bring back Omin was an elaborate affair, requiring the participation of Acquisitions Incorporated. As the priests of Morden led the proceedings, the company members were given periodic breaks for hydration. This ensured they remained energized throughout the extended ritual, maintaining focus and devotion.

The Public Appearance and Hydration

The public appearance during the ritual added an extra layer of pressure for Acquisitions Incorporated. Their words during the casting of the ritual held great significance. As they hydrated and prepared for the prolonged ceremony, the company braced themselves for a momentous occasion.

Words to Bring Omin Back

Each member of Acquisitions Incorporated had heartfelt words to offer during the ritual, hoping to entice the return of their fallen comrade. Omin emphasized the desire to avoid legal disputes, Binwin expressed his admiration for Omin, and Jim's words carried a heavy weight of guilt. The ritual progressed as they each expressed their thoughts and desires.


The adventures of Acquisitions Incorporated Continue to captivate audiences worldwide. From their origins and thrilling escapades to the heartfelt moments and tough decisions, this compelling narrative reminds us of the enduring power of Dungeons & Dragons. Join the company on their Quest for triumph and redemption in a world filled with magic and wonder.


  • Acquisitions Incorporated: A Thrilling Adventure in a Dungeons & Dragons Game
  • The Origins and Triumphs of Acquisitions Incorporated
  • The Legendary Inspiration of the Red Box in Role-Playing Games
  • Embracing the Dungeons & Dragons Bus Experience
  • The Living Members of Acquisitions Incorporated and Their Unique Roles
  • Wil Wheaton's Involvement as Mr. Stinky
  • Interactive Voting for Minion Roles
  • The Fate of a Significant Artifact: Selling or Resurrection?
  • Binwin Bronzebottom's Family Problems and Revenge Against Clan Ambershard
  • The Invulnerable Coat of Iron: A Symbol of Acquisitions Incorporated's Strength
  • The Challenges of Hiring a New Intern
  • The Sympathy of the Temple of Morden and the Wrongful Death Suit
  • The Ritual for Bringing Back Omin and Their Public Appearance
  • Heartfelt Words of the Company Members to Bring Omin Back


Q: What is Acquisitions Incorporated? A: Acquisitions Incorporated is a renowned company in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, led by CEO Omin Dran. They take on various missions and immerse themselves in thrilling adventures.

Q: Who are the living members of Acquisitions Incorporated? A: The living members of Acquisitions Incorporated include Omin Dran, Jerry Holkins, Benwin Bronzebottom, Scott Kurtz, Jim Darkmagic, and Mike Krahulik.

Q: What is the significance of the red box in role-playing games? A: The red box serves as an inspiration for Dungeons & Dragons and other role-playing games. It paved the way for countless adventures and electronic adaptations.

Q: What is the involvement of Wil Wheaton in Acquisitions Incorporated? A: Wil Wheaton plays the role of Mr. Stinky, a zombie under Jim Darkmagic's command. His inclusion adds excitement and entertainment to the game.

Q: How was the fate of an artifact decided within Acquisitions Incorporated? A: The company held discussions and ultimately decided to sell the artifact to acquire magical items. This choice honored a fallen member of the team.

Q: What challenges did Binwin Bronzebottom face regarding his family? A: Binwin's family mine was stolen by the rival dwarven clan, Amber Shard. This led to a personal vendetta against them and a daring raid on their stronghold.

Q: How did Acquisitions Incorporated handle the process of hiring a new intern? A: Hiring proved to be a laborious process as the company sought candidates with ambition and initiative. They persevered in their search for the perfect fit.

Q: What role did the Temple of Morden play in helping Acquisitions Incorporated? A: The temple offered financial assistance for a resurrection ritual, showcasing their sympathy towards the company's cause.

Q: What words were spoken during the ritual to bring Omin back? A: Each member of Acquisitions Incorporated expressed heartfelt words. Omin requested to avoid lawsuits, Binwin apologized for his role in the demise, and Jim carried a heavy burden of guilt.

Q: What can we expect from the adventures of Acquisitions Incorporated in the future? A: The adventures of Acquisitions Incorporated continue to enthral audiences. They face triumphs and challenges, with each new adventure adding to their enduring narrative.

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