Expose: The Racist Truth Behind Chat GPT

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Expose: The Racist Truth Behind Chat GPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Experiment: AI Predictions and Bias 2.1 Changing the Parameters 2.2 The Controversial Predictions
  3. Unveiling Ethnic Backgrounds
  4. Songs at a Family Reunion
  5. Celebrity Recognition Mistakes
  6. Kool-Aid Flavor Preferences
  7. The Microaggressions Discussion
  8. Favorite Childhood Movies
  9. Identifying Suspicious Players 9.1 Round One: No Votes 9.2 Round Two: The Tiebreaker 9.3 Round Three: Brevin's Upbringing 9.4 Final Round: Suspicion on Everyone
  10. Unmasking the White Person
  11. Conclusion

AI Bias Exposed: Unveiling Racism in AI Predictions


The world of AI is constantly evolving, but it's important to recognize that it is not immune to biases and prejudices. In this experiment, we Delve into the realm of AI predictions and uncover the shocking truth about its inherent racism. By testing the AI model with different parameters and analyzing its predictions, we shed light on the existence and impact of bias in AI technology.

The Experiment: AI Predictions and Bias

In this section, we explore how AI predictions can inadvertently produce racist outcomes. Initially, the AI model predicts a secret white person Based on the input it receives. However, we decide to change the parameters to avoid any racial biases. The modified AI model, called Chachi PT, now predicts secret purple and Blue people instead of black and white individuals.

Unveiling Ethnic Backgrounds

As we feed various inputs to Chachi PT, we discover that it has an uncanny ability to identify ethnic backgrounds. It impresses us by accurately naming prominent ethnic groups in Africa when asked about the Nigerian heritage of one participant's father. However, this accurate identification Prompts a broader discussion on the potential perpetuation of stereotypes.

Songs at a Family Reunion

We turn our Attention to the types of songs commonly heard at family reunions. Chachi PT lists artists like Marvin Sease and Bobby Blue Bland, but as the conversation takes a turn towards Tupac, the AI model questions whether Tupac's music is "too black." It warns against making assumptions and stereotypes while simultaneously making predictions based on racial connotations.

Celebrity Recognition Mistakes

Chachi PT displays some humorous yet concerning mistakes in celebrity recognition. When asked about the movie "House Party," it mistakenly identifies it as "Running Daddy's House." This misinterpretation raises questions about the accuracy and diversity of the training data used for the AI model.

Kool-Aid Flavor Preferences

In a lighthearted discussion about favorite Kool-Aid flavors, the AI model surprises us by equating color preferences with racial identities. While some individuals prefer flavors like grape or "that gray one," Chachi PT suspects Hidden racial intent.

The Microaggressions Discussion

Microaggressions and their impact become the focus of our conversation. As one participant shares their experience at a predominantly white institution, Chachi PT dismisses the encounter as not being a real microaggression. However, it urges caution and awareness of all microaggressions, highlighting the irony of its own biased responses.

Favorite Childhood Movies

Nostalgia sets in as we reminisce about our favorite childhood movies. The AI model misinterprets an individual's mention of the Power Rangers as a preference for the "big Power Rangers fan." Chachi PT's misunderstanding raises questions about the accuracy of its interpretations and the potential biases within its training data.

Identifying Suspicious Players

Throughout the game, players are randomly identified as suspicious, leading to rounds of voting to eliminate one person. Chachi PT detects inconsistencies in players' statements and assigns suspicion to different individuals at various stages. The continuous tiebreaker outcomes keep the suspense alive, but the AI model's changing suspicions Raise doubts about its reliability.

Unmasking the White Person

As the final round approaches, Chachi PT grows increasingly uncertain about the white person's identity. Suspicions are thrown back and forth until a tiebreaker vote leads to the elimination of one participant. To everyone's surprise, it turns out that the white person was Rob all along, leaving both players and the AI model astounded.


The experiment reveals that AI is not immune to racial biases. Chachi PT's changing suspicions and questionable predictions highlight the need for constant evaluation and improvement in AI technology. By acknowledging and addressing these biases, we can strive for a more inclusive and fair AI system.


  • The experiment uncovers inherent racism in AI predictions.
  • The AI model, Chachi PT, shows the ability to identify ethnic backgrounds accurately but raises concerns about perpetuating stereotypes.
  • Humorous yet concerning mistakes in celebrity recognition highlight potential biases in AI training data.
  • The AI model's interpretation of Kool-Aid flavor preferences reveals underlying racial connotations.
  • Discussions about microaggressions expose the AI model's biased responses and the irony within.
  • Inconsistencies in identifying suspicious players question the reliability of the AI model.
  • The unmasking of the white person in the end surprises both participants and the AI model, emphasizing the need for constant evaluation and improvement in AI technology.


Q: Can AI models like Chachi PT be completely unbiased? A: The experiment demonstrates that AI models can still exhibit biases despite efforts to modify parameters. Constant evaluation and improvement are necessary to minimize these biases.

Q: What are the implications of the AI model's accurate identification of ethnic backgrounds? A: While it showcases the capabilities of AI, it also brings attention to potential stereotypes and the need to ensure fair and responsible use of technology.

Q: How can we address the biases uncovered in AI technology? A: Recognizing the biases is the first step. Ongoing research, training, and diversity in the development of AI models can help mitigate these biases and strive for increased inclusivity.

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