Exciting ChatGPT Updates and Mind-Blowing AI News

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Exciting ChatGPT Updates and Mind-Blowing AI News

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. ChatGPT Upgrades
  3. Chachi PT Launches Web Crawler
  4. Custom Instructions for ChatGPT
  5. AI Recording Keystrokes
  6. Nvidia's AI Products
  7. Disney's Investment in AI
  8. Apple's AI Strategy
  9. Leonardo.Ai's Photo Real Update
  10. Real-Time Voice Cloning
  11. Wizard LM 70b 1.0 Model
  12. Google's IDX for Developers
  13. Ai Avatar 2.0
  14. Grace Hopper and the Mark II Computer
  15. Kwebbelkop's AI Avatar
  16. Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg Fight

ChatGPT Gets a Bunch of Upgrades

In the world of AI, OpenAI's ChatGPT has recently received several upgrades and enhancements that are sure to delight its users. These upgrades include the introduction of up-to-date information retrieval through a web crawler called GPT Bot, custom instructions for more personalized interactions, and various quality of life improvements. Let's dive into the details of these upgrades and how they enhance the overall ChatGPT experience.

1. ChatGPT Upgrades

1.1 Chachi PT Launches Web Crawler

One of the significant upgrades that ChatGPT has received is the integration of a web crawler called GPT Bot. Previously, ChatGPT had web browsing capabilities which allowed it to Gather information from the internet. However, this feature was temporarily disabled due to safety concerns. Now, with the introduction of GPT Bot, ChatGPT can once again retrieve up-to-date information in real-time. Before integrating this data into its models, the OpenAI team filters and polishes it to ensure accuracy and reliability.

1.2 Custom Instructions for ChatGPT

Another exciting upgrade for ChatGPT is the introduction of custom instructions. Previously, every interaction with ChatGPT required users to start from scratch, providing the necessary Context each time. With custom instructions, users can now give ChatGPT initial directions, saving time and effort for repetitive tasks. For example, users can instruct ChatGPT that it is already aware of being a large language model, eliminating the need for constant reminders. Custom instructions have been well-received and offer a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

1.3 AI Recording Keystrokes

While AI advancements bring numerous benefits, they also Raise concerns about potential misuse. One such concern is the ability of AI to Record keystrokes Based on the sound of typing. Recent research has shown that artificial intelligence can decipher the keys being pressed with over 90% accuracy simply by analyzing the typing sounds. This poses a significant security risk, especially during activities like typing passwords during video calls. However, researchers suggest mitigating these risks by using biometric passwords, two-step verification, and leveraging the shift key to enhance security.

2. Nvidia AI Announcements

Nvidia, a leading player in the AI industry, recently made significant announcements during their siggraph event. Among the noteworthy announcements, Nvidia introduced a new chip called GH-200, which aims to reduce the cost of training and fine-tuning large language models (LLMs). The GH-200 chip combines the power of the latest GPU technology with cutting-edge memory capabilities and an advanced ARM Central Processor. This innovation promises to cater to the severe GPU shortage that AI developers have been facing, providing them with more processing power and resources.

Alongside their chip development, Nvidia also partnered with Hugging Face, an AI model repository, to offer high-performance GPUs to millions of developers and researchers through the Hugging Face platform. This collaboration, named Nvidia GDX Cloud, features a powerful AI supercomputing cluster with a staggering 640 gigabytes of GPU memory per node. By providing access to such extensive computing resources, Nvidia aims to alleviate the GPU supply issue, enabling developers to explore new frontiers in AI research and development.

3. Disney's Embrace of AI

Disney, known for its blockbuster movies and entertainment empire, is also keen on leveraging the power of AI. The company has established a dedicated task force to explore AI applications across its entire business ecosystem. This initiative, launched earlier this year, aims to develop in-house AI solutions and forge partnerships with promising startups in the field. By harnessing AI technology, Disney hopes to enhance its movie production process, minimize costs, and Create more captivating experiences for its audience.

4. Apple's AI Strategy

Apple, a renowned tech giant, has taken a distinct approach to AI compared to its competitors. While other companies have already made significant AI rollouts, Apple has been more cautious, waiting for the right moment to integrate AI into its products. In response to growing questions about Apple's AI strategy, CEO Tim Cook emphasized that AI and machine learning are fundamental to every product Apple builds. Although Apple may seem behind its competitors in terms of AI integration, the company believes in embedding AI into products the "Apple way" when it is fully optimized to meet their high standards.

5. Leonardo.AI's Photorealistic AI

Leonardo.AI, an up-and-coming player in the AI landscape, has made substantial gains with its latest update. The company introduced the Photo Real update to its gen AI pipeline, enabling the creation of impressive photorealistic Generative AI. With this update, users can adjust the depth of field and choose from a range of presets to achieve cinematic, creative, or vibrant visuals. The Photo Real feature is currently available for premium users, positioning Leonardo.AI as a potent competitor to other AI platforms, such as Mid-Journey. Furthermore, Leonardo.AI launched a new iOS app, making AI generative art more accessible and user-friendly.

6. Real-Time Voice Cloning

Voice cloning technology has taken a leap forward with the release of real-time voice cloning capabilities by 11Labs. Previously, users had to wait for text-to-voice conversion, but now it can be done in real-time. This advancement opens up exciting possibilities for real-time verbal interactions with large language models, enabling dynamic and engaging conversations. As real-time voice generation becomes as quick as text generation, the potential for immersive AI-driven dialogue grows exponentially.

