Ethics in Designing Coding Schemes: A Guide for Businesses

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Ethics in Designing Coding Schemes: A Guide for Businesses

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose of Coding Schemes
  3. Steps and Activities for Developing Coding Schemes a. Forming a Cross-Functional Team b. Deciding the Coding Scheme Structure c. Assigning Codes to Entities and Objects d. Providing a Solution for Generating Random Code Numbers e. Incorporating Codes into ERP Packages f. Deciding Processes, Activities, and Documents for Code Acquisitioning g. Assigning Personnel for Code Acquisition and Approval h. Periodic Review and Redesign of Coding Schemes i. Testing and Foundation of the Coding Scheme j. Providing Training and Implementing the Coding Schemes
  4. Illustration of Coding Schemes for Entities and Objects a. Entities i. Vendors ii. Employees iii. Customers b. Objects i. Functions and Teams ii. Core Activities iii. Technical Activities iv. Code Documents v. Fields Configuration Tables vi. Data Tables vii. Master Tables viii. Assets and Capital ix. BOQ Materials
  5. Flexibility in Designing Coding Schemes
  6. Implementation and Documentation of Coding Schemes
  7. Compatibility with Software and ERP Packages
  8. Conclusion

Developing the Coding Schemes for the Real Estate Industry


Coding schemes play a crucial role in various industries, including the real estate sector. While coding schemes are commonly associated with software coding, they also refer to the scheme for categorizing and identifying different entities and objects within a business. This article aims to explore the purpose of coding schemes and provide a step-by-step guide on developing effective coding schemes for the real estate industry.

Purpose of Coding Schemes

In any business, numerous entities and objects exist, ranging from vendors and customers to processes and activities. Coding schemes serve several purposes in organizing, categorizing, and managing these entities and objects effectively. The objectives of coding schemes include:

  1. Providing a standardized and structured way of identifying and categorizing entities and objects.
  2. Enabling efficient access to entities and objects for data retrieval and analysis.
  3. Facilitating efficient storage and retrieval of data through digitization.
  4. Organizing and classifying business data as useful information.
  5. Enabling efficient management of business operations.
  6. Assisting in Record-keeping and tracking of entities and objects.

Steps and Activities for Developing Coding Schemes

To develop coding schemes for the real estate industry, it is crucial to follow a systematic approach. The following steps and activities Outline the process:

  1. Forming a Cross-Functional Team: Establish a team comprising individuals from different departments or functions to ensure diverse perspectives and expertise in developing coding schemes.

  2. Deciding the Coding Scheme Structure: Determine the structure of the coding scheme, considering the number of digits and the types (alpha or numeric). For example, a coding scheme can consist of alphanumeric codes with six digits.

  3. Assigning Codes to Entities and Objects: Assign unique codes to each entity and object within the real estate industry. This process involves categorizing entities, such as vendors, employees, and customers, and assigning codes Based on the coding scheme structure.

  4. Providing a Solution for Generating Random Code Numbers: If required, implement a solution for generating random code numbers. This is particularly useful when dealing with a large volume of materials, where code numbers need to be unique and sequential.

  5. Incorporating Codes into ERP Packages: Integrate the assigned codes into the organization's ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) packages or software systems during the pre-implementation stage. This ensures seamless data management and accessibility.

  6. Deciding Processes, Activities, and Documents for Code Acquisitioning: Determine the processes, activities, and documents required for acquiring and recognizing additions to codes. Identify responsible persons or positions within each function who can approve and communicate codes for implementation.

  7. Assigning Personnel for Code Acquisition and Approval: Assign specific individuals or positions responsible for acquiring, approving, and communicating codes to all concerned functions within the real estate organization.

  8. Periodic Review and Redesign of Coding Schemes: Conduct periodic reviews to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the coding schemes. Redesign or enhance the coding schemes as necessary to accommodate changing business needs and evolving entities and objects.

  9. Testing and Foundation of the Coding Scheme: Before the full implementation of coding schemes, conduct thorough testing to ensure their compatibility and functionality. Once tested and approved, establish a solid foundation by implementing the coding schemes across the organization.

  10. Providing Training and Implementing the Coding Schemes: Conduct training programs to familiarize employees and stakeholders with the coding schemes. Ensure that all Relevant parties understand the coding system for efficient and error-free implementation.

Illustration of Coding Schemes for Entities and Objects

Implementing coding schemes requires a clear understanding of how they Apply to various entities and objects within the real estate industry. The following examples illustrate coding schemes for different entities and objects:


  1. Vendors:

    • Supplier Domestic: VA001
    • Consultant Domestic: VB001
    • Contractor Domestic: VC001
    • Service Provider Domestic: VD001
    • Supplier Overseas: VE001
  2. Employees:

    • Local and Resident Employees: EA0001
    • Foreign Employees: EB0001
    • Temporary Employees: EC0001
  3. Customers:

    • Project Customers - End Customers: CEA001
    • Real Estate Agents: CEB001
    • Underwriters: CF001
    • Institute Customers: CJ001


  1. Functions and Teams:

    • Architecture Team: PR02T01
    • Interiors Team: PR02T02
    • MEP Team: PR02T03
  2. Core Activities:

    • Designing: D2601
    • Procurement: D2602
    • Contracts: D2603
  3. Technical Activities:

    • Core Technical Activities: AU1201
    • Certifications: D1201
  4. Code Documents:

    • Design Documents: AD1201
    • Purchase Documents: AP1201
    • Accounts Documents: AC1201
  5. Fields Configuration Tables:

    • Materials Field Configuration: FM1201
    • Suppliers Field Configuration: FS1201
  6. Data Tables:

    • Materials Data Table: DT1201
    • Suppliers Data Table: DS1201
  7. Master Tables:

    • Materials Master Table: MT1201
    • Suppliers Master Table: MS1201
  8. Assets and Capital:

    • Land: AL0001
    • Building: AB0001
    • Plant and Machinery: AC0001
  9. BOQ Materials:

    • Structure Package: QA0001
    • MEP Package: QB0001
    • Consumables: QC0001

Flexibility in Designing Coding Schemes

Organizations have the flexibility to design coding schemes based on their unique requirements and preferences. The number of digits, the use of alphanumeric or numeric codes, and the hierarchical structure can be adjusted to suit the specific needs of the real estate industry. It is essential to consider the compatibility of the coding scheme structure with the software and ERP packages utilized by the organization for seamless integration.

Implementation and Documentation of Coding Schemes

Before implementing coding schemes, it is crucial to thoroughly document the scheme and provide clear guidelines on the usage, requisitioning, approval, and communication processes. Additionally, providing training to employees about the coding schemes and their significance ensures smooth adoption and understanding. Ensuring compatibility with software and ERP packages is also vital to avoid any conflicts or limitations.


Developing effective coding schemes for the real estate industry is crucial for efficient data management and organization. By following a systematic approach and considering the unique needs of the industry, organizations can Create coding schemes that streamline processes, facilitate data retrieval, and enhance overall business operations. Emphasizing the documentation, training, and compatibility aspects ensures successful implementation and sustained utilization of coding schemes.

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