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Get Expert SQL Advice with ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using AI Tools to Add Readable Comments to SQL Queries
  3. The Need for Human-Readable Comments
  4. Walkthrough of the SQL Code
  5. Cleaning Up Raw and Non-Standardized Data
  6. Aggregating Marketing Activity Results
  7. Analyzing Revenue and Paid Subscriptions
  8. Inserting Data into the Student Attribution Table
  9. Using ChatGPT to Add Comments
  10. Comparison of AI Tools: ChatGPT and Bard
  11. The Limitations of AI Tools
  12. The Future of AI Tools for SQL Comments
  13. Conclusion

Using AI Tools to Add Readable Comments to SQL Queries

In this article, we will explore how AI tools can be leveraged to add human-readable comments to SQL queries. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. While SQL queries are essential for data analysis and reporting, they can often be complex and difficult for others to understand, especially those who are new to SQL. By adding comments to SQL queries, we can make them more accessible and easier to comprehend for analysts and other stakeholders.

The Need for Human-Readable Comments

When working in a team or collaborating on SQL projects, it's crucial to ensure that the code is well-documented and easily understandable by others. Human-readable comments provide Context and explanation for the various steps and operations performed in the SQL code. In addition to enhancing readability, comments also help in troubleshooting and debugging, as they allow analysts to track and understand the logic behind each query.

Walkthrough of the SQL Code

Before we dive into using AI tools to add comments, let's first walk through the SQL code that we will be working with. The code provided is approximately 200 lines long and aims to clean up self-reported customer attribution data, analyze marketing activity, and understand revenue and paid subscriptions. The final step involves inserting the cleaned data into a table called the student attribution table.

Cleaning Up Raw and Non-Standardized Data

In the first part of the SQL code, we encounter a function that converts all data to lowercase and removes spaces, thereby standardizing the data for better performance. This step is crucial in preparing the data for further analysis and aggregation.

Aggregating Marketing Activity Results

Once the data is standardized, the SQL code uses a SQL case statement to clean up and aggregate the marketing activity results. This helps in understanding how customers found out about the company, Maven Analytics, and provides insights into the effectiveness of various marketing channels.

Analyzing Revenue and Paid Subscriptions

After cleaning up the marketing activity data, the SQL code delves into analyzing revenue and understanding if customers have paid for a subscription. This step allows for evaluating the financial impact of different customer acquisition efforts and identifying potential areas for improvement.

Inserting Data into the Student Attribution Table

Finally, the SQL code inserts the cleaned and aggregated data into the student attribution table. The use of temporary tables, such as "clean source" and "attrib source," helps to store and manipulate data at different stages of the analysis.

Using ChatGPT to Add Comments

Now, let's explore how we can utilize ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, to automatically add comments to our SQL code. By providing a specific prompt and the SQL code, ChatGPT generates human-readable comments that explain the purpose and steps involved in the code. This can greatly assist junior analysts in understanding complex SQL queries and accelerate their learning process.

Comparison of AI Tools: ChatGPT and Bard

It's important to note that ChatGPT is not the only AI Tool available for adding comments to SQL queries. Another popular tool, Bard, also offers similar capabilities. Conducting a comparative analysis of these tools can help determine which one best suits your specific needs.

The Limitations of AI Tools

While AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard can automate the process of adding comments to SQL queries, it is important to remember that they are not Flawless. These tools heavily rely on the data they are trained on and may not always provide accurate or contextually appropriate comments. Additionally, they may struggle with complex queries or specific industry jargon. It is essential to use critical thinking and verify the comments generated by AI tools.

The Future of AI Tools for SQL Comments

As AI technology continues to advance and more users provide feedback to these tools, we can expect significant improvements in their accuracy and contextual understanding. The future holds promising possibilities for AI tools in assisting data analysts with SQL code documentation and making it more accessible to a broader audience.


In conclusion, AI tools offer a convenient and time-saving way to add human-readable comments to SQL queries. By utilizing tools like ChatGPT, we can enhance the understanding and readability of SQL code, making it easier for analysts and stakeholders to work collaboratively. While these tools are not without limitations, they provide a valuable resource for improving workflow and accelerating the learning process. As AI technology evolves, the potential for these tools to become even more proficient is promising.

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