Hilarious Interview with President Obama

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Hilarious Interview with President Obama

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background of Between Two Ferns
  3. Interview with Barack Obama 3.1 Pardoning the Turkey 3.2 Foreign Affairs 3.3 Being the Last Black President 3.4 Hangover Movies 3.5 Presidential Library Location 3.6 Same-sex Divorce and Football 3.7 Websites Visited by President Obama
  4. Affordable Care Act 4.1 President Obama's Plug 4.2 Healthcare.gov 4.3 Coverage for Young Americans 4.4 Signing Up 4.5 Insurers and Pre-existing Conditions 4.6 Conclusion
  5. Conclusion


Between Two Ferns is a comedic Show hosted by Zach Galifianakis known for its uncomfortable yet hilarious interviews with celebrities and public figures. In one episode, Galifianakis had the pleasure of interviewing former President Barack Obama. This article will Delve into the highlights of the interview, exploring the amusing and thought-provoking questions posed by Galifianakis, as well as President Obama's responses. From turkeys to foreign affairs, and even a plug for the Affordable Care Act, this interview provided both entertainment and Insight into Obama's presidency.

Interview with Barack Obama

3.1 Pardoning the Turkey

In one of the more light-hearted moments of the interview, Galifianakis questioned President Obama about the tradition of pardoning a turkey. He asked if Obama had any plans for pardoning a turkey in 2014, to which Obama responded that it was highly likely. This quirky tradition led to a discussion about the fate of the pardoned turkey and its impact on Thanksgiving dinner.

3.2 Foreign Affairs

Galifianakis continued his unconventional line of questioning by asking if Obama sent celebrities like Dennis Rodman and Hulk Hogan as ambassadors to North Korea and Syria. Obama clarified that these celebrities were not official ambassadors but jokingly suggested that perhaps they could be useful in such roles.

3.3 Being the Last Black President

Taking a more serious turn, Galifianakis asked Obama about his experience as the first black president and what it felt like to be the last black president. While acknowledging the significance of his presidency, Obama emphasized that it was important to focus on the work that still needed to be done in terms of racial equality.

3.4 Hangover Movies

Drawing on Galifianakis' own successful movie career, he pointed out that Bradley Cooper had played a significant role in the "Hangover" movies. Galifianakis playfully suggested that Cooper carried the movies, prompting Obama to praise Bradley Cooper's talent and success in Hollywood.

3.5 Presidential Library Location

In a lighthearted yet controversial question, Galifianakis asked Obama where he planned on building his Presidential Library, jokingly suggesting Hawaii or Kenya as potential locations. Obama clarified that the selection of the library's location was a serious matter and not tied to his heritage.

3.6 Same-sex Divorce and Football

Galifianakis took a comedic jab by suggesting that if he were president, he would make same-sex divorce illegal to test the commitment of those who fought for marriage equality. Obama, with a good-natured smile, responded that such a policy was not necessary and highlighted the importance of equal rights and acceptance.

3.7 Websites Visited by President Obama

Galifianakis poked fun at Obama's internet usage by asking if he mainly visited websites that ended in ".gov" or if he ventured into the world of ".com" and ".net" domains. Obama responded with humor, mentioning healthcare.gov and emphasizing the need for young Americans to sign up for affordable health care.

Affordable Care Act

4.1 President Obama's Plug

During the interview, President Obama took the opportunity to promote the Affordable Care Act (ACA), highlighting the importance of accessible healthcare for all Americans. He Mentioned that millions had already gained health insurance through the ACA and emphasized the affordability and benefits of signing up.

4.2 Healthcare.gov

Galifianakis humorously questioned the functionality of healthcare.gov, referencing its initial issues. Obama defended the Website, emphasizing that it has improved and encouraged individuals to explore their healthcare options through it.

4.3 Coverage for Young Americans

President Obama addressed the common Perception among young Americans that they are invincible and do not need health insurance. He stressed the significance of obtaining coverage, explaining that it can make a substantial difference in case of unexpected health issues or accidents.

4.4 Signing Up

To address the concern of those without internet access, Obama offered alternative methods of signing up for healthcare, such as in-person enrollment or calling a designated number. He outlined the March 31st deadline for sign-ups and emphasized the critical support the ACA provides for those with pre-existing conditions.

4.5 Insurers and Pre-existing Conditions

Galifianakis, ever the comedian, addressed a spider bite on Obama's HAND, highlighting the importance of having health insurance to cover such unexpected situations. Obama urged individuals to get on healthcare.gov to ensure coverage for both routine medical needs and unpredictable occurrences.

4.6 Conclusion

In conclusion, this interview between Zach Galifianakis and President Barack Obama showcased both comedic banter and serious conversations about important issues. From humorous questions about turkeys and hangover movies to discussions about foreign affairs and the Affordable Care Act, the interview provided a unique perspective on the presidency and the initiatives undertaken by the Obama administration. While the interview was filled with humor, it also shed light on the significance of accessible healthcare and the ongoing effort for equality.

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