Forsen's Epic Reaction to OpenAI's Hide and Seek Game!

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Forsen's Epic Reaction to OpenAI's Hide and Seek Game!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. AI Agents Playing Hide and Seek Game
  3. Initial Rounds: Pandemonium
  4. Hiders Blocking the Seekers
  5. Collaboration and Learning to Work Together
  6. Discovering the Pointy Doorstop
  7. Using the Doorstop as a Ramp
  8. Seekers Regaining AdVantage
  9. Hiders Stealing the Ramp
  10. Advanced Strategies: Box Surfing and Building Shelters
  11. Exploring the Physics System
  12. Abusing Physics Issues for Advantage
  13. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of AI agents playing the hide and seek game. This game provides a unique opportunity to observe emergent behaviors and strategies as two AI teams compete against each other. We will dive into the exact rules of the game and analyze the incredible discoveries made by the AI agents. From pandemonium to complex strategies, get ready to be amazed by the capabilities of these AI systems.

AI Agents Playing Hide and Seek Game

The hide and seek game built for AI agents allows for an intriguing exploration of their capabilities. The goal of this project was to pit two AI teams against each other and observe any interesting emergent behaviors. As the teams compete, they constantly adapt and learn from each other, resulting in fascinating strategies.

Initial Rounds: Pandemonium

In the initial rounds of the hide and seek game, chaos reigns. The AI agents run around aimlessly without any proper strategy, resulting in the seekers, who are tasked with finding the hiders, winning the majority of the games. This phase serves as a starting point for the AI agents to learn and improve their performance.

Hiders Blocking the Seekers

Over time, the hiders in the hide and seek game learn to lock out the seekers by strategically blocking the doors with boxes. This new strategy enables the hiders to win consistently, shifting the balance of power in the game. This development showcases the adaptability and learning capabilities of the AI agents.

Collaboration and Learning to Work Together

In the hide and seek game, collaboration plays a crucial role. The AI agents learn that they cannot win alone and are forced to learn how to work together effectively. This collaboration among the AI agents leads to impressive performances and highlights their ability to strategize as a team.

Discovering the Pointy Doorstop

During the hide and seek game, the AI agents stumble upon a surprising discovery - the usefulness of a pointy doorstop Shaped object. They realize that this object can be used as a ramp when placed near a wall. This discovery allows the seekers to regain an advantage and win more games.

Using the Doorstop as a Ramp

With the knowledge of the doorstop's usefulness as a ramp, the seekers in the hide and seek game start to dominate once again. This strategy of using the doorstop as a ramp enables them to reach elevated locations and catch the hiders more effectively, showcasing the creative problem-solving capabilities of the AI agents.

Hiders Stealing the Ramp

The hiders, being resourceful and adaptive, come up with a cunning strategy. They learn that there is a brief period at the start of the game when the seekers are frozen and unable to see them. Utilizing this moment, the hiders sneak out, steal the ramp, and lock it away from the seekers. This unexpected move demonstrates the hiders' cleverness and ability to exploit the game mechanics.

Advanced Strategies: Box Surfing and Building Shelters

The hide and seek game continues to evolve as the AI agents develop even more advanced strategies. The hiders learn to separate the ramps from the boxes and lock down the remaining tools, enabling them to build shelters. These shelters provide them with a safe haven and a strategic advantage against the seekers.

Exploring the Physics System

In their Quest to win the hide and seek game, the AI agents start exploring the physics system of the game. This exploration allows them to better understand the environment around them and find innovative ways to navigate and Interact with it. The agents' ability to comprehend and utilize the physics system showcases their adaptability and problem-solving skills.

Abusing Physics Issues for Advantage

In some instances, the AI agents discover ways to abuse physics issues in the hide and seek game. They exploit these issues to gain an unfair advantage, such as launching themselves onto the top of the hiders' shelters. These exploits highlight the agents' ability to think outside the box and find unconventional solutions.


The hide and seek game for AI agents provides a captivating glimpse into the world of artificial intelligence. Through their exploration and adaptation, the AI agents showcase their problem-solving capabilities, collaboration skills, and creativity. The discoveries made during the game demonstrate the immense potential of AI systems and set the stage for further experimentation and advancements in the field.


  • AI agents playing a hide and seek game exhibit fascinating emergent behaviors.
  • Hiders learn to lock out the seekers and win consistently.
  • Collaboration among AI agents leads to impressive performances.
  • The discovery of the pointy doorstop as a ramp revolutionizes the game.
  • Hiders steal the ramp to gain an advantage over the seekers.
  • Advanced strategies include box surfing and building shelters.
  • AI agents explore and exploit the physics system of the game.


Q: What is the hide and seek game for AI agents? A: The hide and seek game for AI agents is a project that pits two AI teams against each other in a game of hide and seek. The goal is to observe and analyze the emergent behaviors and strategies exhibited by the AI agents.

Q: How do the AI agents collaborate in the hide and seek game? A: The AI agents learn that collaboration is essential for success in the hide and seek game. They work together to strategize, coordinate their movements, and outsmart their opponents.

Q: What are some advanced strategies used by the AI agents in the hide and seek game? A: The AI agents in the hide and seek game develop advanced strategies such as blocking the seekers, using the doorstop as a ramp, stealing the ramp, and building shelters. These strategies demonstrate their adaptability and problem-solving skills.

Q: How do the AI agents explore and exploit the physics system of the hide and seek game? A: The AI agents in the hide and seek game learn to analyze and understand the physics system of the game. They exploit certain physics issues to gain advantages in movement and positioning within the game environment.

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