Get Instant Answers with ChatGPT API in UiPath

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Get Instant Answers with ChatGPT API in UiPath

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Connecting UiPath with OpenAI's ChatGPT
    1. Adding the HTTP Request activity to UiPath
    2. Generating an API key
  3. Understanding the cURL Command and Flags
    1. Overview of cURL
    2. Important Flags in cURL
  4. How APIs Work
    1. What is an API?
    2. API Communication between UiPath and ChatGPT
  5. Setting Up the HTTP Request in UiPath
    1. Entering Endpoint, Operation, and Body
    2. Importing cURL Code in UiPath
  6. Using ChatGPT API in UiPath
    1. Exploring ChatGPT API Documentation
    2. Configuring the HTTP Request in UiPath
    3. Parsing the JSON Response
  7. Use Case: Automating Email Requests with ChatGPT

Connecting UiPath with OpenAI's ChatGPT

Automation has taken leaps and bounds, and now it's time to take it to the next level. In this video, we will Show You how to connect UiPath with the power of OpenAI's ChatGPT using the API. By leveraging the natural language processing capabilities of ChatGPT, you can enhance your robots' ability to understand and respond to human input. Imagine the possibilities of automating customer service and data entry like Never before. Whether you're a developer, a business owner, or simply interested in the latest tech trends, join us on this exciting Journey to connect UiPath with ChatGPT and witness the future of automation firsthand. Let's get started!

Adding the HTTP Request activity to UiPath

Before we dive into the implementation process in UiPath, let's make sure we have all the necessary components to successfully connect UiPath with ChatGPT. To use an API in UiPath, we need the HTTP Request activity. If it's not already present in your project, don't worry. We'll walk you through how to import the necessary Package in just a moment. On the other HAND, in order to connect with ChatGPT, we will need an API key. We'll guide you on how to generate this key, so make sure you have an account. If not, creating one is quick and free. Once we have both the HTTP Request activity and the API key, we'll be ready to start building our workflow to send questions from UiPath and receive answers from ChatGPT.

Understanding the cURL Command and Flags

To effectively connect UiPath with ChatGPT using the API, it's essential to understand the cURL command and its flags. cURL, standing for "Client for URLs," is a command-line tool that enables data transfer using various network protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. While it's commonly used to make HTTP requests and test RESTful APIs, it can also perform other network operations like sending emails, uploading and downloading files, and more. In this section, we'll Delve into the important flags in cURL, such as the "X" flag for specifying the HTTP method, the "H" flag for custom HTTP headers, and the "d" flag for data to be sent in the body of the request. Understanding these flags will pave the way for effectively using the ChatGPT API in UiPath.

How APIs Work

API, short for "Application Programming Interface," acts as an interface for data exchange between systems or between clients and servers. In the case of connecting UiPath with ChatGPT, we're utilizing an API to transfer data from UiPath to ChatGPT and retrieve the response. This video focuses on one specific API communication method, which involves the UiPath system and the ChatGPT system. For instance, if we want to get the answer to the question "What is the capital of India?" from ChatGPT in UiPath, we need to send an HTTP request containing the question to ChatGPT. ChatGPT will then search for an answer and send it back as an HTTP response. Understanding the mechanics of API communication is crucial for leveraging ChatGPT effectively in UiPath automation.

Setting Up the HTTP Request in UiPath

In this section, we'll guide you on how to set up the HTTP request in UiPath to Interact with ChatGPT. We'll cover the necessary information such as the endpoint, operation, and body of the request. The endpoint refers to a specific URL or network address representing a resource or a set of resources, while the operation defines the action we want to perform using the API. Additionally, we'll explore the different parameters and headers required in the HTTP request. To streamline the process, we'll demonstrate how to import cURL code directly into the HTTP Request activity in UiPath. This method simplifies the setup and allows for easy entry of all Relevant information. By the end of this section, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to Create the HTTP request effectively.

Using ChatGPT API in UiPath

In this section, we'll delve deeper into using the ChatGPT API in UiPath. We'll start by exploring the ChatGPT API documentation to understand the available requests and their purpose. The documentation provides a comprehensive list of parameters and their usages, as well as examples to guide you through the API implementation. We'll specifically focus on the request named "Completions" – used for fetching completions or replies given a prompt. We'll break down the necessary parameters, optional parameters, and different models available for the request. Armed with this understanding, we'll proceed to configure the HTTP Request activity in UiPath using the imported cURL code. Finally, we'll demonstrate how to parse the JSON response to extract the desired answer. With these steps, you'll be fully acquainted with using the ChatGPT API in UiPath.

Use Case: Automating Email Requests with ChatGPT

In this final section, we'll explore a practical use case that showcases the power of ChatGPT API integration in UiPath – automating email requests. We'll set up a workflow that can Read emails containing requests, convert those requests into SQL queries, fetch data from a database, and send the retrieved data back to the customer. This use case demonstrates how ChatGPT can be leveraged to process unstructured email content and generate Meaningful responses. By utilizing the ChatGPT API in UiPath, you can automate complex tasks and enhance customer service efficiency. We'll provide a step-by-step walkthrough of how to implement this use case, providing you with a valuable understanding of how to Apply ChatGPT API integration in real-world scenarios.


By following along with this video tutorial, you've gained the knowledge and skills needed to connect UiPath with OpenAI's ChatGPT using the API. You now understand the steps involved in setting up the HTTP Request activity, generating an API key, and utilizing cURL commands and flags. With deeper insights into how APIs work and how to effectively use ChatGPT in UiPath, you're ready to explore various use cases and take your automation efforts to new heights. Remember to check the provided video for further details and to stay up to date with the latest automation techniques. Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey into the future of automation.


  • Connect UiPath with OpenAI's ChatGPT using the API for enhanced automation possibilities.
  • Power up your robots with natural language processing capabilities.
  • Achieve automation in customer service, data entry, and more.
  • Step-by-step guide on adding the HTTP Request activity to UiPath.
  • Generate an API key and configure the ChatGPT connection in UiPath.
  • Understand the important flags in cURL for effective API communication.
  • Master the concepts of APIs and their role in data exchange.
  • Set up the HTTP Request in UiPath with expertise.
  • Utilize ChatGPT API to fetch answers for questions from UiPath.
  • Parse JSON response to extract relevant information.
  • Practical use case: Automating email requests with ChatGPT in UiPath.


Q: Can I use other libraries or tools instead of cURL to connect UiPath with ChatGPT? A: Yes, while this video focuses on using cURL, you are free to explore other options based on your preferences and requirements. Just ensure that the chosen library or tool is compatible with the ChatGPT API.

Q: Are there any limitations or restrictions on the number of requests I can make using the ChatGPT API? A: OpenAI does have certain limitations and restrictions in place to prevent misuse of the ChatGPT API. It is recommended to refer to OpenAI's official documentation or contact their support team for the most up-to-date information regarding usage limits and restrictions.

Q: Can I use the ChatGPT API for tasks other than answering questions? A: Absolutely! The ChatGPT API is versatile and can be used for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. The key is to leverage the API parameters and design your requests accordingly to achieve the desired outcomes.

Q: Is it safe to share my API key with others? A: No, it is not safe to share your API key with others. Your API key serves as a secure access token, granting authorization to use the ChatGPT API. It is recommended to keep your API key confidential and only share it with authorized individuals who require access to the API.

Q: Can I use the ChatGPT API in other automation platforms besides UiPath? A: Absolutely! The ChatGPT API can be utilized in various automation platforms or programming languages. While this video focuses on UiPath, you can adapt the concepts and techniques demonstrated here to integrate ChatGPT API in other platforms as well.

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