Get Rid of Rats for Good with Cornbread Mix and Baking Soda

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Get Rid of Rats for Good with Cornbread Mix and Baking Soda

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Pest Problem in the Barn
  3. Experimenting with Different Solutions
  4. The Most Successful Solution
  5. Ingredients Needed
  6. The Recipe for Killing Rats and Mice
    • Step 1: Getting the Ingredients
    • Step 2: Mixing the Ingredients
    • Step 3: Setting Up the Bait
  7. How the Solution Works
  8. The Effectiveness of the Solution
  9. Comparison with Other Traps and Baits
  10. Safety and Considerations
  11. Conclusion

The Effectiveness of Baking Soda and Cornbread Mix in Killing Rats and Mice


Dealing with rats and mice infesting our barns can be a challenging and frustrating task. As a homestead owner, finding effective solutions to eliminate these rodents is essential for maintaining a safe and clean environment. In this article, we will discuss the use of baking soda and cornbread mix as a remedy for getting rid of rats and mice. We will explore the ingredients, the recipe for the bait, and how it works to effectively eliminate these pests.

The Pest Problem in the Barn

Having rats and mice in our barns not only poses a threat to our livestock but also presents health hazards. These rodents can contaminate food and spread diseases, causing immense damage to property and potential harm to ourselves and our animals. Finding an efficient and safe way to eradicate them is crucial.

Experimenting with Different Solutions

Before discovering the baking soda and cornbread mix solution, many of us have likely tried various methods and traps to eliminate the rats and mice infesting our barns. From traditional rat traps to fancy bucket contraptions, it can be frustrating when none of them seem to work effectively. However, experimentation can often lead to the discovery of a solution that surpasses our expectations.

The Most Successful Solution

After trying different concoctions and traps without much success, one simple solution has proven to be highly effective in killing rats and mice. This solution involves combining baking soda and cornbread mix to Create a bait that lures the rodents, ultimately leading to their demise.

Ingredients Needed

To create the homemade bait, You will need the following ingredients:

  1. Baking soda (Walmart brand for cost-effectiveness)
  2. Corn muffin mix (Jiffy brand with real honey for attraction purposes)
  3. White vinegar (for demonstration purposes only)

The Recipe for Killing Rats and Mice

Step 1: Getting the Ingredients

You can find the baking soda and cornbread mix at your local Walmart store. These ingredients are affordable and readily available. It is essential to use equal parts of both baking soda and cornbread mix.

Step 2: Mixing the Ingredients

In a bowl, combine four spoonfuls of cornbread mix with four teaspoons of baking soda. Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure even distribution of both ingredients.

Step 3: Setting Up the Bait

To set up the bait, use small containers with holes to allow the rodents to access it easily. Place the bait in areas where rat and mice activity is prominent but ensure it is protected from other livestock. The mixture is harmless to other animals, including dogs, cats, and birds.

How the Solution Works

The combination of baking soda and cornbread mix serves as an attractant for rats and mice. Although the mixture itself is not lethal to them, when consumed, it causes a chemical reaction in their stomachs. Rats and mice are unable to burp or fart, and the accumulation of gas produced from the reaction becomes uncomfortable for them. In response, they return to their nest, where they eventually die.

The Effectiveness of the Solution

Many individuals have reported significant success in using the baking soda and cornbread mix solution to eliminate rats and mice. Compared to other traps and baits, this homemade remedy has proven to be more efficient and reliable, particularly in cases of severe infestations. However, it is important to note that results may vary depending on the extent of the infestation and the persistence of the baiting process.

Comparison with Other Traps and Baits

While traditional traps and alternative baits may work for some cases, many individuals have found little to no success in eradicating rats and mice using these methods. The baking soda and cornbread mix solution provides a cost-effective and simpler approach that has shown higher success rates. This solution does not require continuous maintenance and is less time-consuming compared to other remedies.

Safety and Considerations

One of the advantages of using baking soda and cornbread mix is the safety it offers. The ingredients used in this solution are non-toxic to other animals, making it a suitable choice for barns with different types of livestock. However, it is crucial to ensure the bait is placed in an area inaccessible to other animals to protect it from being consumed by unintended targets.


Dealing with rat and mice infestations in our barns can be frustrating, but finding a solution that effectively eliminates these pests is crucial for maintaining a safe and hygienic environment. The combination of baking soda and cornbread mix has proven to be a highly successful remedy in killing rats and mice. Its simplicity, affordability, and high success rates make it an ideal choice for homestead owners. By following the recipe and setting up the bait strategically, you can significantly reduce or eliminate rodent activity in your barn.


Q: Is the baking soda and cornbread mix solution safe for other animals? A: Yes, the mixture is safe for other animals such as dogs, cats, and birds. It only affects rats and mice due to their inability to release the gas produced from the chemical reaction.

Q: How long does it take for the solution to Show results? A: The effectiveness of the solution may vary depending on the severity of the infestation. It may take a couple of weeks or even a month for noticeable results. Persistence is key in ensuring complete eradication of the pests.

Q: Do I need to continuously replenish the bait? A: It is recommended to change the bait every month to maintain its freshness and effectiveness. Once set up, the solution requires minimal maintenance.

Q: Can I use this solution in areas other than barns? A: Yes, the baking soda and cornbread mix solution can be used in various areas where rats and mice are a problem, such as basements, garages, or storage sheds.

Q: Does the baking soda and cornbread mix solution have any odor? A: No, the solution does not produce any noticeable odor. It is a passive bait and killer that does not emit any unpleasant smells.

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