From 2% to 200% ROI - Bots are taking over!

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From 2% to 200% ROI - Bots are taking over!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Bot Overview
    • Moonshot Bots
    • Lambo Signal Bot
    • Atalanta Bot
  3. Bebek and Baby Class Bots
  4. Johanno Bot Variations
  5. Josefo Bot
  6. Esperanza Bot
  7. Gala Bot
  8. Martin Bot
  9. Sapphira Bot
  10. Surplus and Serpil Bots
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the world of cryptocurrency trading bots and their performance in the Current market. We will look at various bots, their strategies, and the returns they have generated over the past months. Whether You are an experienced trader or new to the world of cryptocurrency, this article will provide valuable insights and information to help you make informed decisions.

Bot Overview

Moonshot Bots

Moonshot bots are a popular choice among traders looking to maximize their returns. These bots employ a strategy of setting an 8% take profit and an 8% stop loss, Based on the MFI (Money Flow Index) indicator. The bots utilize the Lambo Signals, Lunar Crash, and Galaxy Score to identify the best tokens to trade. There are two variations of moonshot bots, with one utilizing the Super Trend Orchestrator for better performance during market downturns. These bots have shown promising returns, with an average of 5% per month.

Lambo Signal Bot

The Lambo Signal bot is another popular choice among traders. It offers around 5% returns and requires access to Lambo Signals, Lunar Crash, and Galaxy Score. This bot does not employ any orchestration but relies on the signals to generate profitable trades.

Atalanta Bot

Atalanta bot is a new addition to the trading bots lineup. It utilizes the QFL (QuickFix Liquid) strategy with a high minimum volume requirement. This bot has a short track Record, running for only 50 days. While it is deemed risky due to its volatility, it shows potential with its unique approach. It trades against a hundred different tokens and employs a cooldown period between trades to prevent Pump and dump scenarios.

Bebek and Baby Class Bots

Bebek and Baby Class bots are well-known among traders in the community. Bebek bot focuses on scalping using Bollinger Bands and RSI indicators, while Baby Class employs a similar strategy but with different deal start conditions. Both bots utilize the Super Trend Orchestrator to prevent losses during market corrections. These bots have generated an average return of 8% and 5% respectively in the past 30 days.

Johanno Bot Variations

Johanno bot comes in three different versions, each with its own strategy. The selected version has been running for an extended period, showing a return of 50% in 260 days. The other two versions utilize Old Rank and Galaxy Score respectively. These bots have shown consistent performance, with returns ranging from 8% to 20% per month.

Josefo Bot

Josefo bot is designed to trade against the Voyager token using Ethereum and Bitcoin markets. It focuses on taking profits in those coins depending on the market conditions. This bot has shown impressive returns of more than 50% in 220 days. However, it is important to note that this bot can be highly volatile and requires patience due to its longer deal durations.

Esperanza Bot

Esperanza bot is classified as a conservative bot, offering sustainable and reliable returns. It has been running for more than half a year, generating around 50% return with an investment of $2,000. While the returns may seem lower compared to other bots, this bot aims for consistency and stability.

Gala Bot

Gala bot has performed exceptionally well, even during market downturns. It has shown a return of 200% since October, despite the challenging market conditions. Gala bot utilizes RSIs and requires orchestration and trading the top 10 galaxy score tokens.

Martin Bot

Martin bot is an accumulator bot, offering sustained profits over a longer period. It has a long deal duration and a sustained profit of $570 with a $1,000 investment in nearly a year. This bot is suitable for those looking for a steady and low-risk investment.

Sapphira Bot

Sapphira bot offers two versions, one running on the spot market and the other on the perpetual futures market. The spot market version has shown a return of 5% per month with a $5,000 investment, while the perpetual futures market version has higher volatility but potentially higher returns.

Surplus and Serpil Bots

Surplus and Serpil bots have been running for over a hundred days, showing promising returns. Surplus Six has generated a return of 28-29%, while Serpil Three has generated a return of almost 20%. Both bots trade the top three old-ranked tokens and employ various strategies to maximize profitability.


In conclusion, these cryptocurrency trading bots offer various strategies and have shown impressive returns in the current market. It is essential to consider the risk associated with each bot and choose the one that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Remember to conduct thorough research and utilize the available tools and resources to make informed decisions when utilizing these bots for trading.


  • Explore the world of cryptocurrency trading bots and their performance in the current market.
  • Moonshot bots offer a strategy of setting an 8% take profit and stop loss based on the MFI indicator.
  • Lambo Signal bot provides around 5% returns and requires access to Lambo Signals, Lunar Crash, and Galaxy Score.
  • Atalanta bot is a new addition that utilizes the QFL strategy with a high minimum volume requirement.
  • Bebek and Baby Class bots focus on scalping using Bollinger Bands and RSI indicators.
  • Johanno bot has three versions with different strategies, showing returns ranging from 8% to 20% per month.
  • Josefo bot trades against the Voyager token, generating over 50% returns in 220 days.
  • Esperanza bot offers sustainable and reliable returns over a longer period.
  • Gala bot has performed exceptionally well despite challenging market conditions, generating a 200% return since October.
  • Martin bot is an accumulator bot suitable for steady and low-risk investments.
  • Sapphira bot offers versions for both spot and perpetual futures markets, with varying levels of volatility and potential returns.
  • Surplus and Serpil bots trade the top three old-ranked tokens, showing promising returns of 28-29% and almost 20% respectively.


Q: Are these bots suitable for beginners? A: It is recommended that beginners have a good understanding of cryptocurrency trading and the associated risks before using these bots. Some bots require specific tools or subscriptions, which may add complexity for inexperienced traders. It is advisable to start with more conservative bots and gradually explore riskier options as experience grows.

Q: Can I run multiple bots simultaneously? A: Yes, it is possible to run multiple bots simultaneously. However, it is crucial to consider the available funds, risk tolerance, and the ability to monitor multiple bots effectively. It is also important to ensure that running multiple bots does not exceed the limits set by the exchange or platform being used.

Q: How often do these bots require adjustments or updates? A: The frequency of adjustments or updates varies depending on the bot and market conditions. Some bots may require regular monitoring and adjustments, while others can operate autonomously for extended periods. It is recommended to stay updated with the latest information and follow the bot developer's guidelines for optimal performance.

Q: Can these bots guarantee profits? A: No trading bot can guarantee profits. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and unpredictable, and there are always risks associated with trading. These bots aim to provide strategies and tools to maximize potential returns, but market conditions and external factors can impact performance. It is crucial to understand the risks and make informed decisions when using these bots.

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