7. Wizard LM 70b 1.0 Model

Wizard LM, a leading AI model provider, has unveiled its newest model, Wizard LM 70b 1.0. This model represents a significant improvement in coding, mathematical reasoning, and open domain conversation capabilities. For developers and researchers seeking an open-source alternative to compete with GPT-4 in coding abilities, Wizard LM 70b 1.0 offers great promise. It presents an opportunity to explore new possibilities and potentially push the boundaries of AI-driven coding.

8. Google's IDX for Developers

Google has stepped into the cloud-based development arena with IDX, a direct competitor to popular platforms like Replit. IDX allows developers to entirely develop their projects in the cloud, offering seamless collaboration and increased accessibility. The platform incorporates AI coding generation powered by Google's powerful Palm 2 technology. While specific details about IDX are limited, it is expected to support a variety of programming languages and provide a user-friendly environment for developers to work within.

9. AI Avatar 2.0

AI-generated avatars have become increasingly popular, and Joshua Avatar 2.0 is a prime example of stunning photorealistic avatars. This project, entirely made with AI, showcases the advancements made in visual and voice technology. Joshua Avatar 2.0 features impressive video quality and accurately replicates the unique speech Patterns and accents of its creator, Joshua. While the release of Joshua Avatar 2.0 is imminent, eager users can join the waitlist to experience this groundbreaking AI-driven avatar technology.

10. Grace Hopper and the Mark II Computer

In the historical context of computer programming, real Admiral Grace Hopper is a prominent figure. Back in 1947 at Harvard University, Admiral Grace Hopper was involved in the development of the Mark II computer, a significant milestone in early computer engineering. Her contributions laid the foundation for the remarkable advancements we see in AI and computing today. Understanding the legacy of pioneers like Admiral Grace Hopper serves as a reminder of how far we have come and the role AI plays in shaping our future.

11. Kwebbelkop's AI Avatar

Kwebbelkop, a renowned YouTube content creator with a massive subscriber base, recently made headlines by converting his entire Channel to AI-generated content. While Kwebbelkop's AI avatar currently looks cartoonish, the potential for creating more realistic avatars using AI technology is truly remarkable. As the technology advances, AI avatars may become indistinguishable from real human beings, leaving viewers in awe and blurring the line between reality and digital creations.

12. Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg Fight

In a surprising turn of events, two tech titans, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, have engaged in a playful feud, challenging each other to an MMA fight. While initially dismissed as a joke, the challenge seems to have taken a serious turn, with both Musk and Zuckerberg exchanging jabs and discussing potential details of the fight. Mark Zuckerberg, who has been training in Jiu-Jitsu, appears confident in his abilities, while Elon Musk's stance remains uncertain. While the fight holds entertainment value, it also showcases the competitive and lighthearted nature of these tech giants.


Q: Are the upgrades available for all users of ChatGPT? A: Yes, the recent upgrades to ChatGPT, including the web crawler integration and custom instructions, are available to all users.

Q: Can AI really record keystrokes based on typing sounds? A: Yes, recent research has shown that AI can accurately decipher keystrokes by analyzing the sound of typing. This raises concerns about potential security risks during activities like typing passwords in virtual conversations.

Q: How is Nvidia addressing the GPU shortage for AI developers? A: Nvidia has launched the GH-200 chip, which combines the latest GPU technology with advanced memory capabilities. Additionally, their partnership with Hugging Face offers high-performance GPUs through the Nvidia GDX Cloud platform, ensuring developers have access to powerful computing resources.

Q: What is Disney's aim in embracing AI? A: Disney aims to utilize AI across its entire business ecosystem to enhance movie production, reduce costs, and create more captivating experiences for its audience.

Q: Why has Apple been cautious in adopting AI in its products? A: Apple believes in embedding AI into its products when the technology has been optimized according to their high standards. They view AI and machine learning as fundamental core technologies and include them in every product they build.

Q: How does Leonardo.AI's Photo Real update enhance AI generative art? A: The Photo Real update allows users to generate photorealistic visuals by adjusting depth of field and choosing from various presets. This update positions Leonardo.AI as a strong competitor in the field of AI generative art, alongside platforms like Mid-Journey.

Q: Can real-time voice cloning enable dynamic interactions with AI models? A: Yes, real-time voice cloning advancements enable users to engage in real-time verbal dialogue with large language models, creating immersive and interactive experiences.

Q: Does Wizard LM 70b 1.0 provide competition to GPT-4 in coding abilities? A: Wizard LM 70b 1.0 offers improved coding, mathematical reasoning, and open domain conversation capabilities. While it provides a strong alternative, its full potential as a competitor to GPT-4 in coding remains to be seen.

Q: What is Google's IDX platform for developers? A: IDX is a cloud-based development platform by Google that allows developers to work entirely in the cloud. It offers AI coding generation and aims to provide a user-friendly environment for developers to collaborate and build projects.

Q: How realistic are AI-generated avatars like Joshua Avatar 2.0? A: AI-generated avatars, like Joshua Avatar 2.0, have made significant advancements in replicating visuals and voice. While not yet indistinguishable from real humans, they represent exciting progress in the field of avatar technology.

Q: How did Admiral Grace Hopper contribute to computer programming? A: Admiral Grace Hopper played a pivotal role in the development of the Mark II computer, a significant milestone in early computer engineering. Her contributions laid the foundation for future advancements and innovations in AI and computing.

Q: Can AI avatars completely replace human Creators like Kwebbelkop on YouTube? A: While AI avatars have shown potential in creating content, it is unlikely that they will fully replace human creators like Kwebbelkop. AI avatars can enhance and augment creators' abilities but may not replace the authenticity and unique perspectives that human creators bring.

Q: Will the Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg fight actually happen? A: While the idea of a fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg started as a playful challenge, it remains uncertain whether it will truly materialize. Both parties have exchanged comments, but the fight's occurrence depends on their mutual agreement and commitment.

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