Generate Professional Email Templates with ChatGPT

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Generate Professional Email Templates with ChatGPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background on Chat GPT
  3. Overview of the Process
  4. Setting up Public Connect
  5. Integrating Google Sheets with Public Connect
  6. Generating Email Templates with Chat GPT
  7. Updating Cell Values in Google Sheets
  8. Advantages of Automating Email Templates
  9. Potential Challenges and Limitations
  10. Conclusion


Welcome to this tutorial on automating the generation of email templates using Chat GPT and Public Connect. In this article, we will walk You through the step-by-step process of integrating Google Sheets with Chat GPT and Public Connect to automatically generate email templates Based on new data entries in your spreadsheet. We will explain how to set up the necessary applications, configure the workflow, and generate email templates using the power of AI. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a clear understanding of how to streamline your email template generation process and save valuable time.

Background on Chat GPT

Before we dive into the technical details, let's take a moment to understand what Chat GPT is and how it can be leveraged to automate the generation of email templates. Chat GPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence and deployment company known for its expertise in generating human-like content. It uses natural language processing techniques and a vast dataset to generate coherent and contextually Relevant text.

Overview of the Process

The process we will discuss in this tutorial involves integrating Google Sheets with Public Connect, a software that enables seamless application integration and automation. We will configure a workflow in Public Connect to trigger the generation of email templates whenever a new entry is added to a specific Google Sheet. The generated email template will then be automatically updated in the same Google Sheet.

To achieve this, we will need to set up Public Connect, integrate Google Sheets and Chat GPT as trigger and action applications in Public Connect, and map the required data fields. We will walk you through each step in Detail, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the entire process.

Setting up Public Connect

To begin, let's start by setting up Public Connect. If you're new to this software, you can easily sign up in just a few minutes. Once you've accessed the dashboard, click on the "Create Workflow" button to create a new workflow. Give your workflow a name, such as "Generate Email Templates with Chat GPT," and click on "Create."

In Public Connect, workflows consist of triggers and actions. Triggers are events that initiate the workflow, while actions are the subsequent steps performed based on the trigger. In our case, the trigger application will be Google Sheets, and the action applications will be Chat GPT and Google Sheets.

Integrating Google Sheets with Public Connect

To integrate Google Sheets with Public Connect, we need to configure the trigger and action events. In the workflow creation window, select "Google Sheets" as the trigger application. The trigger event we'll use is "New or Updated Spreadsheet Row." This event will capture new data entries added to the Google Sheet in real-time, ensuring the workflow runs smoothly.

Public Connect provides a webhook URL that acts as a bridge for connecting Google Sheets and Public Connect. Copy this URL and proceed to your Google Sheet. Open the Extensions menu and navigate to "Get add-ons." Search for "Public Connect Webhooks" in the Google Workspace Marketplace. Install the add-on if you haven't done so already.

Once installed, go back to Public Connect and access the "Public Connect Webhooks" extension. Follow the initial setup instructions and paste the webhook URL we copied earlier. Specify the trigger column where new data entries will be added, typically represented by a specific column letter (e.g., Column A). Send a test request to verify the integration. If successful, proceed to submit the setup.

Generating Email Templates with Chat GPT

Now that we have integrated Google Sheets with Public Connect, we can move on to the exciting part - generating email templates with Chat GPT. In the workflow creation window, select "Chat GPT" as the action application. We have two options for the AI model: Chat GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 3.5 Turbo zero-shot.

Define the prompt for generating the email template, such as "Write an email template for the title." The actual title or prompt should be added dynamically during the workflow execution using the data from the trigger application (Google Sheets). Public Connect allows us to map specific data fields to ensure newly added titles are considered during automation.

Save the configuration and send a test request to verify the response from Chat GPT. You should receive a generated email template, ready to be used. The power of AI is evident as the generated template will be contextually relevant and coherent, saving you time and effort in writing templates from scratch.

Updating Cell Values in Google Sheets

With the generated email template in HAND, we need to update it as a cell value in the same Google Sheet. To do this, select "Google Sheets" as the final action application in Public Connect. Choose the "Update Cell Value" action event. The spreadsheet name and sheet, already captured during the trigger setup, will be automatically filled.

Specify the range where the value needs to be updated, usually represented by the column letter (e.g., Column B) and the row index. Retrieve the generated email template from the Chat GPT response and map it to the value to be updated.

Save the configuration and send a test request to verify the response. Upon successful execution, check the Google Sheet, and you will find the cell value updated with the generated email template. This automation eliminates the need for manual updates, streamlining your email template workflow.

Advantages of Automating Email Templates

Automating the generation of email templates using Chat GPT and Public Connect offers several advantages. Firstly, it saves time and reduces manual effort in writing templates from scratch. The AI-generated templates are contextually relevant and coherent, ensuring high-quality content. Additionally, automation minimizes the chances of human error and improves overall productivity.

Potential Challenges and Limitations

While automating email templates with Chat GPT and Public Connect presents numerous benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential challenges and limitations. As with any AI-powered solution, there might be instances where the generated templates are not perfect and require manual adjustments. It's crucial to review and customize the templates based on specific requirements.


In this tutorial, we walked you through the process of automating the generation of email templates using Chat GPT and Public Connect. We covered every step, from setting up Public Connect to integrating Google Sheets, generating email templates with Chat GPT, and updating cell values in Google Sheets. By automating this process, you can save valuable time and improve the efficiency of your email template workflow. Experiment with different integrations, explore other applications, and unlock the power of automation in your daily tasks.


  • Streamline the process of generating email templates with automation
  • Leverage the power of Chat GPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI
  • Integrate Google Sheets with Public Connect to automate the workflow
  • Configure triggers and actions to ensure seamless automation
  • Update cell values in Google Sheets with the generated email templates
  • Save time and effort by eliminating manual template writing processes
  • Ensure contextually relevant and coherent templates with AI-generated content
  • Overcome potential challenges and limitations by reviewing and customizing templates as needed


Q: Can I use a different AI model for generating email templates? A: Yes, you can experiment with different AI models based on your requirements and preferences. Public Connect allows you to choose between various models, including Chat GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 3.5 Turbo zero-shot.

Q: Are there any limitations or challenges in automating email templates? A: While automation offers multiple benefits, it's essential to review and customize the generated templates as they might not always be perfect. Depending on specific requirements, manual adjustments may be necessary for optimal results.

Q: Can I integrate multiple applications using Public Connect? A: Absolutely! Public Connect provides the flexibility to integrate multiple applications, enabling you to create complex and customized workflows tailored to your needs. Explore the possibilities and extend the power of automation to various tasks.

Q: How can I get support or ask questions about Public Connect? A: If you have any queries or need assistance, you can reach out to us at Additionally, you can visit our website,, to learn more about the latest updates, integrations, and applications. Don't forget to join our Facebook group for additional resources and community support.

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