Exploring the American Dream through Poetry

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Exploring the American Dream through Poetry

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. The Collaboration Begins
  4. Writing Process and Format
  5. The Evolution of the Book
  6. Themes and Messages in "American Reverie"
    • The Power of Vulnerability
    • Exploring African-American Identity
    • Confronting Police Violence
    • Celebrating African-American Heroes
    • Embracing Social Justice
  7. The Impact of Goddard College
  8. Publishing and Promoting the Book
  9. The Future of the Collaboration
  10. Conclusion

Article: "American Reverie: A Collaborative Journey of Poetry and Identity"

From the bustling streets of Montpelier, Vermont, a unique collaboration took place between Seneca Lofton and Donald McGee, resulting in the creation of the powerful book, "American Reverie." Drawing on their experiences as poets, writers, and educators, Lofton and McGee embarked on a journey that would challenge their artistry and explore important themes of African-American identity, social justice, and the power of vulnerability. As alumni of Goddard College, they brought their distinct perspectives together to Create a collection of poetry that captures the essence of the African-American experience in contemporary society.


The journey of "American Reverie" began with two passionate individuals, Seneca Lofton and Donald McGee, who shared a common thread as alumni of Goddard College. Their collaboration was born out of a deep connection and mutual respect for each other's work. As poets and educators, they aimed to create a body of work that would not only showcase their individual voices but also amplify the voices of the African-American community.


Both Lofton and McGee brought unique experiences and perspectives to the collaboration. Lofton, a poet, educated recording artist, and non-alumnus of Goddard College, joined the conversation to contribute his expertise in storytelling and exploration of identity. McGee, a college professor, poet, novelist, and publisher of their books, brought his years of experience in the literary world and a profound understanding of the African-American experience.

The Collaboration Begins

The collaboration between Lofton and McGee began organically. Through their connection at Goddard College and shared advisor B. Gates, they discovered the common tones, reflections, and experiences in their writing. This realization sparked an ongoing dialogue and eventually led to the inception of "American Reverie."

Writing Process and Format

Lofton and McGee embraced a collaborative writing process that allowed them to share their poems and ideas in real-time. Using a Google document, they engaged in a call-and-response approach, where one would write a poem and the other would respond with their own perspective. This fluid and open-ended format allowed them to explore various themes and subjects, weaving together their distinct voices into a Cohesive narrative.

The Evolution of the Book

The creation of "American Reverie" was a labor of love that spanned three years. Throughout this period, Lofton and McGee continuously refined their work, exchanging ideas and refining their poems to capture the essence of their experiences. The book evolved from a collection of poems into a deeper exploration of African-American identity, social justice, and the power of vulnerability.

Themes and Messages in "American Reverie"

"American Reverie" is a dynamic collection of poetry that touches upon various themes and messages. The poems within the book Delve into the power of vulnerability, celebrating African-American heroes, confronting police violence, embracing social justice, and exploring the multifaceted nature of African-American identity. Through their collaboration, Lofton and McGee provide readers with a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of these themes.

The Impact of Goddard College

As alumni of Goddard College, Lofton and McGee credit the institution for fostering their artistic growth and providing a space for creative exploration. Their experiences at Goddard College Shaped their perspectives and informed their writing, allowing them to delve deeper into their identities as African-American writers.

Publishing and Promoting the Book

Taking the leap to publish "American Reverie" was a significant milestone for Lofton and McGee. Through their publishing company, Thera Books, they aim to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and shed light on important social issues. With "American Reverie," they hope to reach a wider audience and spark conversations about race, identity, and social justice.

The Future of the Collaboration

For Lofton and McGee, "American Reverie" marks the beginning of a long-lasting collaboration. They envision continuing to write and connect, exploring new avenues for their creativity, and inspiring others through their work. The collaboration between these two poets is far from over, as they anticipate further projects and opportunities to share their voices.


"American Reverie" exemplifies the power of collaboration and the impact of storytelling. Through their shared experiences, Lofton and McGee have created a poetic masterpiece that explores themes of African-American identity, social justice, and the power of vulnerability. Their passion, talent, and dedication have resulted in a book that not only resonates with readers but also serves as a catalyst for change and enlightenment. "American Reverie" stands as a testament to the strength and beauty of collaboration and the transformative power of poetry.

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