Exclusive Interview: Filmmaker J.C. Reifenberg on Hughes the Force

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Exclusive Interview: Filmmaker J.C. Reifenberg on Hughes the Force

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Inspiration Behind the Star Wars Fan Film
  3. Making a Star Wars Fan Film: The Initial Plan
  4. Garnering Support and Excitement for the Film
  5. Launching the Film Online and Where To Find It
  6. The Future of the Star Wars Fan Film
  7. Creatively Shaping the Leia Character
  8. Kevin Smith's Role in the Film
  9. Exploring the 90s Geek Culture
  10. Funding and Networking Opportunities
  11. Visiting the Ranch and Connections with Lucasfilm
  12. Conclusion


The Journey of a Star Wars Fan Film

If You are a die-hard Star Wars fan, chances are you have daydreamed about playing in the Star Wars Universe and creating your own story within its vast galaxy. The idea of making a Star Wars fan film can be incredibly enticing, as it allows fans to explore their creativity while paying homage to the beloved franchise. In this article, we Delve into the journey of a dedicated Star Wars fan and filmmaker who set out to Create his own Star Wars fan film, showcasing the challenges, inspirations, and behind-the-scenes excitement of this ambitious project.

The Inspiration Behind the Star Wars Fan Film

Every great endeavor begins with inspiration. For our filmmaker, the desire to create a Star Wars fan film stemmed from a moment of awe experienced while watching Kevin Rubio's "Troops" in 1998. This quirky and humorous fan film sparked the realization that one could play in the Star Wars universe without having to adhere strictly to the canon or create a grand space opera. The appeal lay in the ability to infuse humor, tell unique stories, and connect with audiences on a personal level—all while being immersed in the Star Wars universe.

Making a Star Wars Fan Film: The Initial Plan

The initial plan was simple: to make a Star Wars fan film that was both funny and different. Our filmmaker sought to tell a story that was not confined to the rules of a sci-fi epic but still had Meaningful connections to the Star Wars universe. This approach allowed for creative freedom and a chance to experiment with storytelling techniques outside the boundaries of the Star Wars saga.

Garnering Support and Excitement for the Film

As word spread about the Star Wars fan film project, excitement grew among fans and supporters. What started as a personal endeavor quickly transformed into a collaborative effort with passionate individuals eager to contribute and make the film a success. With the backing of influential figures such as Kevin Smith, the filmmakers had a built-in audience and platform to promote their vision. Utilizing social media and various online channels, the team harnessed the power of viral marketing, creating a buzz that attracted even more support.

Launching the Film Online and Where to Find It

After months of hard work, the Star Wars fan film was ready to be unleashed upon the world. The filmmakers strategically chose the 35th anniversary of the original Star Wars film, "A New Hope," as the launch date for their creation. The film was made available online through Kevin Smith's Smodcast internet television YouTube Channel, ensuring maximum exposure and accessibility for fans.

Additionally, fans could visit the Website houstonforce.com to download the film in their preferred format, be it for their iPad, iPod, or even on Blu-ray. The filmmakers left no stone unturned, providing a plethora of behind-the-scenes extras, including making-of documentaries, audio commentaries, and even a pop-up video version of the film that highlighted all the Star Wars references sprinkled throughout.

The Future of the Star Wars Fan Film

While the success of the Star Wars fan film was a thrilling accomplishment, it was just the beginning for our filmmaker. The positive reception and exposure gained from this project opened doors for future collaborations, networking opportunities, and even potential funding from renowned figures within the industry. With the support and connections made during this journey, the filmmaker was confident that their next venture would be even more ambitious and widely recognized.

Creatively Shaping the Leia Character

As with any fan film, there are inevitable challenges when it comes to casting iconic characters. In the case of this Star Wars fan film, the absence of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia presented a unique opportunity for creative reinterpretation. The Leia character in the film was a mix of Leia, Lisa from "Weird Science," and an embodiment of the perfect woman as imagined by the main characters. This allowed for a fresh and comedic take on the character while maintaining her essence within the Star Wars universe.

Kevin Smith's Role in the Film

Kevin Smith's involvement in the Star Wars fan film added a layer of nostalgia and reference to the project. With his career embodying the shift when geeks became cool in the '90s, Smith's character in the film captured the essence of that era. Though the original lines were penned by our filmmaker, Smith's improvisation and larger-than-life personality elevated the character, adding depth and humor that resonated with audiences.

Exploring the '90s Geek Culture

The Star Wars fan film sought to transport viewers back to the '80s and '90s, paying homage to classic John Hughes films while embracing the themes of geeks embracing their passion for pop culture. The movie aimed to blur the lines between reality and fantasy, evoking a Sense of nostalgia and capturing the spirit of a generation that grew up cherishing movies like "Star Wars," "Indiana Jones," and "Back to the Future."

Funding and Networking Opportunities

Creating a fan film of this magnitude requires financial backing, which our filmmaker found through self-financing and collaborating with other producers. While there was no direct monetization of the film, the investment paid off in unexpected ways. Through partnerships with Smog Co and Kevin Smith, valuable connections were forged with individuals in the film industry, Lucasfilm, and other influential networks. This provided our filmmaker with new opportunities for future projects and a robust network of creative professionals.

Visiting the Ranch and Connections with Lucasfilm

The ranch—a symbol of the creation of Star Wars—held a special place for our filmmaker, who had the rare privilege of visiting it. Winning an MTV contest in 2004 granted them an exclusive preview of "Revenge of the Sith," and subsequent invitations to Lucasfilm's company events cemented their relationship with the iconic establishment. These encounters not only solidified their connection with the world of Star Wars but also provided invaluable experiences and memories that fueled their creative drive.


The journey of creating a Star Wars fan film is a testament to the passion and dedication of fans who yearn to be part of the beloved franchise. From humble inspirations to worldwide recognition, this ambitious project showcases the power of fandom, the importance of collaboration, and the endless possibilities that storytelling within established universes can offer. As our filmmaker's adventure continues, they look forward to pushing creative boundaries, forging new connections, and bringing their unique visions to life in a galaxy far, far away.

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