Hilarious Joe Biden Memes!

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Hilarious Joe Biden Memes!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Rise of Presidential Memes
  3. The Memes of the Trump Era
  4. The Hilarious Biden Memes 4.1 Biden's Super Smash Brothers Moveset 4.2 Biden as an Anime Character 4.3 AI-Generated Biden Memes
  5. The Dark Brandon Meme
  6. Creepy Biden Moments
  7. Other Memes Surrounding Biden 7.1 Biden's Unusual Actions 7.2 Biden's Testing of Strength 7.3 Biden's PR Team 7.4 The Obama Soda and Fortnite Memes
  8. Conclusion

The Rise of Presidential Memes

Presidential memes have become a prominent part of internet culture, allowing people to share their opinions and humorously criticize political figures. In recent years, Joe Biden has become a popular target for meme enthusiasts. From his awkward encounters to his occasional gaffes, Biden's moments have provided endless material for meme Creators. This article explores the evolution of presidential memes, highlighting the amusing and sometimes terrifying memes related to Joe Biden.

The Memes of the Trump Era

During the tenure of Donald Trump, memes emerged as a powerful tool for both supporters and critics of the former president. Trump's distinctive personality and controversial statements made him an easy target for meme creators. However, as time went on, the constant barrage of Trump memes started to become repetitive and lose their comedic impact.

The Hilarious Biden Memes

With Joe Biden taking office as the 46th President of the United States, a new Wave of memes has flooded the internet. Biden's occasional slips of the tongue and awkward encounters provide fodder for meme creators worldwide. His unpredictable nature and sometimes questionable actions have turned him into a meme-worthy character.

Biden's Super Smash Brothers Moveset

One of the popular themes in Biden memes revolves around imagining him as a character in the popular video game, Super Smash Brothers. Memes depict Biden with an array of special moves, such as the "Biden Blast" or the "Biden Bolt," giving him extraordinary powers that surpass even Sonic the Hedgehog.

Biden as an Anime Character

Another trend in Biden memes is transforming him into an anime character. With the help of photo editing software, meme creators have turned Biden into familiar anime icons like Dragon Ball Z or Naruto. These memes often depict Biden performing epic anime moves, such as the Rasengan or Kamehameha, adding a humorous and fantastical element to his persona.

AI-Generated Biden Memes

The recent advancements in technology have allowed for the creation of AI-generated memes, and Joe Biden has become a popular subject. AI algorithms can produce both hilarious and terrifying images of Biden. Some of the AI-generated memes have transformed him into grotesque and exaggerated versions of himself.

The Dark Brandon Meme

Among the memes surrounding Biden, the "Dark Brandon" meme holds a special place. This meme imagines an evil alter ego for Biden, complete with menacing powers and a dark personality. Although often used by conservatives to mock Biden, this meme showcases the more daring and unconventional side of his character.

Creepy Biden Moments

Biden has been captured on video in several uncomfortable and sometimes creepy situations. Whether it's sniffing people's hair or invading their personal space, these moments have become memes that highlight Biden's unorthodox behavior. While some find these instances humorous, others find them concerning and inappropriate for a political figure.

Other Memes Surrounding Biden

In addition to the more notorious memes, there are other humorous moments surrounding Biden. Some memes focus on his unusual actions, such as his inability to navigate a stage or his tendency to Backtrack. There are also memes that highlight his testing of physical strength, often incorporating exaggerated images of Biden lifting weights or engaging in physically demanding activities.

Biden's PR Team

Biden's PR team, which includes a contingent of younger individuals familiar with internet culture, has also contributed to the creation of memes. These individuals inject humor and pop culture references into Biden's public appearances, making them more relatable to a younger audience.

The Obama Soda and Fortnite Memes

Lastly, there are memes that imagine Biden in absurd and comical scenarios, such as drinking an "Obama Soda" or celebrating a victory in the popular video game Fortnite. These memes often take a light-hearted approach, offering a break from the more serious political discussions and allowing people to engage with Biden's image in a playful manner.


The era of presidential memes continues to evolve, with Joe Biden providing a fresh source of comedic material. From his quirks and gaffes to his presence on social media, Biden's memes capture the public's Attention and stimulate discussions. Whether You find them amusing or disconcerting, these memes underscore the significant role of humor in contemporary political discourse. As the internet continues to Shape public Perception, we can expect the continuation of this meme culture surrounding political figures for years to come.


  1. The rise of presidential memes as a means of political commentary and humor.
  2. Joe Biden's meme-worthy moments and their popularity on the internet.
  3. Biden's portrayal in memes as a Super Smash Brothers character and anime icon.
  4. The emergence of AI-generated Biden memes and their sometimes terrifying nature.
  5. The Dark Brandon meme, highlighting a darker and more daring side of Biden's character.
  6. Creepy Biden moments and their impact on meme creation.
  7. Other humorous memes surrounding Biden, including his unusual actions and physical strength.
  8. The contribution of Biden's PR team and their influence on meme creation.
  9. Memes that imagine Biden in comical and absurd scenarios, offering a light-hearted approach.
  10. The continued evolution of presidential memes and their role in contemporary political discourse.


Q: Why are presidential memes so popular? A: Presidential memes allow people to express their opinions and engage with political figures in a humorous manner. They provide a way to criticize or satirize politicians while also entertaining the audience.

Q: How do AI-generated memes work? A: AI algorithms analyze existing images and generate new ones based on patterns and data. In the case of Biden memes, AI can create both funny and grotesque images by distorting and exaggerating his features.

Q: Are Biden's creepy moments a cause for concern? A: Biden's creepy moments have sparked debates and concerns about his behavior. While some find them harmless, others view them as inappropriate and raise questions about his suitability for public office.

Q: What is the significance of Biden's PR team in meme creation? A: Biden's PR team, comprised of individuals familiar with internet culture, inject humor and pop culture references into his public appearances. This helps to make his image more relatable and appealing to a younger audience.

Q: What is the future of presidential memes? A: As long as there are political figures and internet culture, presidential memes are likely to continue evolving. They provide a way to engage with politics in a lighthearted manner and foster discussions among a wide range of audiences.

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