Generate WordPress Posts with OpenAI and Google Sheets

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Generate WordPress Posts with OpenAI and Google Sheets

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Automating WordPress Posts with OpenAI
    1. Setting up the Workflow
    2. Creating a Trigger with Google Sheets
    3. Generating Content with OpenAI
    4. Posting to WordPress
  3. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to automate the process of generating and posting unique content for WordPress using OpenAI. We will discuss the steps involved in setting up the workflow, creating a trigger with Google Sheets, generating content with OpenAI, and finally, posting the content to WordPress. By utilizing the power of automation, You can save time and effort while ensuring that your WordPress posts have fresh and engaging content every time.

Automating WordPress Posts with OpenAI

Setting up the Workflow

To get started, you will need to sign in to your Public Connect account. Once you are logged in, navigate to the dashboard and click on the "Create Workflow" button. Give your workflow a suitable name, such as "Creating WordPress posts with OpenAI using Google Sheets titles." This will create a blank workflow where you can add the necessary triggers and actions.

Creating a Trigger with Google Sheets

The first step in the workflow is to set up a trigger with Google Sheets. This trigger will be activated whenever a new row is added or updated in your Google Sheet. This allows you to input the title and prompt for the content you want to generate using OpenAI. By connecting the trigger application with Public Connect, you can easily fetch the information from the Google Sheet into your workflow.

Generating Content with OpenAI

Once the trigger is set up, you can proceed to generate content using OpenAI. Select OpenAI as your action application and choose the event "Generate Content." This will prompt OpenAI to create the content Based on the command and title provided in the Google Sheet. You can customize the AI model, prompt, and other settings to tailor the content generation according to your requirements.

Posting to WordPress

The final step in the workflow is to post the generated content to WordPress. Select WordPress as your action application and choose the event "Create a Post." Connect your WordPress account by entering your username, password, and base URL. Map the generated content from OpenAI to the appropriate fields in WordPress, such as content, title, and author. You can choose to publish the post immediately or save it as a draft for further editing.


Automating WordPress posts with OpenAI and Google Sheets offers a convenient way to consistently generate unique content for your Website. By leveraging the power of automation, you can save time and streamline your content creation process. With the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up the workflow, create triggers, generate content using OpenAI, and post directly to WordPress. Start automating your WordPress posts today and experience the benefits of efficient content generation.


  • Learn how to automate WordPress posts with unique content using OpenAI
  • Save time by generating and posting content automatically
  • Set up triggers with Google Sheets and connect with Public Connect
  • Customize content generation using OpenAI's AI models and Prompts
  • Post directly to WordPress with mapped fields and publishing options

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I customize the AI model used for content generation?

A: Yes, you can choose from a range of AI models provided by OpenAI to generate your content. Select the model that best suits your needs and preferences.

Q: How can I ensure that the generated content is unique for each post?

A: By using prompts and titles from your Google Sheet, you can provide specific commands to OpenAI for content generation. This ensures that the generated content is unique and aligned with your desired topic or prompt.

Q: Can I schedule the posting of the generated content in WordPress?

A: Yes, you can modify the workflow to include scheduling options. By using additional triggers and actions, you can set specific publishing dates and times for your WordPress posts.

Q: What if I want to make edits to the generated content before posting?

A: If you prefer to review and edit the content before posting it to WordPress, you can choose to save the generated content as a draft. This allows you to make any necessary modifications before publishing the post.

Q: Can I use this automation process for multiple WordPress websites?

A: Yes, you can Apply the same automation process to multiple WordPress websites by creating multiple workflows and connecting each website's credentials accordingly.

Q: How can I troubleshoot any issues or errors that may arise during the automation process?

A: If you encounter any problems or errors, you can refer to the error logs in Public Connect for detailed information. Additionally, you can reach out to the support team for assistance in resolving any technical issues.

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