Harnessing ChatGPT AI for Mind-Blowing Animation in After Effects!

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Harnessing ChatGPT AI for Mind-Blowing Animation in After Effects!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Chat GPT
  2. What is an After Effects script?
  3. Using Chat GPT to write After Effects scripts
  4. Running and editing After Effects scripts
  5. Adding functionality to scripts with UI
  6. Exploring script variations and possibilities
  7. Limitations of Chat GPT for writing Expressions
  8. The role of Curiosity and failure in script development
  9. Naming and sharing AI-generated scripts
  10. Conclusion

Using Chat GPT to Write After Effects Scripts

AI Tools have revolutionized many industries, and the recent introduction of Chat GPT has brought about significant changes in the field of scriptwriting for After Effects. In this article, we will explore how Chat GPT can be used to Create complex scripts without the need for coding knowledge. We will discuss the process of leveraging the AI's capabilities and the potential it holds for automating tasks and adding functionality to the software. From running and editing scripts to incorporating user interfaces and exploring various script variations, we will Delve into the exciting possibilities offered by this groundbreaking tool.

Introduction to Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI-powered tool that has gained significant Attention for its ability to generate human-like text. This powerful tool, often described as "Google on steroids," has become a game changer in many industries. In the realm of After Effects, the possibilities it offers for scriptwriting are truly remarkable. With Chat GPT, even those without coding knowledge can create scripts that automate tasks and enhance the software's functionality.

What is an After Effects Script?

Before we dive into the wonders of Chat GPT, let's first understand what an After Effects script is. An After Effects script is a program written in a specific programming language that automates tasks and adds functionality to the software. These scripts are incredibly useful when there is a need for repetitive or complex actions that would be arduous or time-consuming to perform manually. For example, aligning multiple layers to a GRID or applying specific effects to numerous elements can be Simplified and accelerated using scripts.

Using Chat GPT to Write After Effects Scripts

Now that we have a basic understanding of After Effects scripts, let's explore how Chat GPT can be leveraged to write these scripts effortlessly. Using the AI's conversational capabilities, we can request the desired actions and behaviors from the Chat GPT tool. For example, we can ask the AI to generate a script that aligns selected layers into a perfect grid. While the AI may give some attitude, it eventually generates the script, saving us from potentially tedious manual work.

Running and Editing After Effects Scripts

After obtaining the script generated by Chat GPT, we can run it in After Effects to achieve the desired automation efficiently. To run the script, we can utilize a code editor such as Visual Studio code, paste the generated code into it, and save it as a DOT jsx file. Then, we can go to File > Scripts > Run Script File in After Effects and locate the saved DOT jsx file. Voila! The script will start performing the specified actions.

However, Chat GPT, like an enthusiastic but forgetful little brother, might only do the bare minimum of what we asked for. To make the script more customizable, we can request additional features. For instance, we can ask the AI to add a null object with controls for spacing, allowing us to adjust the alignment grid according to our preferences. While there may be some trial and error involved, Chat GPT can help us achieve a high level of script customization.

Adding Functionality to Scripts with UI

To enhance the user experience and functionality of our scripts, we can incorporate user interfaces (UI) into them. By requesting the AI to add button pop-ups or sliders, we can control different properties and actions within our script. For example, we can ask the AI to generate a script with a "big layers" button that removes expressions from layers while preserving their positions. This enables us to create versatile and user-friendly scripts that cater to specific needs.

Exploring Script Variations and Possibilities

The true marvel of Chat GPT lies in its ability to generate a plethora of script variations Based on our requests. Besides aligning layers to a grid, we can effortlessly create scripts for other purposes, such as generating circle grids or sine Wave Patterns. The opportunities seem limitless, and the ease with which we can generate scripts without coding knowledge is truly mind-blowing.

Limitations of Chat GPT for Writing Expressions

While Chat GPT demonstrates exceptional capabilities in generating scripts, its performance in generating Expressions is not as reliable. Expressions are snippets of code that in After Effects properties, and while Chat GPT can generate simple Expressions like swinging pendulums, more complex ones often result in gibberish. The AI's ability to train on documentation might explain its better performance in script generation compared to Expressions. Hence, for Expressions, a manual approach might still be necessary.

The Role of Curiosity and Failure in Script Development

Chat GPT not only offers a valuable tool for script creation but also encourages curiosity and learning. While it may simplify the process of scriptwriting, it is essential to embrace failure and view it as an opportunity for growth. The iterative process of making progress and encountering setbacks is crucial for personal and professional development. Rather than relying solely on step-by-step tutorials, utilizing tools like Chat GPT can enhance one's natural curiosity and drive to understand how things work.

Naming and Sharing AI-Generated Scripts

As we create innovative scripts with the help of Chat GPT, it is important to acknowledge the AI's contribution by giving the scripts unique and creative names. These names not only add a personal touch to the scripts but also make them easier to identify and share with others. In fact, we can even share our AI-generated scripts for free, allowing others to benefit from our discoveries. The democratization of scriptwriting and the potential for a new wave of AI-generated scripts is truly exciting.


Chat GPT has brought about a revolution in the world of scriptwriting for After Effects. Without requiring any coding knowledge, users can leverage the conversational capabilities of this AI Tool to generate complex scripts for tasks that would otherwise be challenging or time-consuming. From running and editing scripts to incorporating user interfaces, there are endless possibilities to explore. While the tool may have limitations when it comes to generating Expressions, it serves as a powerful resource for script development and a catalyst for curiosity and growth. Embrace the opportunities that AI-generated scripts offer and unlock your creative potential in After Effects.


  • Chat GPT is an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes scriptwriting for After Effects.
  • It allows users without coding knowledge to generate complex scripts effortlessly.
  • Scripts automate tasks and enhance the functionality of the software.
  • Running and editing scripts in After Effects is made easy with Chat GPT.
  • User interfaces can be added to scripts to improve functionality.
  • Chat GPT enables the exploration of script variations for various purposes.
  • It has limitations in generating complex Expressions.
  • Curiosity and failure play a crucial role in script development.
  • Naming and sharing AI-generated scripts adds a personal touch.
  • Chat GPT offers a new wave of possibilities for scriptwriters.


Q: Can Chat GPT generate Expressions in After Effects? A: While Chat GPT has the capability to generate simple Expressions, it may struggle with more complex ones. Manual coding might still be necessary for Expressions.

Q: Can I edit the scripts generated by Chat GPT? A: Yes, the scripts can be edited to suit your specific needs and preferences.

Q: Are the scripts generated by Chat GPT free? A: Yes, you can download the scripts created using Chat GPT for free. Additionally, you have the option to purchase them if desired.

Q: Is learning how to code Expressions by HAND still necessary? A: While Chat GPT simplifies scriptwriting, learning how to code Expressions manually can provide a deeper understanding and greater control over the software.

Q: Can I share the AI-generated scripts with others? A: Absolutely! Sharing the AI-generated scripts allows others to benefit from your discoveries and promotes collaboration within the community.

Q: Will there be a rise in AI-generated scripts in the future? A: The democratization of scriptwriting through tools like Chat GPT may indeed lead to a new wave of AI-generated scripts, available for free or on platforms like AE scripts.

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