Functions of 『アスク』質問文スピーキング練習 on ChatGPT
Practice speaking skills
Improve English vocabulary
Who is suitable to use 『アスク』質問文スピーキング練習 on ChatGPT?
Ask is a website for practicing speaking by asking Yes/No questions in English and finding the corresponding English word. To start, type 'Start'.
How do I use 『アスク』質問文スピーキング練習 Quickstart on ChatGPT?
To quickly get started:
1. Access the Ask website.
2. Type 'Start' to begin the exercise.
3. Ask a Yes/No question in English.
4. Receive the corresponding English word.
5. Repeat the process to practice speaking and learn new words.
How to use 『アスク』質問文スピーキング練習 on ChatGPT?
1. Type 'Start' to begin.
2. Ask a Yes/No question in English.
3. Receive the corresponding English word.
4. Repeat the process to practice speaking and learn new words.
『アスク』質問文スピーキング練習 on ChatGPT's Tags
English learning
speaking skills
language practice