Introducing Vivy: Your Open Source ChatGPT Voice Assistant

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Introducing Vivy: Your Open Source ChatGPT Voice Assistant

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Vivi Voice Assistant
  2. Demonstrating the Vivi Voice Assistant
  3. Developing the Vivi Voice Assistant
    1. Installing Python and Git
    2. Setting Up a Python Environment
    3. Cloning the Vivi Repository
    4. Running the Vivi Voice Assistant as a Script
  4. Using the Vivi Voice Assistant as an Executable File
  5. Modifying the Chat GPT Class
  6. FAQ

Introduction to Vivi Voice Assistant

The Vivi Voice Assistant is a project that aims to provide users with a voice-Based virtual assistant. This article will guide You through the process of understanding and utilizing the Vivi Voice Assistant. From demonstrating its capabilities to developing and running it as a script or an executable file, you will learn how to make the most of this voice assistant.

Demonstrating the Vivi Voice Assistant

The Vivi Voice Assistant is capable of engaging in conversations with users and responding to their queries. With the ability to handle various Prompts and questions, it offers a personalized and interactive experience. In a quick demonstration, the Vivi Voice Assistant showcases its conversational skills and the ability to handle prompts like a pro.

Developing the Vivi Voice Assistant

To develop the Vivi Voice Assistant, you need to set up the required tools and environment. This section will guide you through the necessary steps, including installing Python and Git, setting up a Python environment, cloning the Vivi repository, and running the Vivi Voice Assistant as a script.

Installing Python and Git

Before diving into the development process, you need to ensure that you have Python and Git installed on your computer. Python is required to run the Vivi Voice Assistant, while Git helps with version control and repository management. The article provides instructions on how to install both Python and Git and recommends using Visual Studio Code as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Setting Up a Python Environment

Once you have Python and Git installed, it's time to set up a Python environment for developing and running the Vivi Voice Assistant. The article suggests creating a virtual environment using Visual Studio Code, which allows you to work on the project without interfering with other Python projects on your computer. The steps for creating a virtual environment and activating it are explained in Detail.

Cloning the Vivi Repository

With the Python environment set up, the next step is to clone the Vivi repository. The article provides the necessary command and guides you through the process of cloning the repository using Git. Once the repository is cloned successfully, you can proceed to access the Vivi Voice Assistant code and make modifications if needed.

Running the Vivi Voice Assistant as a Script

After cloning the repository, you can now run the Vivi Voice Assistant as a script. The article explains the structure of the script and how to make modifications to suit your requirements. It covers various methods available, such as the 'assistant' method for a traditional voice assistant experience and the 'assistant_persistent' method for a continuous conversation that retains previous information. The article provides examples along with instructions on how to run the script effectively.

Using the Vivi Voice Assistant as an Executable File

If you prefer a more user-friendly approach, the Vivi Voice Assistant can also be run as an executable file. The article walks you through the process of downloading the Vivi executable file from the repository's releases section. It explains how to set up API keys for 11 Labs and OpenAI and demonstrates how to run the executable file. It also highlights the unique features of each executable file and provides guidance on modifying prompt Texts for customized responses.

Modifying the Chat GPT Class

For users interested in enhancing the Vivi Voice Assistant's functionality, the article covers how to modify the Chat GPT class. The class is responsible for handling conversations and prompts within the Vivi Voice Assistant. The article explains how to change the model being used, adjust microphone sensitivity, and make use of other customizable options within the class. It also encourages further exploration of the code for advanced users.


  1. Q: What is the purpose of the Vivi Voice Assistant? A: The Vivi Voice Assistant aims to provide users with a voice-based virtual assistant for interactive and personalized conversations.

  2. Q: Can I run the Vivi Voice Assistant as a script? A: Yes, you can run the Vivi Voice Assistant as a script by following the provided instructions in the article.

  3. Q: How can I run the Vivi Voice Assistant as an executable file? A: The article demonstrates how to download and run the Vivi Voice Assistant as an executable file, providing step-by-step instructions.

  4. Q: Can I modify the responses of the Vivi Voice Assistant? A: Yes, you can modify the prompt texts to customize the responses of the Vivi Voice Assistant. The article explains how to make these modifications effectively.

  5. Q: Are there any prerequisites for developing the Vivi Voice Assistant? A: You will need to have Python and Git installed on your computer to develop the Vivi Voice Assistant. The article provides instructions on how to install these prerequisites.

  6. Q: How can I enhance the functionality of the Vivi Voice Assistant? A: The article covers how to modify the Chat GPT class to enhance the functionality of the Vivi Voice Assistant. It provides guidance on changing the model, adjusting microphone sensitivity, and other customizable options.

  7. Q: Is the Vivi Voice Assistant suitable for beginners in Python coding? A: While some parts of the development process may require basic knowledge of Python coding, the article provides detailed explanations and encourages learning by exploration. It is a valuable resource for beginners and advanced users alike.

  8. Q: How can I report issues or request new features for the Vivi Voice Assistant? A: Users can report issues or request new features by opening a GitHub issue on the Vivi repository. The article provides instructions on how to do this effectively.

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